Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
Wasn't quite like that was it ?

They eventually became Christians, but not before persecuting Christians for a very long time and having reached a point - just as our present day enemies have - where they thought they'd destroyed it and replaced it with their own low practises.

We can observe that Christian societies thrive , and we can observe our own society withering on the vine as its faith and purpose dwindles . The stem is stronger than you think though and it will recover

Well, if you are Wales-Bales you have played a blinder there with your Janet and John defence of globalist religion.

Just to play along for a while - the Romans persecuted lots of different people and beliefs (as well as tolerating them at other times) including Christianity before they adopted it and imposed it on everyone within their empire.

Who are our 'present day enemies' and what are their 'low practices'? Does 'our' relate to UK Christians, or to the mix of people who inhabit this messageboard (including the aetheists and Jedis)?

'We can observe' is an interesting phrase. I have observed many Christian societies (today as well as through history) that are insular, bigoted and oppressive. Others maybe not. But are you claiming that our society (UK, Europe, the West or however you define 'our society') is withering (I totally disagree with that opinion) because fewer than half of us hold supernatural beliefs and are card-carrying members of the (often wealthy, powerful and insidious) institutions that claim to champion those views?

You're not Truthpaste are you?