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Thread: General Election

  1. #1

    General Election

    It seems that the politicians are finally giving in to a General Election.
    Let's hope we can get rid of Labour and enough other democracy blocking groups to restore the will of the people.

    Thing is though, will it make any difference ? If the left lose, which seems likely, will they accept the outcome of will they start saying that the voters are too stupid to understand and demanding another vote

  2. #2

    Re: General Election

    What left ?, the Parliamentary Labour Party are nearly all right wing, they are Red Tories, Labour are traitors to the poor and working class, Tony Blair was a bigger Tory than Mrs Thatcher.
    If the UK breaks up it will be in part because England is so right wing and unfortunately by weight of numbers English MPs dominate Parliament.

  3. #3

    Re: General Election

    Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
    It seems that the politicians are finally giving in to a General Election.
    Let's hope we can get rid of Labour and enough other democracy blocking groups to restore the will of the people.

    Thing is though, will it make any difference ? If the left lose, which seems likely, will they accept the outcome of will they start saying that the voters are too stupid to understand and demanding another vote
    Speak for yourself in regard to ‘let’s hope we can get rid of Labour’

    Obviously you’re bored and on a fishing trip and whilst I’m not that impressed with Corbyn I’d still prefer him to that utter charlatan currently residing in number 10.

  4. #4

    Re: General Election

    I would much prefer Labour with Corbyn to crush the Conservative and Unionist party even if Mrs Thatcher did think her greatest achievement was creating NuLabour, the only hope down the line is for the UK to break up and for Wales to become a Socialist Republic.

  5. #5

    Re: General Election

    These rabid right wing nutters want to be careful what they wish for. Corbyn is known to be a great campaigner and will try to energise the younger voters yet again.

    On top of that Remain leaning voters will start to erode Johnson's power base in the South, while he may come unstuck in his strategy to win seats in the Midlands and North. Come a General Election party tribalism often wins through and the Tories also have to contend with Nigel Farage squeezing them every which way. Best bet, a hung parliament yet again.

  6. #6

    Re: General Election

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    What left ?, the Parliamentary Labour Party are nearly all right wing, they are Red Tories, Labour are traitors to the poor and working class, Tony Blair was a bigger Tory than Mrs Thatcher.
    If the UK breaks up it will be in part because England is so right wing and unfortunately by weight of numbers English MPs dominate Parliament.

  7. #7

    Re: General Election

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    These rabid right wing nutters want to be careful what they wish for. Corbyn is known to be a great campaigner and will try to energise the younger voters yet again.

    On top of that Remain leaning voters will start to erode Johnson's power base in the South, while he may come unstuck in his strategy to win seats in the Midlands and North. Come a General Election party tribalism often wins through and the Tories also have to contend with Nigel Farage squeezing them every which way. Best bet, a hung parliament yet again.
    Yip, some valid points.

  8. #8

    Re: General Election

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    I would much prefer Labour with Corbyn to crush the Conservative and Unionist party even if Mrs Thatcher did think her greatest achievement was creating NuLabour, the only hope down the line is for the UK to break up and for Wales to become a Socialist Republic.
    Out of interest what would the Socialist Republic of Wales look like. Will it have its own currency and hard border with England as the republic pursues and negotiates different trade, immigration and security treaties with the rest of the world whilst England goes down a far more free market/deregulated route?

  9. #9

    Re: General Election

    I thought the opposition party's were bonkers for voting for an election in 2017 and I get the same feeling this time, but I was proved wrong two years ago and I hope I am this time - think the campaign will have to become about more than just Brexit though if a majority Tory government is to be avoided.

  10. #10

    Re: General Election

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I thought the opposition party's were bonkers for voting for an election in 2017 and I get the same feeling this time, but I was proved wrong two years ago and I hope I am this time - think the campaign will have to become about more than just Brexit though if a majority Tory government is to be avoided.
    You can't escape the conclusion that we are being gamed. First Parliament was prorogued for weeks to allow the government time to prepare the Queen's speech. Then a withdrawal deal is negotiated with the EU. The deal passed it's 2nd reading in the House and the Queen's speech is also accepted by majority vote. Yet despite these two things both are pushed to one side to drive towards the thing Johnson, Cummings et al have been wangling for all along, a General Election.

    It may be the only course to break the logjam but it is always going to be dominated by Brexit whilst it remains unresolved which is an imperfect way to determine the best options for how our country is governed for the next 5 years (when presumably under the Fixed Term Parliament Act we will have another election 2 weeks before Christmas 2024).

  11. #11

    Re: General Election

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Out of interest what would the Socialist Republic of Wales look like. Will it have its own currency and hard border with England as the republic pursues and negotiates different trade, immigration and security treaties with the rest of the world whilst England goes down a far more free market/deregulated route?
    It would be the land of milk and honey Cyril.

  12. #12

    Re: General Election

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I thought the opposition party's were bonkers for voting for an election in 2017 and I get the same feeling this time, but I was proved wrong two years ago and I hope I am this time - think the campaign will have to become about more than just Brexit though if a majority Tory government is to be avoided.
    I think you might be right Bob.

  13. #13

    Re: General Election

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    It would be the land of milk and honey Cyril.
    Sorry if I disturbed your dream

  14. #14

    Re: General Election

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Sorry if I disturbed your dream
    That's ok Cyril.

  15. #15

    Re: General Election

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    That's ok Cyril.
    No problem, don't forget to give Mr Roarke and Tattoo a wave when you leave the island

  16. #16

    Re: General Election

    Never heard of them, last time I left the island of Britannia I gave a seal a wave in Swansea Bay.

  17. #17

    Re: General Election

    16+ vote amendment is in.

  18. #18

    Re: General Election

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    16+ vote amendment is in.
    Not yet.

    According to LBC it is up to the deputy speaker to decide if the amendments for 16/17 year olds and EU nationals will be allowed. This is because they may not be compatible with a December date as they cannot be implemented in time (Electoral Commission does not advise changing the franchise within 6 months of an election.)

    There is a reason why it will be the deputy speaker not the speaker but I am not going to try to explain that here!

  19. #19

    Re: General Election

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
    Not yet.899i

    According to LBC it is up to the deputy speaker to decide if the amendments for 16/17 year olds and EU nationals will be allowed. This is because they may not be compatible with a December date as they cannot be implemented in time (Electoral Commission does not advise changing the franchise within 6 months of an election.)

    There is a reason why it will be the deputy speaker not the speaker but I am not going to try to explain that here!
    Further to the above it is possible that even if the deputy speaker does not allow the amendments they could be put in by theLord in which case they would have to be removed by the Commons in a vote on Thursday!!

  20. #20

    Re: General Election

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
    Not yet.

    According to LBC it is up to the deputy speaker to decide if the amendments for 16/17 year olds and EU nationals will be allowed. This is because they may not be compatible with a December date as they cannot be implemented in time (Electoral Commission does not advise changing the franchise within 6 months of an election.)

    There is a reason why it will be the deputy speaker not the speaker but I am not going to try to explain that here!
    I didn't mean selected. I just meant tabled.

    I'm hearing that the tories have tabled an amendment to limit voting to the over 55's. Not really, but they would if they could get away with it.

    Never quite understood the justification for EU nationals being able to vote in local elections but not national.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: General Election

    Election Winter !!!!!
    We must take of our students!!!
    16/17 years old !!!
    Darkness voting !!
    We don't want a vote ??
    Yes we do !!
    House the house of Lords like the EC been tapped up to stop this anyway ???????????

    At least the opposition parties has a focus on the real issues ,hail the new SNP , Liberal ,Labour alliance ,where is the next fence or the next set of amendments to stop this :he he:

    Hail democracy and the will of the people , If the GE goes ahead will parliament ignore the vote ,and amended the result .

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: General Election

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    I didn't mean selected. I just meant tabled.

    I'm hearing that the tories have tabled an amendment to limit voting to the over 55's. Not really, but they would if they could get away with it.

    Never quite understood the justification for EU nationals being able to vote in local elections but not national.
    In this age of global warming should we also allow those likely to be effected , like nursery children , polar bears , bats , bees red squirrels , badgers , we need everyone /thing to stop us leaving and JC does speak to the mammals better than Boris

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: General Election

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    No problem, don't forget to give Mr Roarke and Tattoo a wave when you leave the island
    I know a few Barry Islands boys who might like a word about being accused of waving ,one is Billy the Tattoo other its Phil the Tool Roarkie

  24. #24

    Re: General Election

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    16+ vote amendment is in.
    Why not make it 13+ with no over 30s allowed to vote, and while we are at it only those born outside of the UK can vote? As a final measure, anybody who has ever voted Tory is their lifetime will be disqualfied, and only people with the initials JC are allowed to become PM, as long as they swear an oath of allegance to the EU. Even then, some people will say these measures don't go far enough!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: General Election

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Why not make it 13+ with no over 30s allowed to vote, and while we are at it only those born outside of the UK can vote? As a final measure, anybody who has ever voted Tory is their lifetime will be disqualfied, and only people with the initials JC are allowed to become PM, as long as they swear an oath of allegance to the EU. Even then, some people will say these measures don't go far enough!
    My understanding both amendments were bounced out by the speaker ?

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