Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
Did anyone watch Question Time last night? I wonder is anyone else getting tired of hearing people using the race card when they disagree with someone. Here is the clip from last night:


Like the actor guy, I am a white male although I would not classify myself as particularly priviliged other than being so grateful for good health in my advanced years! Whatever my feelings about Meghan Markel are, they have nothing whatsoever to do with her colour. I guess if I make only positive comments about her that's fine, but if I criticise her for anything then it must be because she is of mixed race. PC gone mad again.
Yes, everyone is getting tired of it, but the way out of that is to recognise why people are talking about it and what we can do to improve things. It doesn't mean agreeing with everything, but it does means listening rather than shutting down the conversation or denying people's experience. So the question should be whether Laurence Fox is listening to what's being said or saying he doesn't need to for whatever reason.