Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
Sounds like he'd talk you under the table with regard football. He talks football all day, totally obsessed with it. He particularly likes formations.
My son is 13 but has been a regular since he was 6. Most days in the house he'll tell me what he thinks the team should be for the next game. He's not a fan of Murphy ("he just runs and runs, Dad"), Paterson ("he's terrible") or Glatzel ("he's awful and only picked because he cost £5m") and is fed up of Warnock's "boring" team selections. Hard to argue with most of that.

He's won the PL and Champions League on both FIFA and PES with City (always City) and has regularly asked me why he's the only City fan in his school (Rhymney Valley), when all the other boys support Liverpool, Man Utd etc. He now understand the meaning of the word "support", in that context. Like you, I love going down the City with my son and think that the two of them could educate a few on here