Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post
Fulham were boring and slow.

I know people like gringo praise it, and to an extent I do as well but they were way too slow. It’s not the fact they passed it a lot, I get why they were doing it but there’s got to be a bit more zip about them.

As for Cardiff I agree with the way we set up last night, I’d call it clever rather than negative. We held our shape and made it difficult for them, if we’d have tried to play more they would have ripped us apart.
We looked more of a threat than them with the little of the ball we had as well.
Action areas in the first half were something like Fulham final third 33% city final third 15%. Probably not spot on but not far off.
If we could have played our passes a little quicker and got crosses into the box (whyte wasn’t completely ineffective like OP says,he had a good go, but he needs to get a cross in he looks scared to do so) we might have hurt them more when we did attack, but we seemed to hold and hold until we got tackled rather than releasing the ball.
Sorry, but I'd call the way we set up negative.

I thought Fulham were a bit of a hotch potch with their slow passing style completely the wrong way to go when using two wingers - Parker obviously wants to make them more solid, but I dread to think what will happen to them if Mitrovic gets injured because it's hard to see where the goals would come from.