Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
Lardy & Cyril won't like this latest development after the tremendous effort they put into their prolonged Trump Russia Collusion propaganda campaign ...

In at least 2 FISA applications there was insufficient predication to establish probable cause to believe that Carter Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power.

I would imagine US Attorney John Durham is already quite deep into his investigation, even though some people on here were calling Bill Barr a stooge for questioning the predication. Like I've been saying right from the very beginning it was all a hoax, and Donald Trump was setup.

TDS alive and kicking .

What happened to Brexit , Policing ,NHS, Homeless , Social Care , Austerity....
..oh hang on that's too easy. You do need a brighter wing man though!

Tell me if the Department of Justice considered that two of the four warrants failed to provide sufficient probable cause that Carter Page was a foreign agent presumably that means that two, including the one that initiated the investigation did, sort of blowing all the bull you have thrown and rubbishing Barr's assertion that the DOJ IG was wrong in its conclusions. Congratulations on highlighting this fact.