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Thread: Latest terror attack , blaming the police etc

  1. #1

    Latest terror attack , blaming the police etc

    The suspect shot dead was known to the old bill

    But they cant be everywhere , especially given the huge cuts to their numbers since 2010

  2. #2

    Re: Latest terror attack , blaming the police etc

    Can’t believe the OTT fuss about it, there’s plenty of nutty jihadies about, didnt this one just get released from prison early no doubt?
    2 stabbings in Cardiff this weekend, hardly front page news? Just because he is a Muslim we never hear the end of it.

  3. #3

    Re: Latest terror attack , blaming the police etc

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Can’t believe the OTT fuss about it, there’s plenty of nutty jihadies about, didnt this one just get released from prison early no doubt?
    2 stabbings in Cardiff this weekend, hardly front page news? Just because he is a Muslim we never hear the end of it.
    and that's irony. They call these 'terrorist attacks' - the Govt. gets all 'spooks' like and calls 'Cobra' meetings, and it's just a nutter high on drugs..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Latest terror attack , blaming the police etc

    At least someone weas on the case and knew he was being let out and was still dengerous, which is why the police were so close behind him.
    He may have been spooked by his shadows and acted off the cuff or had it planned, but if it didn't happen then it most probably would have happened eventually with this one. Think what may have happened if the didn't know or didn't react to the fact he was being released?

  5. #5

    Re: Latest terror attack , blaming the police etc

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    At least someone weas on the case and knew he was being let out and was still dengerous, which is why the police were so close behind him.
    He may have been spooked by his shadows and acted off the cuff or had it planned, but if it didn't happen then it most probably would have happened eventually with this one. Think what may have happened if the didn't know or didn't react to the fact he was being released?
    He was Deemed so dangerous he was being followed by armed police ffs....what the f was he doing even out?

  6. #6

    Re: Latest terror attack , blaming the police etc

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    He was Deemed so dangerous he was being followed by armed police ffs....what the f was he doing even out?
    Dont know a great deal about it but theres probably a difference in being able to prove it rather than having suspicions.

  7. #7

    Re: Latest terror attack , blaming the police etc

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    He was Deemed so dangerous he was being followed by armed police ffs....what the f was he doing even out?
    The law, as it stands (or stood, until today) means auto release after half of sentence served.
    In the past, the most dangerous crims COULD have been locked up for life, but this was ditched in 2012 as the gov concluded that the prison system couldn't cope (as a result of gov cuts?)

  8. #8

    Re: Latest terror attack , blaming the police etc

    Bumping up the sentence for carrying a knife and other bladed articles in public without an excellent reason ought to be subject of emergency legislation too. Make it the same as for a firearm, a minimum five years in clink, so judges would have no discretion to hand down anything less.

  9. #9

    Re: Latest terror attack , blaming the police etc

    Quote Originally Posted by mazadona10 View Post
    Dont know a great deal about it but theres probably a difference in being able to prove it rather than having suspicions.
    Do you have to prove it if they are already locked up? Couldn't you just deny their release (early release at least)

  10. #10

    Re: Latest terror attack , blaming the police etc

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Bumping up the sentence for carrying a knife and other bladed articles in public without an excellent reason ought to be subject of emergency legislation too. Make it the same as for a firearm, a minimum five years in clink, so judges would have no discretion to hand down anything less.
    Whilst I agree with you, the prison service cannot cope as it is.
    The main driver of these (poor) decisions is prison capacity and cuts, as stated above.

    He's talking a good game atm, let's see if BJ puts his money where his mouth is!

  11. #11

    Re: Latest terror attack , blaming the police etc

    Quote Originally Posted by MacAdder View Post
    Whilst I agree with you, the prison service cannot cope as it is.
    The main driver of these (poor) decisions is prison capacity and cuts, as stated above.

    He's talking a good game atm, let's see if BJ puts his money where his mouth is!

    Yes, hopefully Boris can sort it out but regardless of the problems the prison service has, the bottom line is that these people cannot be allowed to walk the streets.

    Hopefully the introduction of legislation to keep these people where they belong for an indeterminatle period will be accompanied by more funding for the prison service.

  12. #12

    Re: Latest terror attack , blaming the police etc

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Bumping up the sentence for carrying a knife and other bladed articles in public without an excellent reason ought to be subject of emergency legislation too. Make it the same as for a firearm, a minimum five years in clink, so judges would have no discretion to hand down anything less.
    Back in the day in Glasgow they had razor gangs and slashings were the order of the day .

    A judge handed out a 10 year sentence to someone who had used a razor .

    That was the beginning of the end for the razor gangs.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Latest terror attack , blaming the police etc

    There are 220 still in jail , leave them there , take away there internet , phones and isolate them ( i now await the civic liberty backlash , and risk being called a Tory right wing nutter ,for caring for my families safety )

  14. #14

    Re: Latest terror attack , blaming the police etc

    How can you be a mod if you're a rocker ?

  15. #15

    Re: Latest terror attack , blaming the police etc

    Simple answer is build more prisons.
    If we are a society that doesn’t want the death penalty, then building more prisons is the only answer. Letting terrorists and other prisoners out half way through their sentence because prisons are under the cosh is no excuse.

  16. #16

    Re: Latest terror attack , blaming the police etc

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy the Jock View Post
    Back in the day in Glasgow they had razor gangs and slashings were the order of the day .

    A judge handed out a 10 year sentence to someone who had used a razor .

    That was the beginning of the end for the razor gangs.
    Not quite but good story.....

    UK has had knife crime and gangs going back to the late 1800's.

    Glasgow in 2000 when at the peak of violence and was considered one of the most violent cities in the developed world didn't turn itself around by harsh sentencing.

  17. #17

    Re: Latest terror attack , blaming the police etc

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    Simple answer is build more prisons.
    If we are a society that doesn’t want the death penalty, then building more prisons is the only answer. Letting terrorists and other prisoners out half way through their sentence because prisons are under the cosh is no excuse.
    10% of the current UK prison population are ex service men. Thanks for your service.

    In Holland they struggle to fill prisons and Portugal are looking at a reduction of nearly 40% (crime is down around the same figure) as they address issues of health rather than punishment. Countries like the US and S. Africa who lock people up with abandonment don't show a reduction in crime but an ever increasing raise in crime and massive increase of the prison population.

    You don't reduce traffic by building more roads, you look for alternatives

  18. #18

    Re: Latest terror attack , blaming the police etc

    Quote Originally Posted by OurManFlint II View Post
    10% of the current UK prison population are ex service men. Thanks for your service.

    In Holland they struggle to fill prisons and Portugal are looking at a reduction of nearly 40% (crime is down around the same figure) as they address issues of health rather than punishment. Countries like the US and S. Africa who lock people up with abandonment don't show a reduction in crime but an ever increasing raise in crime and massive increase of the prison population.

    You don't reduce traffic by building more roads, you look for alternatives
    What are your alternatives?

  19. #19

    Re: Latest terror attack , blaming the police etc

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    What are your alternatives?
    Move them next door to you (for free) and make sure Simon Adebisi is also staying there on the sofa.

    As mentioned, countries that have shown reduction in crime and prison population have done so by treating many offence as a health issue rather than a criminal issue. But you can easily find books and google very fascinating research on actually real life studies, nothing hypothetical.

    I always remember the graffiti sprayed on the side of the prison where i live. Quite simply said "prison; the rich never enter, the poor never leave. or in the words of Chuck D "**** lawyers".

  20. #20

    Re: Latest terror attack , blaming the police etc

    Quote Originally Posted by OurManFlint II View Post
    Move them next door to you (for free) and make sure Simon Adebisi is also staying there on the sofa.

    As mentioned, countries that have shown reduction in crime and prison population have done so by treating many offence as a health issue rather than a criminal issue. But you can easily find books and google very fascinating research on actually real life studies, nothing hypothetical.

    I always remember the graffiti sprayed on the side of the prison where i live. Quite simply said "prison; the rich never enter, the poor never leave. or in the words of Chuck D "**** lawyers".
    Whilst I respect your opinion,I totally disagree with it.

  21. #21

    Re: Latest terror attack , blaming the police etc

    That ain't no opinion Bruv read up about Holland, Portugal, Norway even Finland. Finland at one time had one of the highest incarceration rates in Europe.

    Hug a hoodie init.

  22. #22

    Re: Latest terror attack , blaming the police etc

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    Whilst I respect your opinion,I totally disagree with it.
    Which part do you disagree with? There is evidence what he has said works. Treat most non terrible violent crimes as a health issue then there is room to keep the worst offenders in prison.

    Portugal decriminalised a lot of drugs and has seen a massive decrease in crime without an increase in drug use.

    There are really interesting books and articles on the subject of how countries like the Scandinavian countries have reduced crime and the prison population at the same time.

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