Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
Once again , I wish you could make a point without the name calling. That's a little clue in itself of course.

Anyway, I'm very confused by this stuff you're saying - and said before- that I defend apartheid and various racism. I don't think I do really. You've also mentioned George Soros before... No I don't like him or the things he tries to do but I don't understand why that somehow makes me the bad guy . Maybe you could explain the logic of that ?

Since I never named the culprits, why do you think people might think you and Dorcus might be anti Semites ?
I don't think 'people' think that. Quite the opposite. I assumed you thought that - or rather thought it would be an insinuation that would get you bites. And you were right - I bit.

If you ever want a grown up discussion about: Israel and its' laws and policies towards Israeli and Palestinian arabs; the British anti-racist tradition; the various strands of Zionism (which I admit causes me some trouble - not all Zionists think the same); the case for and against BDS; the use and abuse of anti-semitic tropes; the rising number of anti-semitic attacks (physical as well as verbal) in Europe and North America; why Islamophobia is racism, cases in Labour which illustrate the existence of anti-semitic views but other cases that show false or distorted claims have been made; the real fears that have been stoked in the British Jewish community - though some experiences but mainly through a press campaign; the slow death of a two state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict and what alternatives remain; the role of social media in all this.... any of that stuff, I am happy to discuss and debate those issues.

But you won't. You will carry on with your alt right diatribes. You will carry on labelling socialists as Nazis. You will carry on with your claims that the Labour Party is planning a new holocaust (that really is what you have been saying!). You will carry on deflecting and avoiding facts and evidence. You will carry on with those strange boasts about your supposed connections or influence and you will carry on being bewildered that no one is impressed. You will carry on trolling.