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Thread: Boris accused of something that allegedly occurred 20 years ago.

  1. #76

    Re: Boris accused of something that allegedly occurred 20 years ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    There is a tacit acceptance that posh sounding rich men can and do take whatever they want, it almost feels like it's a celebrated piece of British culture. No one is surprised that Johnson is a pig with wandering hands and quite a sizable proportion appear to love him more for it.

    Consecutive leaders of the opposition have been systematically destroyed by way of dredging up every minor detail of their past and twisting it to suit an agenda. Nobody cared then, the press take one warning shot at Johnson and ccmb goes into meltdown.
    What a load of rubbish!!

    The poorly educated criticise the well educated, according to the school or University they attended.

    It's jealousy poorly being disguised by the vitriolic rhetoric of claims of male white privilege.

    Corbyn hasn't been systematically destroyed, otherwise the hypocritical feminist who called Teresa May "a stupid woman", would have been ousted from the Labour leadership.

    What would happen if Boris Johnson called Diane Abbott, a stupid woman? After all she is appallingly stupid.

    There would be a witch hunt, claims that he's a racist, that he's a misogynist and that he's a very naughty boy!

    As regards to your laughable final comment, the lunatics at Westminster have been trying to call for Johnson's head in recent weeks, have ignored the UK electorate who voted to Leave at the referendum, many MP's continue to ignore how their own constituents voted, ignored their own (Labour and Conservative) election manifestos, ignored the initiation of article 50 and deliberately prevented any serious opportunities to get a deal.

    If they were serious about getting a deal, then Parliament should have a vote to take 'remain off the table', even though the electorate have already voted for that. It should not even be part of any serious conversation, if the hypocrites have voted to take 'no deal off the table' and to force Johnson to request an extension.

    It's gift wrapped the EU the best negotiating strategy, they could have wished for.

    The majority of MP's who voted in this manner are particularly vile creatures.

  2. #77

    Re: Boris accused of something that allegedly occurred 20 years ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDerrida View Post
    What a load of rubbish!!

    The poorly educated criticise the well educated, according to the school or University they attended.

    It's jealousy poorly being disguised by the vitriolic rhetoric of claims of male white privilege.

    Corbyn hasn't been systematically destroyed, otherwise the hypocritical feminist who called Teresa May "a stupid woman", would have been ousted from the Labour leadership.

    What would happen if Boris Johnson called Diane Abbott, a stupid woman? After all she is appallingly stupid.

    There would be a witch hunt, claims that he's a racist, that he's a misogynist and that he's a very naughty boy!

    As regards to your laughable final comment, the lunatics at Westminster have been trying to call for Johnson's head in recent weeks, have ignored the UK electorate who voted to Leave at the referendum, many MP's continue to ignore how their own constituents voted, ignored their own (Labour and Conservative) election manifestos, ignored the initiation of article 50 and deliberately prevented any serious opportunities to get a deal.

    If they were serious about getting a deal, then Parliament should have a vote to take 'remain off the table', even though the electorate have already voted for that. It should not even be part of any serious conversation, if the hypocrites have voted to take 'no deal off the table' and to force Johnson to request an extension.

    It's gift wrapped the EU the best negotiating strategy, they could have wished for.

    The majority of MP's who voted in this manner are particularly vile creatures.
    Whilst you’re blowing off steam with your support of Boris and referencing ‘particularly vile creatures’ you may want to include Bojo and his ERG chums as if they’d voted for May’s deal we’d already be out.

  3. #78

    Re: Boris accused of something that allegedly occurred 20 years ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDerrida View Post
    What a load of rubbish!!

    The poorly educated criticise the well educated, according to the school or University they attended.

    It's jealousy poorly being disguised by the vitriolic rhetoric of claims of male white privilege.

    Corbyn hasn't been systematically destroyed, otherwise the hypocritical feminist who called Teresa May "a stupid woman", would have been ousted from the Labour leadership.

    What would happen if Boris Johnson called Diane Abbott, a stupid woman? After all she is appallingly stupid.

    There would be a witch hunt, claims that he's a racist, that he's a misogynist and that he's a very naughty boy!

    As regards to your laughable final comment, the lunatics at Westminster have been trying to call for Johnson's head in recent weeks, have ignored the UK electorate who voted to Leave at the referendum, many MP's continue to ignore how their own constituents voted, ignored their own (Labour and Conservative) election manifestos, ignored the initiation of article 50 and deliberately prevented any serious opportunities to get a deal.

    If they were serious about getting a deal, then Parliament should have a vote to take 'remain off the table', even though the electorate have already voted for that. It should not even be part of any serious conversation, if the hypocrites have voted to take 'no deal off the table' and to force Johnson to request an extension.

    It's gift wrapped the EU the best negotiating strategy, they could have wished for.

    The majority of MP's who voted in this manner are particularly vile creatures.
    The truth, very inconvenient but still the truth, is that we would have left the EU about 6 months ago had Boris, the ERG, and many others voted for Mays deal. They had three chances to do it.

    The penny should be dropping by now that leaving the EU quickly and not fecking up the country are mutually exclusive.

  4. #79

    Re: Boris accused of something that allegedly occurred 20 years ago.

    Why is it everyone who’s an arse hole on here all the time (even when it’s not about politics) wants Brexit and is a welsh Tory?

    JDerrida, Wales Bales, DML, Life on Mars, Ronniebird, William tresedar.

    It can’t be just a coincidence surely? You’d have to be a bit of an arse hole to be supporting Boris through anything.

    Awful people and awful opinions.

  5. #80

    Re: Boris accused of something that allegedly occurred 20 years ago.

    Diane Abbot went to Cambridge in the 60s despite being black and working class, I’d say she’s a lot clever than most of us.

    She might not come across well in some of her public appearances but to call her stupid is just ignorant. She’s achieved more than any one on this board ever will.

  6. #81

    Re: Boris accused of something that allegedly occurred 20 years ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDerrida View Post
    What a load of rubbish!!

    The poorly educated criticise the well educated, according to the school or University they attended.

    It's jealousy poorly being disguised by the vitriolic rhetoric of claims of male white privilege.

    Corbyn hasn't been systematically destroyed, otherwise the hypocritical feminist who called Teresa May "a stupid woman", would have been ousted from the Labour leadership.

    What would happen if Boris Johnson called Diane Abbott, a stupid woman? After all she is appallingly stupid.

    There would be a witch hunt, claims that he's a racist, that he's a misogynist and that he's a very naughty boy!

    As regards to your laughable final comment, the lunatics at Westminster have been trying to call for Johnson's head in recent weeks, have ignored the UK electorate who voted to Leave at the referendum, many MP's continue to ignore how their own constituents voted, ignored their own (Labour and Conservative) election manifestos, ignored the initiation of article 50 and deliberately prevented any serious opportunities to get a deal.

    If they were serious about getting a deal, then Parliament should have a vote to take 'remain off the table', even though the electorate have already voted for that. It should not even be part of any serious conversation, if the hypocrites have voted to take 'no deal off the table' and to force Johnson to request an extension.

    It's gift wrapped the EU the best negotiating strategy, they could have wished for.

    The majority of MP's who voted in this manner are particularly vile creatures.
    Diane abbot was ridiculed by the Tory party and press for a good month, you must have been under your rock.

  7. #82

    Re: Boris accused of something that allegedly occurred 20 years ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Diane abbot was ridiculed by the Tory party and press for a good month, you must have been under your rock.
    She got absolutely slated for drinking a can of gin on the tube ffs. She gets constant grief from the tories and the media.

  8. #83

    Re: Boris accused of something that allegedly occurred 20 years ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by rudy gestede View Post
    Why is it everyone who’s an arse hole on here all the time (even when it’s not about politics) wants Brexit and is a welsh Tory?

    JDerrida, Wales Bales, DML, Life on Mars, Ronniebird, William tresedar.

    It can’t be just a coincidence surely? You’d have to be a bit of an arse hole to be supporting Boris through anything.

    Awful people and awful opinions.
    I’ve never voted Tory in my life you clown.
    You seem awfully sensitive, and don’t half get upset and abusive when posters have different views and opinions to you.
    Maybe you need to take a break from this board.

  9. #84

    Re: Boris accused of something that allegedly occurred 20 years ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    I’ve never voted Tory in my life you clown.
    You seem awfully sensitive, and don’t half get upset and abusive when posters have different views and opinions to you.
    Maybe you need to take a break from this board.
    I’m not upset by the views I’m upset that these people have had to live lives that have made them this way

    If I could donate to a charity to help them I would.

  10. #85

    Re: Boris accused of something that allegedly occurred 20 years ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by rudy gestede View Post
    I’m not upset by the views I’m upset that these people have had to live lives that have made them this way

    If I could donate to a charity to help them I would.
    You need to take a break from here for your mental health. You are spouting more and more gibberish by the day.

  11. #86

    Re: Boris accused of something that allegedly occurred 20 years ago.

    I’ll take a break when I sink to the level of defending groping a woman because someone shares my political view.

  12. #87

    Re: Boris accused of something that allegedly occurred 20 years ago.

    Don’t think anyone’s defended groping a woman on here.
    You may need anger management lessons.

  13. #88

    Re: Boris accused of something that allegedly occurred 20 years ago.

    You've gotta love it. We have a PM who wasn't voted in, who has lost all 7 votes, who has been ruled by the highest court that he shut down parliament illegally - and we've still got Vicky Pollards saying "it's so unfair"

    Any person in any party would rightly be getting shit for this. No one is angry at Pfeffle just because of the school he attended.

  14. #89

    Re: Boris accused of something that allegedly occurred 20 years ago.

  15. #90

    Re: Boris accused of something that allegedly occurred 20 years ago.

    And don't get me started on people who keep banging on about the result of an isolated opinion poll nearly three and a half years ago being sacrosanct and cast in stone. The same people by the way who are terrified of another Referendum and who are totally against giving youngsters the chance to vote on their future.

  16. #91
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Boris accused of something that allegedly occurred 20 years ago.

    Such self righteous stuff .

    I'm sure my experiences are more in common with most lads back in the day of youthfillness.

    I'm sure its satisfied ones political hatred , in as much I am accused of only defending one political component, I could easily say the same of those who criticise out of political unbiased or a refusal to see the other side of a story or incident .

    Moral Narccism?

  17. #92

    Re: Boris accused of something that allegedly occurred 20 years ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Especially as it might serve a political narrative .

    Back in the day I' I' ve seen worse than this of course its not right in this modern age of behaviours, I may have perhaps been involved in a risky peck on the cheek , or a hug that was too long ,even a slight touch on the opposite sex arm or leg in a night out enviromentwith way too mant beers involved , it was probaly a silly niave attempt to seek a positive reaction from the young lady , would I do it now knowing the vulnerability it can cause no , did I realise the impact at the time nope .

    He touched her thigh ,nothing happened afterwards, lets move on , unless this also serves your personal political agenda as well as hers ?
    You lost all credibility with this you creep.

  18. #93

    Re: Boris accused of something that allegedly occurred 20 years ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    You lost all credibility with this you creep.
    I'm sure life on mars would welcome the men from CCMB having a go at "touching" his female relative's respective thighs. Nothing wrong with a bit of thigh groping in the life on mars household - as long as nothing happens afterwards, of course.

  19. #94
    First Team Forest Green Bluebird's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    English side of the Bridge

    Re: Boris accused of something that allegedly occurred 20 years ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    I'm sure life on mars would welcome the men from CCMB having a go at "touching" his female relative's respective thighs. Nothing wrong with a bit of thigh groping in the life on mars household - as long as nothing happens afterwards, of course.

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