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Thread: Ukraine Corruption

  1. #251
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    Re: Ukraine Corruption

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    For someone who has repeatedly claimed he’s a Labour voterR and lamented the fact of their demise you don’t half sound like a right wing troll.

    Therefore You’ll be treated like one. My advice to you is own your shit Re Brexit, Trumo Stop pretending to show balance as you look like a man who sees which way the fight is going in a school playground and then lifts the arm of the winner.

    That's your view only and a few your trolls , I find it incredible you accuse others of trolling , isn't that a classic selecting self guilt trolling moment in itself .

    I'm simply not as narrow of thought as you are , I can't vote blindly for a party because it happens not to be a Tory , you vote or support its policy and benefit go society, not vote as a brand , or pin a rosette on a dog politics is not my politics ??

    I guess you come over as , I will vote Labour no matter what they say or do ( troll )

    I dislike the current Labour party policies I am preying its gets itself back to the centre with a leader Nandy or Starmer and forms a effective opposition , so yes I will criticise a party I have voted for it doesn't make one a Tory FFS . If makes one who wants strong sensible opposition politics , if we don't get that we have Tories for life ????????????? ( but you know that based on fact not my view as millions like me spoke at the last election)

  2. #252
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    Re: Ukraine Corruption

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    It's always been a source of baffled amusement to me why obviously right wing posters are often so keen to let us know about their "left leaning" politics.
    Many socialist voters voted for Brexit , millions did in a Blair landslide, Clinton was forgiven and revered by the left in the UK , what your describing is not right wing left leaning socialist it's called centralism politics.

    Iis pretty clear the further left our Labour party goes the more alienated it becomes , as Alan Johnson famously
    described it on election night "" the party is like a student union protest group " .

    In my interest in politics over the decades I've never know such a drift away from labour as we see now , with the fact they could not beat the feckless Boris , May and Cameron ???? and that is a very sad ( fact ) and unforgivable .

    Perhaps this is the Labour strategy, to finallh kill off any centrealist policy, support or MP once and for all , and just play hit and run oppostion politics , instead of leading or being in power ??? ( Just have a look at how little stage time they gave Kier in the last election )

    In my humble opinion having another option or opinion away from the current Labour project doesn't make one left leaning right winger ,that's a weakness and not broad enough of thought , I know many decent folk who think the same way, unfortunately they have been bullied away from this board .

    I'm not levelling this at your goodself or others , it's simply a viewpoint that others may agree or discard with its called freedom of speech and views not a left leaning right winger.?????

  3. #253

    Re: Ukraine Corruption

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Many socialist voters voted for Brexit , millions did in a Blair landslide, Clinton was forgiven and revered by the left in the UK , what your describing is not right wing left leaning socialist it's called centralism politics.

    Iis pretty clear the further left our Labour party goes the more alienated it becomes , as Alan Johnson famously
    described it on election night "" the party is like a student union protest group " .

    In my interest in politics over the decades I've never know such a drift away from labour as we see now , with the fact they could not beat the feckless Boris , May and Cameron ???? and that is a very sad ( fact ) and unforgivable .

    Perhaps this is the Labour strategy, to finallh kill off any centrealist policy, support or MP once and for all , and just play hit and run oppostion politics , instead of leading or being in power ??? ( Just have a look at how little stage time they gave Kier in the last election )

    In my humble opinion having another option or opinion away from the current Labour project doesn't make one left leaning right winger ,that's a weakness and not broad enough of thought , I know many decent folk who think the same way, unfortunately they have been bullied away from this board .

    I'm not levelling this at your goodself or others , it's simply a viewpoint that others may agree or discard with its called freedom of speech and views not a left leaning right winger.?????
    Lots of words without addressing my point (to be fair, I didn't develop it much in my message). It's not that unusual to see plainly right wing opinions being preceded by the person making them mentioning their left wing credentials - it's as if, deep down, they don't like what they've become.

  4. #254

    Re: Ukraine Corruption

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    It's always been a source of baffled amusement to me why obviously right wing posters are often so keen to let us know about their "left leaning" politics.
    I'm a rule of law poster, obviously. You are the one who is trying to stick a label on me, just for pointing out that a specific group are undermining of the democratic process. If the roles were reversed, then I would be pointing out the other side. So using your logic, you must be in favour of banana republics, right?

  5. #255
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    Re: Ukraine Corruption

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Lots of words without addressing my point (to be fair, I didn't develop it much in my message). It's not that unusual to see plainly right wing opinions being preceded by the person making them mentioning their left wing credentials - it's as if, deep down, they don't like what they've become.
    God knows , to be fair I did my best , I'm not a geat wordsmith as yourself and I will always be in your shadow. ( I guess your getting the point though and your reply was trying to be clever)

    Again I will try again to the best of my limited intelligence and lack of appropriate composition and grammar : You
    may have a right wing view about something like Immigration , because it closely effects one ,however they havc very strong views on socialist type views like workers rights and union rights that's not guilt if an opinion that differs ,I'm surprised your not getting this .

    Hope that's less words .

  6. #256

    Re: Ukraine Corruption

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I'm simply not as narrow of thought as you are , I can't vote blindly for a party because it happens not to be a Tory , you vote or support its policy and benefit go society, not vote as a brand , or pin a rosette on a dog politics is not my politics ??

    I guess you come over as , I will vote Labour no matter what they say or do ( troll )

    I dislike the current Labour party policies I am preying its gets itself back to the centre with a leader Nandy or Starmer and forms a effective opposition , so yes I will criticise a party I have voted for it doesn't make one a Tory FFS . If makes one who wants strong sensible opposition politics , if we don't get that we have Tories for life ????????????? ( but you know that based on fact not my view as millions like me spoke at the last election)
    Hear, hear, I can't wait to get rid of the Tories. Unfortunately, they were the only ones willing to deliver Brexit, and without that we will never be able to control our own destiny, so it's a price worth paying IMO. It's not even being done for our generation, its so the ones who follow can shape their own futures, and not be trapped inside an undemocratic EU.

  7. #257

    Re: Ukraine Corruption

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I'm a rule of law poster, obviously. You are the one who is trying to stick a label on me, just for pointing out that a specific group are undermining of the democratic process. If the roles were reversed, then I would be pointing out the other side. So using your logic, you must be in favour of banana republics, right?
    What on earth are you talking about? Your messages over a period of years have been right of centre and, yet after all of this time, you still talk about your left wing leanings - I was making a general comment that had nothing to do with this particular case, but, I'm sorry I don't believe you when you say if the roles were reversed you'd still be saying the same thing because I've never even seen anything from you on this forum to support that statement.

  8. #258

    Re: Ukraine Corruption

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Hear, hear, I can't wait to get rid of the Tories. Unfortunately, they were the only ones willing to deliver Brexit, and without that we will never be able to control our own destiny, so it's a price worth paying IMO. It's not even being done for our generation, its so the ones who follow can shape their own futures, and not be trapped inside an undemocratic EU.
    You and your protege are getting very wound up about this aren't you? You've come up with a classic justification there - "I can't wait to get rid of the Tories" followed by the "but". I can't say what the but will be in 2024, but I reckon there will be one!

    Also, according to Jacob Rees Mogg at least, an awful lot of the younger generation who wanted to stay in the EU won't be around to experience the good times if or when they come.

  9. #259

    Re: Ukraine Corruption

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    What on earth are you talking about? Your messages over a period of years have been right of centre and, yet after all of this time, you still talk about your left wing leanings - I was making a general comment that had nothing to do with this particular case, but, I'm sorry I don't believe you when you say if the roles were reversed you'd still be saying the same thing because I've never even seen anything from you on this forum to support that statement.
    Advocating for rule of law is not left or right, and neither is wanting to be out of the EU. Those are the only two things I have ever really spoken about on here. Now when it comes to actual policy, I would be slighty left of centre, but not afraid to mix in some centre right policies if they benefited the majority of the people.

  10. #260

    Re: Ukraine Corruption

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    You and your protege are getting very wound up about this aren't you? You've come up with a classic justification there - "I can't wait to get rid of the Tories" followed by the "but". I can't say what the but will be in 2024, but I reckon there will be one!

    Also, according to Jacob Rees Mogg at least, an awful lot of the younger generation who wanted to stay in the EU won't be around to experience the good times if or when they come.
    The Tories will have served their purpose if they can successfully get us out of the EU, and I said that ages ago. I probably won't be around when the benefits are of an independent Britain are fully realised, but at least the following generations won't be stifled by an autocratic political system.

  11. #261
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Ukraine Corruption

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Advocating for rule of law is not left or right, and neither is wanting to be out of the EU. Those are the only two things I have ever really spoken about on here. Now when it comes to actual policy, I would be slighty left of centre, but not afraid to mix in some centre right policies if they benefited the majority of the people.
    Identity politics are now in play, its either right or wrong for me, so depending on what day of the week, what the topic is, i could be labelled Right or Left when we play the Identity politics game.
    but to get back on topic. (sort of)
    Democrats are in a desperate state, they allegedly rigged it for a despicable woman (and i use the word woman very loosely), Bernie just rolled over and took it in the rear end, Biden the DNC favoured pick is done this time around so now are allegedly rigging it for Bloomberg, Bernie again will roll over and take his donations with him, maybe this super socialist will buy another mansion!!) that alleged woman still thinks she can be queen, Michael I don't think now will run, i used to think Michael was their joker card waiting the right opportunity, but who will now fear the band of Anons digging into its past like nothing it will have ever know, Trump isn’t finished with the Obama’s, and I think will always believe that he was responsible for the impeachment, something that he’ll (TRUMP) will always struggle with, as it will always be on the record in the history books, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Obama disappear to a country with a non-extradition agreement, this alleged corrupt trio, NP, AS and JN, and their families and extended families are being exposed bit x bit, are there any democrats who do not have any ties with these mafia types who can run with the mantle ?
    They never thought she would lose and were sloppy, the NSA and the information held by it, is now in the hands of TRUMP, PAIN is coming and they know it. Onto the next BOMSHELL!!!

  12. #262
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    Re: Ukraine Corruption

    [I]" Identity politics are now in play, its either right or wrong for me, so depending on what day of the week, what the topic is, i could be labelled Right or Left when we play the Identity politics game " ./I].

    " Now when it comes to actual policy, I would be slighty left of centre, but not afraid to mix in some centre right policies if they benefited the majority of the people."

    The above quotes are so spot on and probably represent the majority of the electoral in the country

    Its a sadness we dont have a better balance of debate on the politics board , I guess the attacks have seen many off .

    I am shocked the left leaners still keep wanting to badge centralist as Tories ??

    I can only think they are very bitter after the election whitewash and there is nothing else to blame other than this and media intrusion ,however I am not shocked as they follow the same bullish narrow narrative still pursed by Monemtum , Corby ,Bailey ,Abbott ,Rayner ,Richard Burgon ,McDonald , and now that that dreadful Zarah Sultana , its always someones else's fault not there own , there is no appeal in that as they charge blind into the abyss .

    Victims for victims sake , their message should deliver aspiration and hope not blame .

  13. #263
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Ukraine Corruption

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    [I]" Identity politics are now in play, its either right or wrong for me, so depending on what day of the week, what the topic is, i could be labelled Right or Left when we play the Identity politics game " ./I].

    " Now when it comes to actual policy, I would be slighty left of centre, but not afraid to mix in some centre right policies if they benefited the majority of the people."

    The above quotes are so spot on and probably represent the majority of the electoral in the country

    Its a sadness we dont have a better balance of debate on the politics board , I guess the attacks have seen many off .

    I am shocked the left leaners still keep wanting to badge centralist as Tories ??

    I can only think they are very bitter after the election whitewash and there is nothing else to blame other than this and media intrusion ,however I am not shocked as they follow the same bullish narrow narrative still pursed by Monemtum , Corby ,Bailey ,Abbott ,Rayner ,Richard Burgon ,McDonald , and now that that dreadful Zarah Sultana , its always someones else's fault not there own , there is no appeal in that as they charge blind into the abyss .

    Victims for victims sake , their message should deliver aspiration and hope not blame .
    Northern Rail, left wing policy implented by a right wing government so if you think it's a good policy does that make you right or left when playing the identity politics game ��?

  14. #264

    Re: Ukraine Corruption

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    Northern Rail, left wing policy implented by a right wing government so if you think it's a good policy does that make you right or left when playing the identity politics game ��?
    All policies are good policies if they work for the majority of the people, or they serve some useful purpose.

  15. #265

    Re: Ukraine Corruption

    Look at them all trying to explain away their views - why do they feel the need to do it?

  16. #266

    Re: Ukraine Corruption

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Look at them all trying to explain away their views - why do they feel the need to do it?
    Is Senator Rand Paul far-right or is he standing up for the rule of law? How best would you describe his views?

  17. #267

    Re: Ukraine Corruption

    [QUOTE=Wales-Bales;5045318]Is Senator Rand Paul far-right or is he standing up for the rule of law? How best would you describe his views?

    It's almost like being back in the 3rd Form Debating Club:

    Adolf Eichmann: Nazi or South American Adventurer
    Jimmy Saville: Charity Campaigner and friend of Royalty and politicians or Paedophile Predator
    Mao Tse Tung: Communist or Dedicated Rambler

    That sort of thing

  18. #268

    Re: Ukraine Corruption

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    It's almost like being back in the 3rd Form Debating Club:

    Adolf Eichmann: Nazi or South American Adventurer
    Jimmy Saville: Charity Campaigner and friend of Royalty and politicians or Paedophile Predator
    Mao Tse Tung: Communist or Dedicated Rambler

    That sort of thing
    If you want to go around sticking labels on people then you should be able justify it. Bob has a history of refering to people who post about the rule of law as being far-right, so I'm just seeking clarification on the matter.

  19. #269
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Ukraine Corruption

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    If you want to go around sticking labels on people then you should be able justify it. Bob has a history of refering to people who post about the rule of law as being far-right, so I'm just seeking clarification on the matter.
    There may be some very worried
    Kiddy Fiddlers
    Human Traffickers
    Drug Lords
    You Crane company board directors
    Corrupt (insert anything, pieces of shit)
    feeling very vulnerable right now

    Nanshi was shakin.
    Shiff, Nadler looked ashen faced after last night's vote.

    I'm too old now to worry about a bit of labelling from message board anons
    I never held my nose looked the other way. Them can label all they want

  20. #270
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    Re: Ukraine Corruption

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    There may be some very worried
    Kiddy Fiddlers
    Human Traffickers
    Drug Lords
    You Crane company board directors
    Corrupt (insert anything, pieces of shit)
    feeling very vulnerable right now

    Nanshi was shakin.
    Shiff, Nadler looked ashen faced after last night's vote.

    I'm too old now to worry about a bit of labelling from message board anons
    I never held my nose looked the other way. Them can label all they want
    Is labelling now the new behaviour of the left , how time's have changed that behaviour used to belong to others , back in the day most socialist used to nice and polite well reasoned folk , what's brought on this :
    Bitterness ?
    Old age ?
    Blatant Rudeness?
    Mixed Medication ?
    Sexual Tension?
    Lack of thought Balance?

  21. #271

    Re: Ukraine Corruption

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Is labelling now the new behaviour of the left , how time's have changed that behaviour used to belong to others , back in the day most socialist used to nice and polite well reasoned folk , what's brought on this :
    Bitterness ?
    Old age ?
    Blatant Rudeness?
    Mixed Medication ?
    Sexual Tension?
    Lack of thought Balance?
    Probably brainwashing since they all follow the same fake news media

  22. #272

    Re: Ukraine Corruption

    Oh I see they're all in full preaching mode now are'nt they . Maybe now isn't the right time to point out that those associating me with labelling them are ignoring the fact that the only reason I bought this matter up in the first place is that it seems that those who are now having a go at me are keen enough to have labels applied to themselves when it suits them - as in when they
    bring up their left wing past before going into what they currently think. I can see no logical reason for doing this apart from, as mentioned earlier, a desire to feel better about themselves.

    Of course, we all know it's well nigh impossible to get a direct answer out of Gluey, so I was never really expecting one from him as to why he does this, but I'll do what he finds impossible and answer a question I've been asked. Having now found out who Mr Paul is, it seems to me he is someone on the political right who can be called a "whistleblower", a term that, for me, can be a positive or negative one to apply to someone, but is, in essence, apolitical in derivation in that it can be used on someone at either end of the political spectrum. Judging by the way it's used by some on here though, it's a label reserved for the lowest of the low - you know, the ones who seem to be getting in such a state about me labelling them.

  23. #273

    Re: Ukraine Corruption

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Oh I see they're all in full preaching mode now are'nt they . Maybe now isn't the right time to point out that those associating me with labelling them are ignoring the fact that the only reason I bought this matter up in the first place is that it seems that those who are now having a go at me are keen enough to have labels applied to themselves when it suits them - as in when they
    bring up their left wing past before going into what they currently think. I can see no logical reason for doing this apart from, as mentioned earlier, a desire to feel better about themselves.

    Of course, we all know it's well nigh impossible to get a direct answer out of Gluey, so I was never really expecting one from him as to why he does this, but I'll do what he finds impossible and answer a question I've been asked. Having now found out who Mr Paul is, it seems to me he is someone on the political right who can be called a "whistleblower", a term that, for me, can be a positive or negative one to apply to someone, but is, in essence, apolitical in derivation in that it can be used on someone at either end of the political spectrum. Judging by the way it's used by some on here though, it's a label reserved for the lowest of the low - you know, the ones who seem to be getting in such a state about me labelling them.
    I only post about rule of law issues in this particular forum, but there you go again with your labels, typical Alinsky tactics.

    Rand Paul is a libertarian who stands up for the rule of law and fights against government overreach, so basically anybody who doesn't agree with has to be labelled right-wing? That is very petty, and it's not even a valid argument.

    BTW you're not a communist are you?

  24. #274

    Re: Ukraine Corruption

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I only post about rule of law issues in this particular forum, but there you go again with your labels, typical Alinsky tactics.

    Rand Paul is a libertarian who stands up for the rule of law and fights against government overreach, so basically anybody who doesn't agree with has to be labelled right-wing? That is very petty, and it's not even a valid argument.

    BTW you're not a communist are you?
    More labels from the person who is complaining of them, I'll try one last time, why did you feel you had to bring up your "left leaning" credentials? I only raised the subject because you mentioned them

  25. #275

    Re: Ukraine Corruption

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    More labels from the person who is complaining of them, I'll try one last time, why did you feel you had to bring up your "left leaning" credentials? I only raised the subject because you mentioned them
    You are taking things far too seriously comrade. I only deal in facts, and only ever having voted for labour is a fact

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