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Thread: What leave voters voted for?

  1. #26

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    I'll bet a tenner this bloke voted Leave.

  2. #27

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    Are you actually bumming Donald Trump?
    The personalities involved are irrelevant, it's what is going on in the real world that is important. But that it an old trick of the media to make you focus on the individuals. Once they get you to dislike a person, you will dislike their policies, even if they benefit the people. It works every time on those who are not very good at thinking for themselves. I call it the Pavlov Syndrome.

  3. #28

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    The personalities involved are irrelevant, it's what is going on in the real world that is important. But that it an old trick of the media to make you focus on the individuals. Once they get you to dislike a person, you will dislike their policies, even if they benefit the people. It works every time on those who are not very good at thinking for themselves. I call it the Pavlov Syndrome.
    So what policies of his are actually working?

  4. #29

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    So what policies of his are actually working?
    US economy, reigning in China & Iran, and addressing serious malfeasance within the justice department, state department, and intel agencies.

  5. #30

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    US economy, reigning in China & Iran, and addressing serious malfeasance within the justice department, state department, and intel agencies.
    Tell me more. All I see is that in terms of the economy, jobs, wages etc are continuing growth from the Obama presidency.

  6. #31

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    Tell me more. All I see is that in terms of the economy, jobs, wages etc are continuing growth from the Obama presidency.
    The rest of the world isn't continuing the growth, some big economies are flirting with recession.

  7. #32

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    Tell me more. All I see is that in terms of the economy, jobs, wages etc are continuing growth from the Obama presidency.
    The healthy U.S. economy narrative is an illusion. 37% of working age Americans do no paid work but their headline unemployment rate is 3.5%. If they returned to measuring the number as they did until 1981 the headline rate would be 23%, just 2% lower than what it stood at during the height of the 1930s Great Depression. Similar fiddling accounts for their official CPI inflation rate. That stands at 2%. If it was computed as it was it would be 9-10%. Their calculation ignores price changes in what every citizen, bar for the homeless, must purchase: food and energy. They do so to rob the middle and working classes (especially pensioners and others on fixed incomes) to benefit the top few percent.

    A true inflation number would also reveal the U.S. economy is in recession today and has been every year since 1996. It's why the U.S. national debt has doubled every 8 years since 1980. QE has accentuated the ever increasing income inequality there. Yesterday their central bank boss announced another new round of QE by another name, and they've cut their interest rate twice in the last 3 months. They rise in a healthy vibrant economy. Trump says it's 'the greatest economy ever' yet he's always imploring the Fed to cut more and faster. Trump's a swamp monster who lies about everything.

  8. #33

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    The healthy U.S. economy narrative is an illusion. 37% of working age Americans do no paid work but their headline unemployment rate is 3.5%. If they returned to measuring the number as they did until 1981 the headline rate would be 23%, just 2% lower than what it stood at during the height of the 1930s Great Depression. Similar fiddling accounts for their official CPI inflation rate. That stands at 2%. If it was computed as it was it would be 9-10%. Their calculation ignores price changes in what every citizen, bar for the homeless, must purchase: food and energy. They do so to rob the middle and working classes (especially pensioners and others on fixed incomes) to benefit the top few percent.

    A true inflation number would also reveal the U.S. economy is in recession today and has been every year since 1996. It's why the U.S. national debt has doubled every 8 years since 1980. QE has accentuated the ever increasing income inequality there. Yesterday their central bank boss announced another new round of QE by another name, and they've cut their interest rate twice in the last 3 months. They rise in a healthy vibrant economy. Trump says it's 'the greatest economy ever' yet he's always imploring the Fed to cut more and faster. Trump's a swamp monster who lies about everything.
    You could say the same for every country, and right now Germany are having recession problems.

  9. #34

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    The healthy U.S. economy narrative is an illusion. 37% of working age Americans do no paid work but their headline unemployment rate is 3.5%. If they returned to measuring the number as they did until 1981 the headline rate would be 23%, just 2% lower than what it stood at during the height of the 1930s Great Depression. Similar fiddling accounts for their official CPI inflation rate. That stands at 2%. If it was computed as it was it would be 9-10%. Their calculation ignores price changes in what every citizen, bar for the homeless, must purchase: food and energy. They do so to rob the middle and working classes (especially pensioners and others on fixed incomes) to benefit the top few percent.

    A true inflation number would also reveal the U.S. economy is in recession today and has been every year since 1996. It's why the U.S. national debt has doubled every 8 years since 1980. QE has accentuated the ever increasing income inequality there. Yesterday their central bank boss announced another new round of QE by another name, and they've cut their interest rate twice in the last 3 months. They rise in a healthy vibrant economy. Trump says it's 'the greatest economy ever' yet he's always imploring the Fed to cut more and faster. Trump's a swamp monster who lies about everything.
    Sludge has started a thread about shopping for clothes in Tesco and I’ve checked and you haven’t commented??

    What’s the world coming to? 😂😂

  10. #35

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    You could say the same for every country, and right now Germany are having recession problems.
    So are things thriving under Trump or not? Is wealth division growing bigger or smaller? Is homelessness and poverty decreasing or increasing?

  11. #36

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    So are things thriving under Trump or not? Is wealth division growing bigger or smaller? Is homelessness and poverty decreasing or increasing?
    They are doing a lot better than Germany, France & China, and that's before the effects of the forthcoming trade wars. It will be a landslide for Trump in 2020, especially after the rogue liberal elites have been locked up. I'm not sure if the anti-democracy left will recover from that.

  12. #37
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    So are things thriving under Trump or not? Is wealth division growing bigger or smaller? Is homelessness and poverty decreasing or increasing?
    Something is happening

    This might answer part of your query .https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-45827430

    US wages growth
    Hourly pay earned by the typical employee rose sharply in February, pushing the increase in wages over the past year to a 10-year high of 3.4%.

    The last time wages grew that fast was in early 2009. Even better, inflation slowed toward the end of 2018, dropping to a yearly rate of 1.6% from as high as 2.9% last summer

    Homelessness is on the rise

  13. #38

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Something is happening

    This might answer part of your query .https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-45827430

    US wages growth
    Hourly pay earned by the typical employee rose sharply in February, pushing the increase in wages over the past year to a 10-year high of 3.4%.

    The last time wages grew that fast was in early 2009. Even better, inflation slowed toward the end of 2018, dropping to a yearly rate of 1.6% from as high as 2.9% last summer

    Homelessness is on the rise
    After observing this forum over a period of time, it's quite clear that the vast majority of people have been brainwashed to some extent, and they are also the first to respond angrily with nasty vitriolic language. It has been quite an eye-opener, and I have seen this kind of behaviour repeated over multiple forums and on various other social media platforms. In short, as things stand now we are f*cked as a society. Lardy & Cyril are a classic example of people who have an inverse view of reality, and they are very vindictive as well.

  14. #39

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    After observing this forum over a period of time, it's quite clear that the vast majority of people have been brainwashed to some extent, and they are also the first to respond angrily with nasty vitriolic language. It has been quite an eye-opener, and I have seen this kind of behaviour repeated over multiple forums and on various other social media platforms. In short, as things stand now we are f*cked as a society. Lardy & Cyril are a classic example of people who have an inverse view of reality, and they are very vindictive as well.
    Oh dear, tantrums!

  15. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    Oh dear, tantrums!
    Thats not a tantrum,its a reality , look back at the responses ,
    if someone dare challenge a view that didnt fit a certain narrative it becomes an insult .

    This forum has become an anger outlet , and im guessing the same vindictiveness is probaly not delivered outside of this protective media platform.

  16. #41

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    After observing this forum over a period of time, it's quite clear that the vast majority of people have been brainwashed to some extent, and they are also the first to respond angrily with nasty vitriolic language. It has been quite an eye-opener, and I have seen this kind of behaviour repeated over multiple forums and on various other social media platforms. In short, as things stand now we are f*cked as a society. Lardy & Cyril are a classic example of people who have an inverse view of reality, and they are very vindictive as well.

    Perfectly true, but I haven't come across another message board where it's as rife as it is here. There are fuktards like this on most boards, but they're usually in the minority. I think maybe people give up here after a while because they just get trolled so widely and there are so few normal people that it hardly seems worth bothering.
    I'd buggered off myself actually except that I got a few requests to post again - maybe people are scared to say what they think but appreciate someone saying it for them. In any case, I've got a five minute rule now , where I don't hang round here long enough to get dissapointed or feel tainted with negativity.

  17. #42

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I happened to mention in another post at this forum fairly recently that around 99% of Semites alive today are non-Hebrew speakers. They total around 5 million and most reside in Israel. The largest group of Semites are Arabs who speak Arabic, accounting for circa 300 million. Those Semites can be bombed relentlessly (as in Libya, Iraq and Syria this century) without the aggressors ever being labelled with the anti-Semitic slur as that's reserved exclusively for a tiny minority group.

    I have generally objected to the USA and UK bombing third world countries at the drop of a hat, and the three countries you mention are all very different cases. Maybe you're referring to Israel defending itself from time to time though - it's not clear .

    Either way it's a bit nuts to compare any of that with centuries of persecution and the hollocaust against Jews.
    It's also a bit dubious to split hairs over the term " anti semitism" when none of the things you mention are related to the racial group of those being bombed.

    You can't defend socialist or other anti semitism ,( as the world understands the term), by diverting from it in this way. It's strange that socialists will try to accuse everyone who disagrees with them on anything of racism, but defend this particular very real form of racism.
    As I said earlier , it's a very evil philosophy.

  18. #43

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    To the best of my knowledge no Semite (Semite: someone who speaks one amongst a group of languages) describes themselves as a Semite. We only hear the word Semite or Semitic when preceded by the word anti and it's always used in the same context. Below is a two-minute segment of an interview with a former Israeli minister who details why that tool is deployed so liberally.

  19. #44

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    You could say the same for every country, and right now Germany are having recession problems.
    A country's GDP is calculated by totalling the amount of money spent on goods and services. CPI inflation during the identical period is used as a deflator because inflation reflects a decrease in the purchasing power of its currency. The same methodology is used worldwide. (If it wasn't then in Venezuela today, where there's raging hyperinflation, they'd have the highest GDP growth on the planet by a light year while simultaneously having the worst economy because their currency is practically worthless.)

    Current official GDP in the U.S. stands at 2.3%. That means the total spent on goods and services there in the past year rose by 4.3% because the official CPI inflation there rose by 2%. In reality, for reasons outlined in a earlier post, the true CPI inflation is at 10%, meaning GDP is not +2.3% but -5.7%. As stated prior, its economy has been in minus territory every year since 1996 and is why they keep piling up debt upon more debt. Germany, along with all other 200+ countries, does include what the Yanks don't in their CPI inflation figure because grub and energy are critical expenses to all citizens globally with the exception of Americans who are being stripped of their wealth by this deception. Donny is ensuring they're going to become poorer at an accelerating rate through begging its central bank to issue new debt (aka money) like maniacs.

  20. #45

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Thats not a tantrum,its a reality , look back at the responses ,
    if someone dare challenge a view that didnt fit a certain narrative it becomes an insult .

    This forum has become an anger outlet , and im guessing the same vindictiveness is probaly not delivered outside of this protective media platform.
    Are you saying that what Gluey said, and says constantly, about Lardy and Cyril is not an insult to them?

  21. #46

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Are you saying that what Gluey said, and says constantly, about Lardy and Cyril is not an insult to them?
    If I was vindictive for placing someone on ignore for calling you a rapist apologist and then dissembling rather than apologising then guilty as charged!

  22. #47

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    To the best of my knowledge no Semite (Semite: someone who speaks one amongst a group of languages) describes themselves as a Semite. We only hear the word Semite or Semitic when preceded by the word anti and it's always used in the same context. Below is a two-minute segment of an interview with a former Israeli minister who details why that tool is deployed so


    Shulamit Aloni, a human rights campaigner who had led the left Zionist party Meretz, was not confessing to having made false allegations of antisemitism, as many people have since claimed. Rather, she was making an accusation against the government of Ariel Sharon.
    Governments throwing in red herrings to deflect criticism and disarm their political opponents is hardly something unique to Israel. Wherever accusations are made — about almost anything — some will be unwarranted, whether that’s due to bad faith or genuine misunderstanding.
    But it certainly doesn’t follow from that that concerns about antisemitism in the UK Labour Party today are “just a trick”. As NEC member Jon Lansman revealed in a recent interview, Labour’s antisemitism disciplinary cases are “very rarely to do with Israel-Palestine”....."


    Even the Labour Party rejects this diversion/ excuse. Your own observation that stuff like the hollocaust doesn't matter because most Semites don't use the word is a bit worrying. In a country where so many basic human rights such as speech , thought , religion and democracy are being undermined its quite sinister to see the signs of anti semitism ,( as the world understands that expression after the death camps ), rising again within domestic socialism.
    These things are very real and very dangerous, but I fear that it's too late to solve them through rational argument since so many people are enthralled to the slavering wolf in sheeps clothing which is globalism and socialism. The very fact that some now try to justify anti semitism or brush it off suggests that things will get much worse for Jewish people .

  23. #48

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    If I was vindictive for placing someone on ignore for calling you a rapist apologist and then dissembling rather than apologising then guilty as charged!
    He uses the term "brainwashing". Using climate change as an example, as a lefty with solar panels on the roof of my house and designs on getting an electric car when they come down in price, I suppose it's no surprise that I'm completely supportive of what is being done by a largely, but not exclusively, young group of people in London this week. Possibly, I am being brainwashed to an extent in thinking like I do, but I would prefer it to be described as being more willing to accept what I'm told when it fits in with my persona.

    However, I would say that it is a fact that when you hear someone disputing or denying something like global warning, you know full well what their opinions on other matters are going to be because they all belong to the same tribe. If those on the left are guilty of being brainwashed, then the same surely applies to those on the right who "follow the party line" - Gluey posted a video by David Icke (yes folks, that's David Icke!) as if he was some leading authority on climate change a few weeks ago!

  24. #49

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    Further to what you say TOBW if social media is a indicator than the same characteristics:
    1. Denial of Global Warning (with a particular hatred of Greta Thunberg)
    2. Pro Brexit
    3. Pro Trump
    4. Ridiculous analogies to World War 2
    I’m sure there are more but hey if you disagree with that above you’re a far left ANTIFA globalist communist loving virtue signalling social justice warrior 😂😂

  25. #50

    Re: What leave voters voted for?

    When I see people who don't and can't understand the issues , such as ten year olds, tobw and Cardiff Irish expressing such strong opinions then the only explanation is brainwashing.
    If we were in any doubt about that, it's confirmed when they get so angry with people who disagree , but don't really know why.

    Mental illness is at record levels in the U.K , and that's also a clue that someone's been messing with the minds of those with lower IQ levels and limited education.

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