Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
I note that some love to stick to the magic 6 million figure hereabout in spite of the fact that the 1945 Soviet guesstimates of 4 million deaths at the Auschwitz labour camp being revised down to 1 million and Majdanek's original 1.5 million dropping to 78k. Alternatively the Soviets were accurate and the Polish government are anti-Semites.

The Red Cross' grand total for deaths at German labour camps was 271k. It's a wonder some European governments don't attempt to prosecute them for Holohoax, er, Holocaust denial.

These are things which people should be free to discuss and I've never agreed with this idea of "holocaust denial" being banned because it impinges freedom of speech and might give the impression there's something to hide.
I still think this,although when I witness the thinly veiled bloodlust by some here, ( not you), I can at least understand why people react by trying to silence such a dangerous philosophy.

Who knows the real numbers, but it was certainly a very bad thing which we don't want to let happen again.

I'd have my own comments about the matter but I'm not going to post them here because there are one or two who would attempt to use any small historical error to justify their race hate.