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Thread: Rid ourselves of the racists amongst us

  1. #1

    Rid ourselves of the racists amongst us

    It appears likely that those who were collared at Reading were detained for anti-English racist chanting. If so, it's not before time that those who indulge in that abuse are brought to book because for too long such behaviour has been appeased by those who deliberately underplay it by suggesting it's a harmless wind-up of opposition supporters and can be dismissed as innocent banter.

    We are all familiar with the typical profile of the ignorant Anglophobes. Almost without exception they are low IQ smelly types who have been allowed to continue and proliferate to spread their poisonous invective.

    Let's make it clear to those boneheads that in 2020 it is equally unacceptable to spew insults at those of English ethnicity as it is to those of all other backgrounds. Morally, and in UK law for over 20 years due to the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, there's no legal distinction between mouthing, as an example: "you dirty English bastards" as "you dirty Pakistani bastards", etc, etc.

    Identify those who do, root them out, insist they are prosecuted and demand the club ban them for life.

  2. #2

    Re: Rid ourselves of the racists amongst us

    I wish we could go back to the classic oh cardiff we love you , banter is one thing but this anti english stuff is embarrassing and it seems that at reading some people may suffer the consequences of their actions , wether that's over the top is a moot point

  3. #3

    Re: Rid ourselves of the racists amongst us

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    It appears likely that those who were collared at Reading were detained for anti-English racist chanting. If so, it's not before time that those who indulge in that abuse are brought to book because for too long such behaviour has been appeased by those who deliberately underplay it by suggesting it's a harmless wind-up of opposition supporters and can be dismissed as innocent banter.

    We are all familiar with the typical profile of the ignorant Anglophobes. Almost without exception they are low IQ smelly types who have been allowed to continue and proliferate to spread their poisonous invective.

    Let's make it clear to those boneheads that in 2020 it is equally unacceptable to spew insults at those of English ethnicity as it is to those of all other backgrounds. Morally, and in UK law for over 20 years due to the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, there's no legal distinction between mouthing, as an example: "you dirty English bastards" as "you dirty Pakistani bastards", etc, etc.

    Identify those who do, root them out, insist they are prosecuted and demand the club ban them for life.
    Well said OM. There's nothing better than singing/chanting support for our team, not the mindless anti-English stuff.

  4. #4

    Re: Rid ourselves of the racists amongst us

    It will be interesting during the six nations to see if suggesting where the English park their chariot is deemed as racist chanting.

  5. #5

    Re: Rid ourselves of the racists amongst us

    Quote Originally Posted by NottinghamBlue View Post
    Well said OM. There's nothing better than singing/chanting support for our team, not the mindless anti-English stuff.
    I’ve always felt the anti English stuff is self defeating, more than half our team our no doubt English? I know quite a few mates who follow us but are English. We def need to up our game in terms of singing, it appears the old style singers or those who might get it going don’t come anymore?

  6. #6

    Re: Rid ourselves of the racists amongst us

    Quote Originally Posted by Fine Lines View Post
    It will be interesting during the six nations to see if suggesting where the English park their chariot is deemed as racist chanting.
    High jinx at the rugby

  7. #7

    Re: Rid ourselves of the racists amongst us

    I do find it cringeworthy, just as I do when it comes the other way. I'm not a massive fan of national anthems or swing low at club football matches either.

    Definitely needs some sort of effort to get some imaginative chants going.

    Don't think people should be collared for it though.

  8. #8

    Re: Rid ourselves of the racists amongst us

    Quote Originally Posted by Trigger View Post
    I do find it cringeworthy, just as I do when it comes the other way. I'm not a massive fan of national anthems or swing low at club football matches either.

    Definitely needs some sort of effort to get some imaginative chants going.

    Don't think people should be collared for it though.

  9. #9

    Re: Rid ourselves of the racists amongst us

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post

    Let's make it clear to those boneheads that in 2020 it is equally unacceptable to spew insults at those of English ethnicity as it is to those of all other backgrounds. Morally, and in UK law for over 20 years due to the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, there's no legal distinction between mouthing, as an example: "you dirty English bastards" as "you dirty Pakistani bastards", etc, etc.
    Whilst I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment - isn't the 1998 act about race or religion?

    Neither Pakistani or English are races or religion - "p@ki" however is considered a racial term so is therefore covered by the act.

  10. #10

    Re: Rid ourselves of the racists amongst us

    Quote Originally Posted by Trigger View Post
    I do find it cringeworthy, just as I do when it comes the other way. I'm not a massive fan of national anthems or swing low at club football matches either.

    Definitely needs some sort of effort to get some imaginative chants going.

    Don't think people should be collared for it though.
    There don't seem to be any original chants in football any more. It's all boring droning, boring, same shite of which the anti english stuff is the pits. I think it's all gotten worse too, there used to be a lot more pro city songs. I'm bored stiff of singing at away games these days, and every club is just as boring. Every single boring collection of **** wits sing these songs every week, and somehow people are still laughing and thinking they're original:

    Your ground's too big for you
    Is there a firedrill
    ***** is a shit hole I want to go home
    You're just a bus stop in *****
    Shall we sing a song for you
    Your ground's a library
    They're every ****ing where empty seats

    Rubbish every single one of them. It's been the same way for about 20 years, the fire drill one was original about 10 years ago.

  11. #11

    Re: Rid ourselves of the racists amongst us

    Totally agree. Totally embarrassing. My son's mate is from Devon but he has a Bluebirds season ticket too. These people have the brains of a geranium and deserve what they get.
    Also annoying is the lack of recognition of anti-Welsh bile in the form of chants, inflatable sheep etc. I've never understood why the media, pundits or even players stay quiet about this almost weekly feature of the football league?

  12. #12

    Re: Rid ourselves of the racists amongst us

    Some people are racist are racist. There's not much you can do to change their minds. And it can be difficult to stand up to people on an individual basis. I remember calling someone out at the Arms Park during a Wales game mamy years ago for abusing Eric Young. He was sitting right behind me. He backed down, but then I was uncomfortable for the whole game wondering how many mates he had with him. But what the club can do is refuse to tolerate it. Make it known to everyone that racism and abuse will not be tolerated. And that anti-English chanting is at the very least frowned upon. What must the players think?

  13. #13

    Re: Rid ourselves of the racists amongst us

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    There don't seem to be any original chants in football any more. It's all boring droning, boring, same shite of which the anti english stuff is the pits. I think it's all gotten worse too, there used to be a lot more pro city songs. I'm bored stiff of singing at away games these days, and every club is just as boring. Every single boring collection of **** wits sing these songs every week, and somehow people are still laughing and thinking they're original:

    Your ground's too big for you
    Is there a firedrill
    ***** is a shit hole I want to go home
    You're just a bus stop in *****
    Shall we sing a song for you
    Your ground's a library
    They're every ****ing where empty seats

    Rubbish every single one of them. It's been the same way for about 20 years, the fire drill one was original about 10 years ago.
    Completely agree, songs mocking other fans are a bit shit, maybe it's something to do with the internet age. Equally, that 'when i was young' and that Liverpool song we sing are shit. Anyone under 30 can't even say 'Kayardiff' anymore, at the end of the 'C' 'A' 'R'...etc song, It's 'Cardiff' No soul in any of the songs we sing now.

  14. #14

    Re: Rid ourselves of the racists amongst us

    Quote Originally Posted by Toadstool View Post
    Whilst I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment - isn't the 1998 act about race or religion?

    Neither Pakistani or English are races or religion - "p@ki" however is considered a racial term so is therefore covered by the act.
    Both are nationalities and with it are protected characteristics under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998.

    That Act deals with racial and religious offences. Miscreants are usually landed with a racially or religiously aggravated public order charge. As the examples below demonstrate, remarks most would consider far less insulting than what's often hurled from football stands are prosecuted.

    Woman fined for 'racist' English insult -

    A Welsh woman has been made to pay compensation for using a racist slur against an English woman after calling her "an English cow".

    More: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ukn...sh-insult.html

    Man fined for racism after calling Welsh people 'sheep s******s - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/u...s-8594480.html

    Councillor fined £750 for calling Welshman 'boyo' - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/u...o-8689295.html

  15. #15

    Re: Rid ourselves of the racists amongst us

    Quote Originally Posted by Fine Lines View Post
    It will be interesting during the six nations to see if suggesting where the English park their chariot is deemed as racist chanting.
    I've never heard 'you can stick your ****ing chariots up your arse' sang at the rugby.

  16. #16

    Re: Rid ourselves of the racists amongst us

    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Paget Flashman View Post
    I've never heard 'you can stick your ****ing chariots up your arse' sang at the rugby.
    Same here. They don't do chants either other than the repetitive 'Wales Wales'.

  17. #17

    Re: Rid ourselves of the racists amongst us

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    It appears likely that those who were collared at Reading were detained for anti-English racist chanting. If so, it's not before time that those who indulge in that abuse are brought to book because for too long such behaviour has been appeased by those who deliberately underplay it by suggesting it's a harmless wind-up of opposition supporters and can be dismissed as innocent banter.

    We are all familiar with the typical profile of the ignorant Anglophobes. Almost without exception they are low IQ smelly types who have been allowed to continue and proliferate to spread their poisonous invective.

    Let's make it clear to those boneheads that in 2020 it is equally unacceptable to spew insults at those of English ethnicity as it is to those of all other backgrounds. Morally, and in UK law for over 20 years due to the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, there's no legal distinction between mouthing, as an example: "you dirty English bastards" as "you dirty Pakistani bastards", etc, etc.

    Identify those who do, root them out, insist they are prosecuted and demand the club ban them for life.
    What a bunch of wimps on this thread.. Go and play chess ffs.. I bet mumsy wouldn't let you go to games until you were thirty incase nasty men sang naughty songs to each other

  18. #18

    Re: Rid ourselves of the racists amongst us

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Completely agree, songs mocking other fans are a bit shit, maybe it's something to do with the internet age. Equally, that 'when i was young' and that Liverpool song we sing are shit. Anyone under 30 can't even say 'Kayardiff' anymore, at the end of the 'C' 'A' 'R'...etc song, It's 'Cardiff' No soul in any of the songs we sing now.
    It's just the same 10 songs on repeat every week. The pro Cardiff songs seem to be dying out.

    I don't get how anyone can get excited by any of these:

    Your ground's too big for you
    Is there a firedrill
    ***** is a shit hole I want to go home
    You're just a bus stop in *****
    Shall we sing a song for you
    Your ground's a library
    They're every ****ing where empty seats
    None of them are witty, funny or original. Every away fan sings them at the CCS then we sing them at every away ground. Shite.

  19. #19

    Re: Rid ourselves of the racists amongst us

    Quote Originally Posted by stan butler View Post
    What a bunch of wimps on this thread.. Go and play chess ffs.. I bet mumsy wouldn't let you go to games until you were thirty incase nasty men sang naughty songs to each other
    It's just boring and shit mate no one is offended by it.

  20. #20

    Re: Rid ourselves of the racists amongst us

    Quote Originally Posted by stan butler View Post
    What a bunch of wimps on this thread.. Go and play chess ffs.. I bet mumsy wouldn't let you go to games until you were thirty incase nasty men sang naughty songs to each other
    Nobody is upset by it. It's just moronic, tedious and embarrassing.

  21. #21

    Re: Rid ourselves of the racists amongst us

    So the next thing that will happen, following the logic, is that anyone singing the sheep s******g songs will be arrested for cruelty to animals or encouraging bestiality. The worlds going mad. I am not a fan of the anti English chants and always thought them a bit odd, bearing in mind the number of English players we have. The sheep ones aren't any better, more because our fans nowadays comprise quite a large number of children and women who could be offended but the authorities need to get a sense of balance here - there are rather more serious and important things happening that need sorting, both at football games and in the world generally.

  22. #22

    Re: Rid ourselves of the racists amongst us

    Quote Originally Posted by stan butler View Post
    What a bunch of wimps on this thread.. Go and play chess ffs.. I bet mumsy wouldn't let you go to games until you were thirty incase nasty men sang naughty songs to each other
    Times change, societies evolve. So many things which were once accepted aren't any longer.

    As for the anti-English stuff, whether at football grounds or at TV screens when Wales eggers take on the Saes, it is my experience that the most virulent Anglophobes are in reality arch-Anglophiles who embrace England's language and culture to the exclusion of their own which they pretend to be so proud of. The great majority are absolute wankers who would, given the choice, opt to bugger themselves with a cactus plant rather than spend as a little as a few hours learning simple phrases in their own language.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Rid ourselves of the racists amongst us

    The anti English sentiment is everywhere in sport ,in my family are a lot of Rugby fans there language towards them is dreadful but never challenged .

    I have always disliked anti Englishness in all its form , we have a lot of Englsih players in our team , how do we think its clever insulting England and expecting loyalty from them

    It the old jealousy and chip Welsh chip on the shoulder that driver this .

    I remember way back Welsh fans buying up Argentina shirts ,what the hell was that about if its wasn't hatred ?

  24. #24

    Re: Rid ourselves of the racists amongst us

  25. #25

    Re: Rid ourselves of the racists amongst us

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    It's just the same 10 songs on repeat every week. The pro Cardiff songs seem to be dying out.

    I don't get how anyone can get excited by any of these:

    None of them are witty, funny or original. Every away fan sings them at the CCS then we sing them at every away ground. Shite.
    Too bloody true: same old, same old crap

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