Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
You mean taking them to the island?
You will have to explain. I was playing the "what if" game. It seems to absolve people who have to be seem to be right (inside their own head anyway) from any assertion that they got something wrong. On that are you saying that the evidence was falsified and he only fell on his sword to avoid the jailing of his son (presumably for some other false and trumped up charge)?

Ok I also thought the example was a bit apposite because the noble General Flynn, when he wasn't leading the chanting of Lock her up (on as yet unspecified charges) was quite adept at retweeting Pizzagate conspiracy theories. This obviously isn't a crime as there wouldn't be anyone left on here for me to argue with!

He has been under investigation (not prosecuted or sentenced, they come later) for plotting with senior Turkish ministers to abduct and remove from the US a Turkish dissident (for some reason also an obsession of one Rudy Guiliani) and The Hill had to row back on an article he wrote smearing the dissident after they found he was on a half million dollar contract from the Turkish government that he had not disclosed to the News outlet or more importantly to the YS government as required and had to do retroactively.

Still big up Flynny! He seems the kind of "innocent" guy someone with a hatred of bad actors should ride to their defence!