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Thread: Corbyn the Kent

  1. #1

    Corbyn the Kent

    Just for a bit of balance

  2. #2
    International jon1959's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sheffield - out of Roath

    Re: Corbyn the Kent

    Here's a picture of Corbyn in Kent - campaigning for Rosie Duffield in Canterbury

    Corbyn in Kent.jpg

  3. #3

    Re: Corbyn the Kent

    He’s been unfairly treated as an individual since he’s been leader because the party’s policies are hard to criticise so it’s attack the man but Duke of Kent? That’s the lamest attack so far, it’s even practically compulsory to be Duke of in Coronation St nowadays :

  4. #4

    Re: Corbyn the Kent

    Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
    He’s been unfairly treated as an individual since he’s been leader because the party’s policies are hard to criticise so it’s attack the man but Duke of Kent? That’s the lamest attack so far, it’s even practically compulsory to be Duke of in Coronation St nowadays :
    Difficult to criticise the Labour party policy of spending £170 billion of money that they haven't actually got and have to mortgage the country up to the eyeballs to achieve ?!! Corbyn unfairly treated as an individual even though he is a communist, terrorist supporting, anti-semitic leader. Give us a break please.

  5. #5

    Re: Corbyn the Kent

    Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
    He’s been unfairly treated as an individual since he’s been leader because the party’s policies are hard to criticise so it’s attack the man but Duke of Kent? That’s the lamest attack so far, it’s even practically compulsory to be Duke of in Coronation St nowadays :
    I was at his rally down my way on Saturday. Speaks well, no arrogance and was very well received by a largely young crowd 1000 strong. Dont think Johnson could do that.
    He is a decent man. Perhaps not a 'leader ' in the sense of the word but I would trust him over BJ to do the right thing for the country anytime.

  6. #6

    Re: Corbyn the Kent

    Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
    Difficult to criticise the Labour party policy of spending £170 billion of money that they haven't actually got and have to mortgage the country up to the eyeballs to achieve ?!! Corbyn unfairly treated as an individual even though he is a communist, terrorist supporting, anti-semitic leader. Give us a break please.
    I see you’ve fallen for it!

  7. #7

    Re: Corbyn the Kent

    Quote Originally Posted by jeremy corbyn View Post
    I was at his rally down my way on Saturday. Speaks well, no arrogance and was very well received by a largely young crowd 1000 strong. Dont think Johnson could do that.
    He is a decent man. Perhaps not a 'leader ' in the sense of the word but I would trust him over BJ to do the right thing for the country anytime.
    Exactly, he doesn’t bluster like Johnson does to eat up time in each interview slot to avoid answering vital questions. He’s sometimes too honest for his own good, up front meeting IRA leaders to have a go at attempting to solve things (unlike Thatcher who was meeting them covertly because it wouldn’t look good for her and her party’s image), he’s been outspoken about the Israeli regime’s atrocities against Palestine (that’s supposed to be anti Semitic according to some, others think he’s got a valid point, it’s the regime he’s having a go at not Jews per se), he opposed Blair all the way over his ‘wars’ yet didn’t piss off and form another party like a few politicians do if they can’t get their own way within their party, he stayed, kept his own views and eventually became leader. Of course he’s not to everyone’s taste but he’s more palatable than Johnson. Neil Harris was a duffer on here four week ago.

  8. #8

    Re: Corbyn the Kent

    Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
    I see you’ve fallen for it!
    Nah, he just believed it when he was told, zero critical thinking. Corbyn the communist? Oh please....

  9. #9

    Re: Corbyn the Kent

    Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
    Exactly, he doesn’t bluster like Johnson does to eat up time in each interview slot to avoid answering vital questions. He’s sometimes too honest for his own good, up front meeting IRA leaders to have a go at attempting to solve things (unlike Thatcher who was meeting them covertly because it wouldn’t look good for her and her party’s image), he’s been outspoken about the Israeli regime’s atrocities against Palestine (that’s supposed to be anti Semitic according to some, others think he’s got a valid point, it’s the regime he’s having a go at not Jews per se), he opposed Blair all the way over his ‘wars’ yet didn’t piss off and form another party like a few politicians do if they can’t get their own way within their party, he stayed, kept his own views and eventually became leader. Of course he’s not to everyone’s taste but he’s more palatable than Johnson. Neil Harris was a duffer on here four week ago.
    Up front and honest? Do me a favour.
    He was on Radio4 this morning and completely dodged the question when asked about his views on the IRA.

  10. #10

    Re: Corbyn the Kent

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Gillis View Post
    Up front and honest? Do me a favour.
    He was on Radio4 this morning and completely dodged the question when asked about his views on the IRA.
    Play it back , I listened to it and didn't get that impression

    Post a link to it as you have brought it up , let people make their own minds up

  11. #11

    Re: Corbyn the Kent

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Gillis View Post
    Up front and honest? Do me a favour.
    He was on Radio4 this morning and completely dodged the question when asked about his views on the IRA.
    He probably thought that their cause was righteous but their actions in many cases deplorable. As i do.

  12. #12

    Re: Corbyn the Kent

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    He probably thought that their cause was righteous but their actions in many cases deplorable. As i do.

  13. #13

    Re: Corbyn the Kent

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    He probably thought that their cause was righteous but their actions in many cases deplorable. As i do.
    The murders carried out by the IRA, UDA, UFF & the British Army were shocking and wrong and had to be stopped somehow, Corbyn is quite entitled to agree with the IRA’s cause, I certainly do, and at the same time condemn the atrocities, as do I. The ANC were abhorred by the Thatcher government but I reckon their leader will be more revered in history than that woman. It seems to me that Corbyn realised that jaw jaw was a better process than war war.

  14. #14

    Re: Corbyn the Kent

    At this election we have a choice between:

    - Create a fake fact-checking site on twitter and argue that everyone knows what CCHQ means therefore it wasn't misleading
    - Imply that Channel 4 would use an ipad to make up fake information and therefore refuse to engage in discussion about the above - attempt to create distrust of the media rather than defending own record
    - Have 88% of social media ads contain misleading/false information
    - Create a false story about an aid being hit in the face by protestor to distract from Boris Johnson stealing a phone showing a photo of a pic he didn't wanted to see
    - Refuse to engage with interviews where the governments record will be scrutinised. When scrutinised repeat slogans or try to speak about other party to not explain Conservative party beliefs.
    - Threatening review of press rights to reduce chance of further scrutiny
    - Priti Patel, previously booted out of the cabinet for secret meetings with another nation, making up stats in the Telegraph without being able to produce any evidence for this
    - Lying on Question Time about how we spend more on Legal Aid than any other nation
    - Suppress a report into Russian influence in UK politics that members of the Tory party say could be released before the election.
    - Government which has serious issues with Islamaphobia
    - Present misleading information about investment into police and the NHS
    - Have lost the support of previous Tory Prime Ministers from the moderate wing of the party and gained support of Tommy Robinson
    - The manifesto not contain much information at all but on page 48 it says, rather ominously stating the following:

    "We will ensure that judicial review is available to protect the rights of the individuals against an overbearing state, while ensuring that it is not abused to conduct politics by another means or to create needless delays"

    - Nicely followed by the reminder that the potential Prime Minister having been found to have lied to the Queen and unlawfully shut down parliament


    - Manifesto that promises too much and government which has serious issues with anti-Semitism

    If you vote Tory tomorrow you have most likely assisted in giving a majority to a party who are more likely to lie than explain their ideas and will use your vote to reshape politics to stop them being challenged/scrutinised further. All politicians lie? Stop voting for the politicians who lie then and start voting for the brilliant, local politicians who will engage with you and your local area, even if you share different beliefs

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Corbyn the Kent

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Gillis View Post
    Up front and honest? Do me a favour.
    He was on Radio4 this morning and completely dodged the question when asked about his views on the IRA.
    he was forced into an apology,and a new Brexit stance at least we can now be a neutral country , need to fix his television for Xmas day .

    I would have thought more of the alleged man of honesty if he had

    Apologized and embraced antisemitism in his party years ago not let it be drag on
    Admit he is not a royalist at heart , and its not his thing to watch the queen on Xmas Day ,however I respect the lady.
    Do something to stop moderate centralist leaving.
    Not bounce good people like Benn out of the cabinet
    Stop dodging his past associations .
    Admit he is a Brexiter and pick a side
    Not apply the whip to MP's when he defied the party so many times as a rebel ( hypocrisy that one )
    Never mind Mogg silence why not let Abbot , Keir Stamer , Thornbury , Watson speak freely
    Let the ladies rise , like Eagle, Thornbury and Cooper .

  16. #16

    Re: Corbyn the Kent

    Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
    The murders carried out by the IRA, UDA, UFF & the British Army were shocking and wrong and had to be stopped somehow, Corbyn is quite entitled to agree with the IRA’s cause, I certainly do, and at the same time condemn the atrocities, as do I. The ANC were abhorred by the Thatcher government but I reckon their leader will be more revered in history than that woman. It seems to me that Corbyn realised that jaw jaw was a better process than war war.
    Thatcher, Major, Blair all talked at various levels to the IRA with the ultimate, largely successful aim of peace in NI. The Troubles were not all down to the IRA.

  17. #17

    Re: Corbyn the Kent

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Gillis View Post
    Up front and honest? Do me a favour.
    He was on Radio4 this morning and completely dodged the question when asked about his views on the IRA.
    What are your views on the IRA’s cause (not the paramilitary side of it) and the British army’s role? The atrocities were disgusting on both sides and it seems to me as though Corbyn was attempting to get people to talk rather than blow each other to bits.

  18. #18

    Re: Corbyn the Kent

    Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
    Difficult to criticise the Labour party policy of spending £170 billion of money that they haven't actually got and have to mortgage the country up to the eyeballs to achieve ?!! Corbyn unfairly treated as an individual even though he is a communist, terrorist supporting, anti-semitic leader. Give us a break please.
    What do you mean when you say mortgage the country?

  19. #19

    Re: Corbyn the Kent

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Nah, he just believed it when he was told, zero critical thinking. Corbyn the communist? Oh please....
    No surprise that he takes everything the club says as gospel, is it? Like Johnson, dml also lies about things to suit his agenda and hides when challenged... Although, possibly not in the fridge.

  20. #20

    Re: Corbyn the Kent

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Play it back , I listened to it and didn't get that impression

    Post a link to it as you have brought it up , let people make their own minds up
    Yes he did, when asked about the IRA he reeled off his manifesto pledges

  21. #21

    Re: Corbyn the Kent

    Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
    Difficult to criticise the Labour party policy of spending £170 billion of money that they haven't actually got and have to mortgage the country up to the eyeballs to achieve ?!! Corbyn unfairly treated as an individual even though he is a communist, terrorist supporting, anti-semitic leader. Give us a break please.

    Ha ha ha! Oh DML, your child-like innocence is an inspiration to us all.

  22. #22

    Re: Corbyn the Kent

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    At this election we have a choice between:

    - Create a fake fact-checking site on twitter and argue that everyone knows what CCHQ means therefore it wasn't misleading
    - Imply that Channel 4 would use an ipad to make up fake information and therefore refuse to engage in discussion about the above - attempt to create distrust of the media rather than defending own record
    - Have 88% of social media ads contain misleading/false information
    - Create a false story about an aid being hit in the face by protestor to distract from Boris Johnson stealing a phone showing a photo of a pic he didn't wanted to see
    - Refuse to engage with interviews where the governments record will be scrutinised. When scrutinised repeat slogans or try to speak about other party to not explain Conservative party beliefs.
    - Threatening review of press rights to reduce chance of further scrutiny
    - Priti Patel, previously booted out of the cabinet for secret meetings with another nation, making up stats in the Telegraph without being able to produce any evidence for this
    - Lying on Question Time about how we spend more on Legal Aid than any other nation
    - Suppress a report into Russian influence in UK politics that members of the Tory party say could be released before the election.
    - Government which has serious issues with Islamaphobia
    - Present misleading information about investment into police and the NHS
    - Have lost the support of previous Tory Prime Ministers from the moderate wing of the party and gained support of Tommy Robinson
    - The manifesto not contain much information at all but on page 48 it says, rather ominously stating the following:

    "We will ensure that judicial review is available to protect the rights of the individuals against an overbearing state, while ensuring that it is not abused to conduct politics by another means or to create needless delays"

    - Nicely followed by the reminder that the potential Prime Minister having been found to have lied to the Queen and unlawfully shut down parliament


    - Manifesto that promises too much and government which has serious issues with anti-Semitism

    If you vote Tory tomorrow you have most likely assisted in giving a majority to a party who are more likely to lie than explain their ideas and will use your vote to reshape politics to stop them being challenged/scrutinised further. All politicians lie? Stop voting for the politicians who lie then and start voting for the brilliant, local politicians who will engage with you and your local area, even if you share different beliefs
    Very good post.

  23. #23

    Re: Corbyn the Kent

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    What do you mean when you say mortgage the country?

    He doesn’t know. Even if we’re true, it’s better to mortgage the country than sell it off.

  24. #24

    Re: Corbyn the Kent

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    At this election we have a choice between:

    - Create a fake fact-checking site on twitter and argue that everyone knows what CCHQ means therefore it wasn't misleading
    - Imply that Channel 4 would use an ipad to make up fake information and therefore refuse to engage in discussion about the above - attempt to create distrust of the media rather than defending own record
    - Have 88% of social media ads contain misleading/false information
    - Create a false story about an aid being hit in the face by protestor to distract from Boris Johnson stealing a phone showing a photo of a pic he didn't wanted to see
    - Refuse to engage with interviews where the governments record will be scrutinised. When scrutinised repeat slogans or try to speak about other party to not explain Conservative party beliefs.
    - Threatening review of press rights to reduce chance of further scrutiny
    - Priti Patel, previously booted out of the cabinet for secret meetings with another nation, making up stats in the Telegraph without being able to produce any evidence for this
    - Lying on Question Time about how we spend more on Legal Aid than any other nation
    - Suppress a report into Russian influence in UK politics that members of the Tory party say could be released before the election.
    - Government which has serious issues with Islamaphobia
    - Present misleading information about investment into police and the NHS
    - Have lost the support of previous Tory Prime Ministers from the moderate wing of the party and gained support of Tommy Robinson
    - The manifesto not contain much information at all but on page 48 it says, rather ominously stating the following:

    "We will ensure that judicial review is available to protect the rights of the individuals against an overbearing state, while ensuring that it is not abused to conduct politics by another means or to create needless delays"

    - Nicely followed by the reminder that the potential Prime Minister having been found to have lied to the Queen and unlawfully shut down parliament


    - Manifesto that promises too much and government which has serious issues with anti-Semitism

    If you vote Tory tomorrow you have most likely assisted in giving a majority to a party who are more likely to lie than explain their ideas and will use your vote to reshape politics to stop them being challenged/scrutinised further. All politicians lie? Stop voting for the politicians who lie then and start voting for the brilliant, local politicians who will engage with you and your local area, even if you share different beliefs
    Exactly this.

  25. #25

    Re: Corbyn the Kent

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    At this election we have a choice between:

    - Create a fake fact-checking site on twitter and argue that everyone knows what CCHQ means therefore it wasn't misleading
    - Imply that Channel 4 would use an ipad to make up fake information and therefore refuse to engage in discussion about the above - attempt to create distrust of the media rather than defending own record
    - Have 88% of social media ads contain misleading/false information
    - Create a false story about an aid being hit in the face by protestor to distract from Boris Johnson stealing a phone showing a photo of a pic he didn't wanted to see
    - Refuse to engage with interviews where the governments record will be scrutinised. When scrutinised repeat slogans or try to speak about other party to not explain Conservative party beliefs.
    - Threatening review of press rights to reduce chance of further scrutiny
    - Priti Patel, previously booted out of the cabinet for secret meetings with another nation, making up stats in the Telegraph without being able to produce any evidence for this
    - Lying on Question Time about how we spend more on Legal Aid than any other nation
    - Suppress a report into Russian influence in UK politics that members of the Tory party say could be released before the election.
    - Government which has serious issues with Islamaphobia
    - Present misleading information about investment into police and the NHS
    - Have lost the support of previous Tory Prime Ministers from the moderate wing of the party and gained support of Tommy Robinson
    - The manifesto not contain much information at all but on page 48 it says, rather ominously stating the following:

    "We will ensure that judicial review is available to protect the rights of the individuals against an overbearing state, while ensuring that it is not abused to conduct politics by another means or to create needless delays"

    - Nicely followed by the reminder that the potential Prime Minister having been found to have lied to the Queen and unlawfully shut down parliament


    - Manifesto that promises too much and government which has serious issues with anti-Semitism

    If you vote Tory tomorrow you have most likely assisted in giving a majority to a party who are more likely to lie than explain their ideas and will use your vote to reshape politics to stop them being challenged/scrutinised further. All politicians lie? Stop voting for the politicians who lie then and start voting for the brilliant, local politicians who will engage with you and your local area, even if you share different beliefs
    It's so revealing that none of the old men who appeared on here yesterday trying to justify their voting intentions in this and another thread have tried to challenge, or even replied to, this message.

    The sentence highlighted early on in this message goes to the heart of the matter, but there is so much more that Surge has listed and yet he makes no mention of Johnson's character and the strokes he pulled during his first few months in office before the election was called - remember when the Conservatives used to call themselves the party of law and order?

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