Opened this thread thinking it was going to be about Fulham, who in my eyes are tediously boring.

Yes, “OUR NEIL” picked a defensively looking team, but with the injuries and new players we have, i for one don’t blame him.

322 sideways passes, 15 back passes to the goalkeeper (that’s in the first half), boring, boring boring

Even if we don’t end up with the players blending together, “OUR NEIL”, has given us two and a half great seasons and any FAN who agrees with the OP thread, should look in the mirror and ask “what do I really want at my football club”

We’re treading water, yes, but we haven’t spent half of what boring Fulham have.

We all wanna see free, fast flowing football, but it ain’t going to happen with “OUR NEIL”, I know that, you know that, every f ucker knows that, SO WHY MOAN ABOUT IT, when it don’t happen ?????

Long live Cardiff City, lets hope we never become another Bury !!!