Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
It's not a debate but a discussion. I'm sure it's not wasted as long as it evokes thought.
Here's a thought though - is it possible that both fairies and Ancient Greek idols did or do in fact exist, but are some other lesser spiritual beings ?
Both are explainable within both the Christian and Moslem religions in fact.

Your point is taken about the invisible pineapple theory though. ( if I say you've got an invisible pineapple which floats a few feet above your head and moves out of the way of any physical contact, you can't actually disprove that).

Nonetheless , the study of religion is a lot more complex and logical than most people today understand , and the fact that you obviously have a good mind and a good nature leads me to suspect that you'd find it interesting and productive if you maintained an open mind - it's not as daft as you may have been led to believe.
Thank you. And I would extend the same invitation towards Humanism which encourages us to develop our own views and understanding of the world and live our lives in the here and now.