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Thread: Are fans losing faith in Neil Warnock?

  1. #26

    Re: Are fans losing faith in Neil Warnock?

    Its the tactics and set up of the team.

    Our players must have the skill and fitness to be pros. I imagine most of the team would relish the challenge of un-hoof-ball.

    As we have only had one outing this season, I'll ask the question, would we have performed better last season, same squad with a modern manager?

  2. #27

    Re: Are fans losing faith in Neil Warnock?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    I think Warnock did a marvellous job in many ways and was the perfect antidote to the rebrand toxicity. However, I do think we need to kick on with a more modern manager who plays a type of football that could survive longer term than one season in the top flight should we reach those heights again.
    Totally agree.
    The time for change was at the end of last season. Makes little sense that we could benefit from one more season and even less sense to have Warnock heading the team to appoint his successor.
    The transition to more modern football will take time and probably mean changing a number of players.
    This season will simply be another year lost.

  3. #28

    Re: Are fans losing faith in Neil Warnock?

    There were posts when last season ended regarding his future. Some advocated for a change in manager and were also understanding if the board agreed to give him another crack at promotion.

    I was part of that section of posters who advocated for Warnock to be replaced. The main reasons behind this was that the spine of the squad required investment and that was before the sale of Manga and Zohore. Why entrust transfer expenditure to a manager who is likely to only be there for a maximum of one season? And since then he's gone on record to suggest this will be his final roll of the dice.

    That's what convinced me that it was time to either part ways or transition Neil into another senior role at the club. I appreciate everything he had done up to that point, you honestly cannot commend his achievements enough from taking Cardiff from 23rd to 2nd in 18 months. But following relegation and with the fact that central midfield required an overhaul, I felt it would be best to move on, rather than giving him the opportunity to sign players on 3-4 year contracts for some other manager to inherit months or one year down the line.

    Now I'm not reacting to this defeat to Wigan and allowing that to sway my opinion. My statements above echo the statements I made in May and June. And they've since been amplified with the loss of Manga and Zohore as that has put further emphasis on the entire spine of the squad requiring new faces. This transfer window failed to deliver on that with just over 24 hours to go, it seems unlikely that there will be any further activity with regards to the key area that needed addressing come the end of the away win at Old Trafford, Cardiff need to strengthen in central midfield and have only recruited Vaulks so far.

    I am hopeful that the remaining time in this window gives some positive news. But at this stage its been an underwhelming window, that has failed to raise optimism regarding mounting a serious promotion campaign this season. Wasn't that the whole reason why Warnock stayed on in the first place?

  4. #29

    Re: Are fans losing faith in Neil Warnock?

    Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post
    I just don’t get this “Warnock player” line that gets thrown out there.
    None of our keepers can kick, none of our centre backs can play, Peltier is old school, none of our midfielders are all that on the ball and our strikers don't really score. So that.

  5. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Are fans losing faith in Neil Warnock?

    Quote Originally Posted by cardiff55 View Post
    He's not the Messiah.....etc etc
    he does glow a bit though, albeit a orange type of glow ,his teeth are very glowy as well , halo , perhaps he is the new messiah

  6. #31

    Re: Are fans losing faith in Neil Warnock?

    I do like Warnock as a bloke but agree with a lot of what has been said previously.

    His squads seemingly do know primarily to play one way and would need an overhaul.
    He has little to no faith in youth here which is frustrating. Maybe it is an indication of what we are producing (or not) too.

    Warnock seems great when creating the siege mentality at a club and playing the 'world against us' card at the off with average players and getting that much more from them and fostering a team spirit.

    As has been touched on once he has that initial success and is given some money then it all seems to flatten out, the spirit is affected and the results drop off with him ultimately walking or being shown the door.

    I believe we are hitting the latter part of that with City now. We had a great chance of going up if we recruited well but I'm not sure we have.
    Flint for Manga for me has weakened us defensively and the safety net of Manga's pace has been taken away. The similarities of Morrison and Flint have also been discussed in depth. The midfield has been weakened too. A slightly weakened midfield would have held its own but to lose so many quality players and replace them with Vaulks and leave him on the bench (at least at Wigan. If he was fit why not start him?)is criminal.
    Up front I believe we are slightly stronger in that I feel Glatzel will offer more than Zohore but we have a lot of strikers just kicking their heels who don't really compliment the first team too much.

    In short I think that working with existing squads and tinkering early on with freebies has worked for him both here and elsewhere but once he has seen the initial backs to the wall period subside he struggles and has done at clubs before this.
    I am much the same as the original poster as I didn't expect us to be world beaters under Warnock, more the hard working team who played long ball and were tight at the back. In many ways we still are Wigan last Saturday aside.
    I just think he has taken us as far as he can here and if anything stands out for me about Warnock's time here is that he failed time and again to sort out gaping holes in the squad and failed to make signings in the areas where they were really needed. It is happening currently with the midfield. We seem all too happy to make signings elsewhere while wedging square pegs into round holes.

    If the club are not planning for time after Warnock, given what he has said about it being his final season, then they bloody well should be.
    My big worry with a new guy coming in is his relationship with Emperor Tan and his henchmen. One thing Neil seems to do very well is manage Vincent and his expectations/outbursts/needs very well.

  7. #32

    Re: Are fans losing faith in Neil Warnock?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pedro de la Rosa View Post
    None of our keepers can kick, none of our centre backs can play, Peltier is old school, none of our midfielders are all that on the ball and our strikers don't really score. So that.
    Nail on the head.

    The keepers not being able to kick along with the centre backs and midfield being unable to play and still getting game time is that they are playing the Warnock way.
    The fact that are playing in the team under Warnock is because we play in the style he asks us them and picks/signs players to suit.

    If we tried to play a quicker, possession based, passing game then more than a few would be exposed in a big way.

  8. #33

    Re: Are fans losing faith in Neil Warnock?

    Quote Originally Posted by blue lewj View Post
    Nail on the head.

    The keepers not being able to kick along with the centre backs and midfield being unable to play and still getting game time is that they are playing the Warnock way.
    The fact that are playing in the team under Warnock is because we play in the style he asks us them and picks/signs players to suit.

    If we tried to play a quicker, possession based, passing game then more than a few would be exposed in a big way.
    Cant remember the last time our keepers were any good at kicking . What were the stats for passes long balls etc against Wigan.

  9. #34

    Re: Are fans losing faith in Neil Warnock?

    Quote Originally Posted by SuisseBluebird View Post
    There were posts when last season ended regarding his future. Some advocated for a change in manager and were also understanding if the board agreed to give him another crack at promotion.

    I was part of that section of posters who advocated for Warnock to be replaced. The main reasons behind this was that the spine of the squad required investment and that was before the sale of Manga and Zohore. Why entrust transfer expenditure to a manager who is likely to only be there for a maximum of one season? And since then he's gone on record to suggest this will be his final roll of the dice.

    That's what convinced me that it was time to either part ways or transition Neil into another senior role at the club. I appreciate everything he had done up to that point, you honestly cannot commend his achievements enough from taking Cardiff from 23rd to 2nd in 18 months. But following relegation and with the fact that central midfield required an overhaul, I felt it would be best to move on, rather than giving him the opportunity to sign players on 3-4 year contracts for some other manager to inherit months or one year down the line.

    Now I'm not reacting to this defeat to Wigan and allowing that to sway my opinion. My statements above echo the statements I made in May and June. And they've since been amplified with the loss of Manga and Zohore as that has put further emphasis on the entire spine of the squad requiring new faces. This transfer window failed to deliver on that with just over 24 hours to go, it seems unlikely that there will be any further activity with regards to the key area that needed addressing come the end of the away win at Old Trafford, Cardiff need to strengthen in central midfield and have only recruited Vaulks so far.

    I am hopeful that the remaining time in this window gives some positive news. But at this stage its been an underwhelming window, that has failed to raise optimism regarding mounting a serious promotion campaign this season. Wasn't that the whole reason why Warnock stayed on in the first place?
    Good post. I was another who was saying that the end of last season seemed like the right type to have a change of manager and I'm pretty sure we weren't the only ones.

    Warnock, surely, earned himself a full season to try to crack it in the Premier League with promotion in 17/18?

    The transfer window does threaten to be completely underwhelming, but is that just down to the manager? Barring the sort of spending tomorrow I think we should be seeing from a club in our sort of position (and I don't mean huge amounts), it seems to me that we've gone at things kind of half arsed - certainly not "having a right go at it" like Mehmet Dalman I think it was said earlier in the summer.

    I've also seen a line of thought which says that the money men have not been willing to give Warnock a lot to spend because of his not very good record at Cardiff when it comes to playing large fees for players, but why let him stay if that was the case?

  10. #35

    Re: Are fans losing faith in Neil Warnock?

    Well, perhaps they think he's quite good at managing the team and getting the best out of them.

  11. #36

    Re: Are fans losing faith in Neil Warnock?

    My posting this thread has nothing to do with losing the first game of the season. I'm sure few if any are basing their feelings on that. I wanted Neil gone at the end of last season. It would have given the new guy a chance to spend some money and bring his own players in. As Neil is still here he will have my full support and I still hope he can get us promotion. The underwhelming transfer window and failure to address weaknesses everyone else can see is bizarre, concerning and does not reflect well on the manager though.

  12. #37

    Re: Are fans losing faith in Neil Warnock?

    Quote Originally Posted by simonp_ccfc View Post
    The underwhelming transfer window and failure to address weaknesses everyone else can see is bizarre, concerning and does not reflect well on the manager though.
    As I've said before, I'll give him until Thursday but if we sell Damour and don't even replace him, we'll be going into a new season with 3 centre mids and currently 5 strikers when we often play 3 in the middle and 1 up front.

  13. #38

    Re: Are fans losing faith in Neil Warnock?

    To answer the original question, Warnock seems to me be an “impact” manager who does well for a time, but leaves no lasting legacy, as demonstrated by his unwillingness to play our younger players and his reliance on an old fashioned “oop and at ‘em” style of play.
    Additionally, the club does seem a bit muddled at the moment; it can’t have helped with Mehmet being involved in takeover talks of his own re: Charlton.
    The recruitment this window seems to have one eye on the future with some of the players brought in to the club.
    I’m wondering if maybe Bamba is being lined up to take over from Warnock at some point during the season.
    In terms of transfer spend: is the club keeping money aside in case they end up being liable for the Sala transfer? It’s gone very quiet in that front.
    Personally, I can’t see us being in the mix for promotion based on squad strength and style of play.

  14. #39

    Re: Are fans losing faith in Neil Warnock?

    The people on this board who continuously slag off one of the best managers we have ever had are embarrassing themselves and the club generally. Luckily they are considerably in the minority and not representative of the people who go to the stadium regularly.

    He has picked this club up by its bootstraps, given it back its passion and pride and re-engaged the fans. Where exactly were we when he arrived three years ago ? - going nowhere but down to League One, thats where, under Slade and then Trollope. Our squad is much better now than it was two years ago but all you lot can do is moan that we haven't spent enough and are weak in midfield, even though we have Ralls, Vaulks, Bacuna, Paterson, Reid, Hoilett, Whyte, Tomlin, Nelson, Bamba and Murphy who do or can play there. The anti Warnock brigade have all been made to look particularly stupid in the last three years by what has been achieved, so now, after one defeat, when four of our main players were missing anyway, the ‘bandwagon’ has been rolled out again and mock indignation at our ‘useless manager’ reigns supreme on here. Its all getting very boring now.

  15. #40

    Re: Are fans losing faith in Neil Warnock?

    Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post
    But he signed them, that’s all I was really getting at.

    This “neil Warnock player” line gets thrown around and it’s just lazy.
    I don’t think it’s lazy he’s just been in the game a long time and people know what they are going to get from a Neil Warnock team. Fans, managers, ex pros, pundits.etc

    I think it’s fairly obvious he values hard work above anything else, that’s not necessarily a negative for him, it’s brought him success.

    He likes to play with wingers and thats as skillfull as it’s going to get. He doesn’t play with a number 10 yet signed 2...and then doesn’t play them (Reid and Tomlin) so obviously questions are going to be asked why sign them in the first place when we don’t play a system that gets the best out of a number 10.

    Even with Camarasa he signed him and played him out wide to start!!

    Ironically the only time a number 10 (of sorts) has worked for him in his time at City is Callum Patterson and he was signed as a right back!!!

  16. #41

    Re: Are fans losing faith in Neil Warnock?

    Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
    The people on this board who continuously slag off one of the best managers we have ever had are embarrassing themselves and the club generally. Luckily they are considerably in the minority and not representative of the people who go to the stadium regularly.

    He has picked this club up by its bootstraps, given it back its passion and pride and re-engaged the fans. Where exactly were we when he arrived three years ago ? - going nowhere but down to League One, thats where, under Slade and then Trollope. Our squad is much better now than it was two years ago but all you lot can do is moan that we haven't spent enough and are weak in midfield, even though we have Ralls, Vaulks, Bacuna, Paterson, Reid, Hoilett, Whyte, Tomlin, Nelson, Bamba and Murphy who do or can play there. The anti Warnock brigade have all been made to look particularly stupid in the last three years by what has been achieved, so now, after one defeat, when four of our main players were missing anyway, the ‘bandwagon’ has been rolled out again and mock indignation at our ‘useless manager’ reigns supreme on here. Its all getting very boring now.
    Murphy, Hoilett or Whyte in central midfield??? WTF?!?

  17. #42

    Re: Are fans losing faith in Neil Warnock?

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Good post. I was another who was saying that the end of last season seemed like the right type to have a change of manager and I'm pretty sure we weren't the only ones.

    Warnock, surely, earned himself a full season to try to crack it in the Premier League with promotion in 17/18?

    The transfer window does threaten to be completely underwhelming, but is that just down to the manager? Barring the sort of spending tomorrow I think we should be seeing from a club in our sort of position (and I don't mean huge amounts), it seems to me that we've gone at things kind of half arsed - certainly not "having a right go at it" like Mehmet Dalman I think it was said earlier in the summer.

    I've also seen a line of thought which says that the money men have not been willing to give Warnock a lot to spend because of his not very good record at Cardiff when it comes to playing large fees for players, but why let him stay if that was the case?
    Then again, Dalman, Choo et al aren't exactly brimming with 'football knowledge'. What always irks me about managers - including Warnock - is they would rather bring in 3 players who aren't really going to go straight into the side, when for 3 times the transfer fee and wages they probably would get one who would..

  18. #43

    Re: Are fans losing faith in Neil Warnock?

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    Murphy, Hoilett or Whyte in central midfield??? WTF?!?
    He's also added Paterson and Bamba, so he may as well go the full hog and add Etheridge and Ronnie Jepson!

  19. #44

    Re: Are fans losing faith in Neil Warnock?

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Then again, Dalman, Choo et al aren't exactly brimming with 'football knowledge'. What always irks me about managers - including Warnock - is they would rather bring in 3 players who aren't really going to go straight into the side, when for 3 times the transfer fee and wages they probably would get one who would..
    He said last summer we won’t be bringing in anyone for the sake of it, they had to be better than we already had and for 3 transfer windows that’s exactly what we’ve done. Brought in players who can’t get in the team.

    Dalman likes to talk the talk but hes certainly not walking the walk.

    It’s so underwhelming.

  20. #45

    Re: Are fans losing faith in Neil Warnock?

    Quote Originally Posted by thehumblegringo View Post
    He's also added Paterson and Bamba, so he may as well go the full hog and add Etheridge and Ronnie Jepson!
    Might as well add Greg Cunningham to the list. Another player who can’t get a game. Maybe he can play midfield?

  21. #46

    Re: Are fans losing faith in Neil Warnock?

    When he leaves I'll bet his phone won't stop ringing with championship clubs trying to talk him out of retirement.What will it be like if we lose 2 games in a row.

  22. #47

    Re: Are fans losing faith in Neil Warnock?

    Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
    The people on this board who continuously slag off one of the best managers we have ever had are embarrassing themselves and the club generally. Luckily they are considerably in the minority and not representative of the people who go to the stadium regularly.
    I'm not slagging him off. He has done well, and now his time with us has come to it's own natural conclusion. He's good at turning around failing clubs, but he's not your guy for coming up with development plans that cover the next 3 to 5 years, and beyond.

  23. #48

    Re: Are fans losing faith in Neil Warnock?

    This may have been said before but I think Warnock's "reputation" or more accurately "Warnock-ball" frightens individual players from coming to the club and other better class clubs from loaning out players to us.

    Agree with others that Warnock stating that he had no desire to manage again in the Premier League should have been the green light for a club with any great ambition to immediately start looking for someone to replace him.

  24. #49

    Re: Are fans losing faith in Neil Warnock?

    Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
    The people on this board who continuously slag off one of the best managers we have ever had are embarrassing themselves and the club generally. Luckily they are considerably in the minority and not representative of the people who go to the stadium regularly.

    He has picked this club up by its bootstraps, given it back its passion and pride and re-engaged the fans. Where exactly were we when he arrived three years ago ? - going nowhere but down to League One, thats where, under Slade and then Trollope. Our squad is much better now than it was two years ago but all you lot can do is moan that we haven't spent enough and are weak in midfield, even though we have Ralls, Vaulks, Bacuna, Paterson, Reid, Hoilett, Whyte, Tomlin, Nelson, Bamba and Murphy who do or can play there. The anti Warnock brigade have all been made to look particularly stupid in the last three years by what has been achieved, so now, after one defeat, when four of our main players were missing anyway, the ‘bandwagon’ has been rolled out again and mock indignation at our ‘useless manager’ reigns supreme on here. Its all getting very boring now.
    Josh Murphy in centre mid? I think I'd rather we played Brian there for crying out loud. I'm a Warnock fan and even I am extremely concerned as to what's gone on this summer. Don't you think it's a bit early to be planning to put square pegs in round holes? If we had an injury crisis, fine but we have the money and we're spending it on more strikers! Warnock has done a very good job in his time here but that doesn't excuse him from criticism.

  25. #50

    Re: Are fans losing faith in Neil Warnock?

    Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
    The people on this board who continuously slag off one of the best managers we have ever had are embarrassing themselves and the club generally. Luckily they are considerably in the minority and not representative of the people who go to the stadium regularly.

    He has picked this club up by its bootstraps, given it back its passion and pride and re-engaged the fans. Where exactly were we when he arrived three years ago ? - going nowhere but down to League One, thats where, under Slade and then Trollope. Our squad is much better now than it was two years ago but all you lot can do is moan that we haven't spent enough and are weak in midfield, even though we have Ralls, Vaulks, Bacuna, Paterson, Reid, Hoilett, Whyte, Tomlin, Nelson, Bamba and Murphy who do or can play there. The anti Warnock brigade have all been made to look particularly stupid in the last three years by what has been achieved, so now, after one defeat, when four of our main players were missing anyway, the ‘bandwagon’ has been rolled out again and mock indignation at our ‘useless manager’ reigns supreme on here. Its all getting very boring now.
    No one is slagging him off. In fact the support Warnock receives is overwhelming on here. We all want to see him succeed but a lot of us are rightly concerned. Especially with the bizarre transfer window which is defying common sense and reflecting very poorly on the people in charge. And your player list of 'midfielders' is laughable. Only Vaulks, Bacuna and Ralls are midfielders. That's one of the problems!

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