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Thread: Climate Change

  1. #101

    Re: Climate Change

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    In my humble opinion, anyone that’s old enough to work and pay tax should have the right to vote.
    So in the UK, that would include 16 yr olds and upward.
    A lot of posters on this MB seem to hunt in packs.
    The latest group to get attacked appear to be the older generation. Especially after the brexit vote.
    The majority of older folk do listen to the younger generation. We are all at different stages in life, and opinions and outlooks will differ accordingly.
    I do feel we are turning into a “want to blame somebody” society.
    I agree that we are in a blame someone else society, largely brought about by lawyers waiting to sue the arse off anyone who is in the slightest bit negligent, hence health and safety legislation etc is ridiculously strict.

  2. #102

    Re: Climate Change

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    Are you assuming my gender ????��
    Nobody would do that Big Willy.

  3. #103

    Re: Climate Change

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Nobody would do that Big Willy.
    Good. Coz I’m undecided yet 😁😁

  4. #104
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Climate Change

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    He doesn't even know when he is being a hypocrite I don't think.

    From a piece he wrote quite recently defending spiked recieving a shed load of money from the Koch brothers:

    "One of the most regrettable features of public life today is the crisis of good faith. The refusal to accept that people say the things they say because they really believe them, and the hunt, instead, for the real reason people hold and express certain beliefs. Who put them up to it? Who are they a front for? What’s the hidden agenda?"

    "What is the story – the true, dark, shadowy story – behind their points of view and their political activity?"

    He can wrap his critique of Greta up in faux sympathy but it is, in essence, the same tactic.
    Well at least your opinion is on him and not me so thanks for that.

    Quote Originally Posted by rudy gestede View Post
    Brendan O’Neil ffs who next Ben Shapiro?! Katie Hopkins?

    Why are some people so easy to lead in a certain way?
    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    I just cannot believe someone would seriously use Brendan O'Neil and Spiked as a serious way of backing up a point.

    It's also strange how people who were tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists 4 years ago are now all ardent readers of things like spiked and brietbart. People who were easily led down one garden path have just as easily been coerced into this shite.
    As for you two Bringing Katie Hopkins in to it like I'm a fan of hers and suggesting I'm an ardent reader of brietbart based on one link is a very dishonest way to conduct yourselves but that's the kind of behavior I've come to expect on here, you crack on if it makes you feel better about yourselves..and it clearly does.

  5. #105

    Re: Climate Change

    Brendad O'Neil is a hack, if you're backing up your arguments with him don't be expected to be taken seriously.

  6. #106

    Re: Climate Change

    Quote Originally Posted by Whisperer View Post
    Lol... I bet your the smartest person you've ever met.
    Isn’t this ironic?............Don’t you think?

  7. #107

  8. #108

  9. #109

    Re: Climate Change

    I’m a middle age man who has a comfortable lifestyle, and like most human beings I’ve contributed in my own small way to the problems we now face.
    I admire the fact that a young girl like Greta is standing up for her beliefs, and I wish her well.
    The only part of her speech I didn’t quite feel comfortable with, was the “how dare you steal my dreams and my future” bit.
    There are millions of kids from all over the world who’ve literally had their dreams and futures stolen from them by needless conflicts, paedophillia and murderers, and it’s still happening. Nobody has ever stepped up to be a voice for them.
    Greta will still have her whole life in front of her.
    As I said, I admire her and her determination, but everytime someone tries to voice a positive or peacefull message on the world stage, their appears to be a minority who want to shoot them down. Sometimes literally when you look back in history. The fact that she’s so young and a female makes it even more disgusting.

  10. #110

    Re: Climate Change

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    I’m a middle age man who has a comfortable lifestyle, and like most human beings I’ve contributed in my own small way to the problems we now face.
    I admire the fact that a young girl like Greta is standing up for her beliefs, and I wish her well.
    The only part of her speech I didn’t quite feel comfortable with, was the “how dare you steal my dreams and my future” bit.
    There are millions of kids from all over the world who’ve literally had their dreams and futures stolen from them by needless conflicts, paedophillia and murderers, and it’s still happening. Nobody has ever stepped up to be a voice for them.
    Greta will still have her whole life in front of her.
    As I said, I admire her and her determination, but everytime someone tries to voice a positive or peacefull message on the world stage, their appears to be a minority who want to shoot them down. Sometimes literally when you look back in history. The fact that she’s so young and a female makes it even more disgusting.
    She's a fraud. A 16yr old girl who has time to arrange a sailing trip round the world, organise 'strikes', prepare legal cases against 5 major countries, presumably as well as go to school, do homework etc.
    I'm all for looking after the planet but maybe she should arrange the 'strikes' for Saturdays and see how many kids turn up..

  11. #111

    Re: Climate Change

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    She's a fraud. A 16yr old girl who has time to arrange a sailing trip round the world, organise 'strikes', prepare legal cases against 5 major countries, presumably as well as go to school, do homework etc.
    I'm all for looking after the planet but maybe she should arrange the 'strikes' for Saturdays and see how many kids turn up..
    Yeah, you tell her mate. Put her back in her place.

  12. #112

    Re: Climate Change

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    She's a fraud. A 16yr old girl who has time to arrange a sailing trip round the world, organise 'strikes', prepare legal cases against 5 major countries, presumably as well as go to school, do homework etc.
    I'm all for looking after the planet but maybe she should arrange the 'strikes' for Saturdays and see how many kids turn up..
    How would it be striking then?

  13. #113

    Re: Climate Change

    I think Frankie Boyle has put it best:

    He said there are reasons to criticise her:

    For example, the fact that you’re a big stupid man-baby, tricked by an algorithm into taking your opinions from corporate power.
    Never in their wildest dreams could elites have imagined they would have a shill like you. They thought they’d have to pay for people like you. Here you are, on your own time, fighting for corporate interests, against the literal survival of your own species. Because you fell down a YouTube hole. Because you grew up in a stupid post colonial society that encouraged your delusions of superiority. When you eventually burst into flames, or are torn to pieces by dogs in an abandoned ASDA, you can take comfort in the fact that at least you redefined the word “moron”, just when we thought we’d seen it all.
    Those algorithms are why the same people who were getting news about 9/11 being fake and Soros organising protests are now the ones who think climate change isn’t real. Open your eyes, you’re being used as useful idiots.

    For all the good the Internet has done making people who have zero understanding of a topic think they’re experts is the worst. The same people who thought you could cancer from a wifi electricity meter and a WiFi box and were being controlled by Chemtrails now thing global warming is a hoax.

  14. #114

    Re: Climate Change

    Quote Originally Posted by rudy gestede View Post
    I think Frankie Boyle has put it best:

    He said there are reasons to criticise her:

    Those algorithms are why the same people who were getting news about 9/11 being fake and Soros organising protests are now the ones who think climate change isn’t real. Open your eyes, you’re being used as useful idiots.

    For all the good the Internet has done making people who have zero understanding of a topic think they’re experts is the worst. The same people who thought you could cancer from a wifi electricity meter and a WiFi box and were being controlled by Chemtrails now thing global warming is a hoax.
    Fair play that's an unbelievably good post and spot on on its accuracy. Frankie Boyle his hit the nail smack on the head and he's encapsulated the biggest problem we all face in a nutshell. He could just have easily thrown in Brexshit too for good measure.

    We see it even in Government at the current time: people thinking they're overnight experts on anything by watching it on YouTube, then having their ego stroked by sharing their opinions in an echo chamber.

  15. #115

  16. #116

  17. #117

    Re: Climate Change

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post

  18. #118

    Re: Climate Change


    98% of arctic sea ice older than 4 years has gone in the last couple of decades.

  19. #119

    Re: Climate Change

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    One for Sludge..


  20. #120

    Re: Climate Change

    Greta has some competition..

  21. #121

    Re: Climate Change

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Greta has some competition..

    That's clearly not a climate protester

  22. #122

    Re: Climate Change

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    That's clearly not a climate protester
    It's hard to tell in this era of climate hysteria.

  23. #123

    Re: Climate Change

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It's hard to tell in this era of climate hysteria.
    Not if you've got a braincell

  24. #124
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
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    Re: Climate Change

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post

    98% of arctic sea ice older than 4 years has gone in the last couple of decades.
    How much has that raised the sea levels?
    And it's close to us.

  25. #125

    Re: Climate Change

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It's hard to tell in this era of climate hysteria.
    not familiar with johnathan swift then?

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