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Thread: Ken Loach

  1. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by jeepster View Post
    What a horrible pig of a man.
    Why is he so nasty, what a horror.

  2. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Ken Loach

    Mike this needs to be moved to the attack dog politics forum

  3. #28

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Not sure what case is closed, I won't or ever will vote for the Tories I was simply trying to ask the question why they have been in power for so long , only really interrupted by a moderate socialist Blair goverment, can you shed some light to thier success?
    The case of you being a Tory now. You say that you won't vote for them yet all you ever do is praise them, defend them, and slag off Labour.

    Can I shed some light on their success? Of course.

    The Labour Party haven't had a proper leader (I'm categorically not saying that he was a good leader) since Tony Blair. Brown was weak, the wrong Milliband was weak and Corbyn is far too divisive to be a party leader.

    Put pre-Iraq Blair in charge now and it would be a completely different situation.

  4. #29

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Read Labours 'A Fair Deal At Work' Manifesto. It addresses all or your concerns..
    Anyone who believes anything in that manifesto or anyone who has enough time to waste to read it needs help. Just start thinking for yourself and by the time you get to pension age you will begin to realise that nearly everything you are told, or have been told, is a lie.

  5. #30

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    Anyone who believes anything in that manifesto or anyone who has enough time to waste to read it needs help. Just start thinking for yourself and by the time you get to pension age you will begin to realise that nearly everything you are told, or have been told, is a lie.
    Does that mean that we should think for ourselves and not believe what you've told us?

    How does this work?!

  6. #31

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Why is he so nasty, what a horror.
    Why,because he said the council do not owe her anything.Not even basic living standards the man is a pig does not care for the people who need help.As i say a pig.

  7. #32

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    Does that mean that we should think for ourselves and not believe what you've told us?

    How does this work?!
    The key word which prevents my earlier statement being a paradox is "nearly".

  8. #33

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    The key word which prevents my earlier statement being a paradox is "nearly".
    Ok, Dave. I'll think for myself and file you under the "lies" part of nearly everything that I'm told.

    I'll have to write on this imaginary file 'he probably doesn't realise that this bullshit isn't true, so it 'technically' isn't a lie, if that's the case'.

  9. #34
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    The case of you being a Tory now. You say that you won't vote for them yet all you ever do is praise them, defend them, and slag off Labour.

    Can I shed some light on their success? Of course.

    The Labour Party haven't had a proper leader (I'm categorically not saying that he was a good leader) since Tony Blair. Brown was weak, the wrong Milliband was weak and Corbyn is far too divisive to be a party leader.

    Put pre-Iraq Blair in charge now and it would be a completely different situation.
    I know I will get slated saying this , but I thought minus Iraq, Blair was a bloody good leader.

    I wasnt defending them, read my reply again, I'm asking a question ??

  10. #35

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I know I will get slated saying this , but I thought minus Iraq, Blair was a bloody good leader.

    I wasnt defending them, read my reply again, I'm asking a question ??
    Read my reply again and you'll see that I'm talking about your posts in general. There's no way that you're not a Tory.

  11. #36

    Re: Ken Loach

    Last edited by jackrabbit; 30-10-19 at 22:25. Reason: Private

  12. #37

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    The Conservatives are lower than vermin.
    They speak highly of you though

  13. #38

    Re: Ken Loach

    How can anybody out of his/her teens contemplate voting Labour, with this disgraceful charlatan in charge? Unthinkable.


    The sooner it is reflective of the decency of people like Steve Baker the better. It would then be worth voting for again.

  14. #39

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by jackrabbit View Post
    How can anybody out of his/her teens contemplate voting Labour, with this disgraceful charlatan in charge? Unthinkable.


    The sooner it is reflective of the decency of people like Steve Baker the better. It would then be worth voting for again.
    Steve Baker, The born again Christian who opposed same sex Marriage. Fair play, you've picked a right nasty bit of work there.

  15. #40

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I know I will get slated saying this , but I thought minus Iraq, Blair was a bloody good leader.

    I wasnt defending them, read my reply again, I'm asking a question ??
    For you to state that then you must also believe Thatcher and Major were spiffing too because Blair (nor Brown) during 13 years reversed any of the reforms they introduced from 1979 to 1997, a great many of which the Labour Party complained endlessly about. The red and blue teams play the good cop/bad cop routine while carrying an identical torch in the same direction. It's not difficult to see.

  16. #41

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
    How can people vote Tory? I despair��
    I'll never understand why people vote against their own interests. We're literally killing ourselves.

    I could barely keep it together watching that trailer. I'll have to wait for kinder times to watch the film.

  17. #42
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    Read my reply again and you'll see that I'm talking about your posts in general. There's no way that you're not a Tory.

    Away from the tit for tat playground reply , you vote for them na na na na stuff .

    I am asking you an basic political question , a subject matter you clearly enjoy , why have the Tories have been so successful in wining so many elections and running our country for so long ,surely a fella with so many other opinions ,has a view on this ??,

  18. #43
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    For you to state that then you must also believe Thatcher and Major were spiffing too because Blair (nor Brown) during 13 years reversed any of the reforms they introduced from 1979 to 1997, a great many of which the Labour Party complained endlessly about. The red and blue teams play the good cop/bad cop routine while carrying an identical torch in the same direction. It's not difficult to see.
    I hated Thatcher , couldn't make Major out other than him being the pasty to get rid of Thatcher and some new nice face of the Tories as that era was ending .

    I suppose the main reason why I liked Blair , was because for the very first time in my lifetime someone gave the Tories a bloody good bashing , not once but twice ,and that is my honest answer .

    Yes to do it he had to tear up some of the old traditional Labour values as they were un - electable with them ,which i'm guessing is why the current leadership , are so bitter about current centralist type Labour MP' s .

  19. #44
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by jackrabbit View Post
    How can anybody out of his/her teens contemplate voting Labour, with this disgraceful charlatan in charge? Unthinkable.


    The sooner it is reflective of the decency of people like Steve Baker the better. It would then be worth voting for again.
    Wow , quite a speech and an attack is it true ?????

  20. #45

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Away from the tit for tat playground reply , you vote for them na na na na stuff .

    I am asking you an basic political question , a subject matter you clearly enjoy , why have the Tories have been so successful in wining so many elections and running our country for so long ,surely a fella with so many other opinions ,has a view on this ??,
    You do realise that you've edited out my answer to your question in the post that you've just quoted, right? You have even responded to it previously saying that you liked Blair If you've genuinely not noticed that you've done it, that's a bit worrying.

    I'll post it again now and make the words bigger (like you've just done) so you don't miss it this time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    Can I shed some light on their success? Of course.

    The Labour Party haven't had a proper leader (I'm categorically not saying that he was a good leader) since Tony Blair. Brown was weak, the wrong Milliband was weak and Corbyn is far too divisive to be a party leader.

  21. #46

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Away from the tit for tat playground reply , you vote for them na na na na stuff .

    I am asking you an basic political question , a subject matter you clearly enjoy , why have the Tories have been so successful in wining so many elections and running our country for so long ,surely a fella with so many other opinions ,has a view on this ??,
    Oh, I can explain that. At a general election every adult gets the chance to vote. Surprisingly, many people don't share the same views as a group of 10 or so individuals who haunt a football message board in south Wales.

    Whoever's in charge come December, I hope they take better care of our hard earned taxes :



  22. #47

    Re: Ken Loach

    Labour are about to get smashed out of sight. We are going to have a minimum 5 years of a Boris Johnson government. A nightmare thought.

    Labour have done this to themselves and it dates back to electing the wrong Milliband brother.

    Labour need to win the marginals and they are not doing that with the likes of Corbyn and Dianne Abbott at the front.

    They may even lose numbers of safe seats which will be some achievement.

  23. #48

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    Labour are about to get smashed out of sight. We are going to have a minimum 5 years of a Boris Johnson government. A nightmare thought.

    Labour have done this to themselves and it dates back to electing the wrong Milliband brother.

    Labour need to win the marginals and they are not doing that with the likes of Corbyn and Dianne Abbott at the front.

    They may even lose numbers of safe seats which will be some achievement.
    Yeah I cannot see anything but a tory win.

  24. #49

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    Labour are about to get smashed out of sight. We are going to have a minimum 5 years of a Boris Johnson government. A nightmare thought.

    Labour have done this to themselves and it dates back to electing the wrong Milliband brother.

    Labour need to win the marginals and they are not doing that with the likes of Corbyn and Dianne Abbott at the front.

    They may even lose numbers of safe seats which will be some achievement.
    Unfortunately you’re right. Any decent opposition party should be polling so much higher against the basket case of a PM and Conservative party but the Labour Party is a split as the Conservative’s are. Clearly Corbyn is unelectable to the wider population and doesn’t fit with a large proportion of labour MPs, however he’s loved by the grass roots members. Unfortunately that won’t get him or the Labour Party into power and will hand control to the Tories for 5 years, oh joy!

  25. #50

    Re: Ken Loach

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    Labour are about to get smashed out of sight. We are going to have a minimum 5 years of a Boris Johnson government. A nightmare thought.

    Labour have done this to themselves and it dates back to electing the wrong Milliband brother.

    Labour need to win the marginals and they are not doing that with the likes of Corbyn and Dianne Abbott at the front.

    They may even lose numbers of safe seats which will be some achievement.
    I'm not so sure that labour will get smashed. The problem is from within, the membership overwhelmingly want Corbyn, some of his fellow labour MP'S have done all they can to rubbish him and get him out.

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