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Thread: Why do Vegans.......?

  1. #76

    Re: Why do Vegans.......?

    Quote Originally Posted by Padraig1968 View Post
    Excellent point JR but my next door neighbours are both vegan and have brought their three kids up vegan also.
    None of the kids have ever tasted meat - two of them are pescatarian.
    They are all skinny and sallow in complexion.
    I know it’s a lifestyle choice but ultimately it’s not natural and can’t be good for them.
    Why can't it be good for them?
    Should they be eating the shite most people eat?

    What's wrong with skinny and sallow? Does obesity work for you?

  2. #77

    Re: Why do Vegans.......?

    Quote Originally Posted by Padraig1968 View Post
    My vegan neighbours kids being brought up vegan having never tasted meat is wrong - they should have been given the choice!!
    They have had their parents views forced on them from birth.
    Same as the fecking Jehovah’s next door the other side - ideology of a cult and they are a cult as they are not a recognised denomination of the church - not to mention the two Gay fellas at the top of the street who have adopted a young boy - all the neighbours are talking about it - is it two dads? Mum and dad?
    I personally don’t give a toss but it’s still not natural- back to my original question- why make plant products look like meat products?
    Poor old little Johnny whose parents are forcing him to be vegan (veganism is a religious belief now apparently??)who has never tasted meat will feck his brain even more by giving him plant based replica meat products.
    It’s just not natural
    Where do you live, Equality Street? You've got the vegans one side of you, Jehovah's the other and a gay couple who have adopted up the road. Very diverse, a utopia for the outraged amongst us.

  3. #78

    Re: Why do Vegans.......?

    Ive been Veggie since 93, i came back from backpacking around the world and 8 months in Australia ( i must admit i met a fair few Vegans and Veggies on my travels ) and got home and my mum said " what shall we have for super, a Indian " so we did, just as i am about to walk to get it, my mum had some " hidden camera tv show " on Channel 4, now back them C4 was all about shock,it was in a abattoir, i watched them fire a bolt into a cow, it didnt kill it so they fire another, it was still trying to escape as they machete'd the cows front legs it was grim as hell, As my mum was about to order a curry, i said to her, Mum i'll have prawn curry, so that was it, 1 prawn curry, next weekend the lads went out to welcome me home, ended up in canton in a curry house and i ordered a prawn curry again, got into a discussion about me now lasting as a Veggie and why eat prawns as they were alive aswell, so i ditched the prawn and had Veg curry, so many people told me it was a fad and i would never last, it'll make me ill, the more they told me that, the more i dug in and after 6 months, that was it, i was a forever pale pasty skinned Veggie who had smelly farts

    back them it was fairly hard to be Veggie, now its very easy

    to the shape of food, i dont agree with killing animals to eat, but i like a burger, sausage, bacon, we have paella with Veggie prawns, now its been a long time since i had real prawns, but the look and texture of the veggie type are how i remember them
    The impossible burger for me a little too real, the texture looks like meat, you bite into it and red beetroot juice comes out
    We had a " steak " on the weekend, once again, beetroot is used to be the blood and can be cooked rare etc if you like that thing

    Now i dont preach my " veggie-ness " as i couldnt care if people eat meat, doesnt bother me on a night out, 2 weeks ago, we went out with friends and the other couple both had steaks, only objection i had was the split bill, £15 for our main each, £28 for the steak, i felt slightly robbed

    My 2 girls are veggie aswell, they were born veggie, when they could be told that " see that moo cow in the field, thats where meat comes from " they made a decision to continue as a veggie, now the people who say Veggies cannot be healthy should see them doing sports, i can honestly say that being veggie hasnt held them back in that aspect

    BBQ Jackfruit pulled pork for tea tonight

  4. #79
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Why do Vegans.......?

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Your dog is a good judge of character

  5. #80
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Why do Vegans.......?

    See all you Morrisey haters he is a visionary and a lovely man ( meat is murder ) from 1983


  6. #81

    Re: Why do Vegans.......?

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post

    back them it was fairly hard to be Veggie, now its very easy
    I think that's a big thing, even 5 years ago veggie options were an after thought most places other than an indian now loads of places have great veggie and vegan options.

    It used to just be a mushroom in a bun or nothing

  7. #82

    Re: Why do Vegans.......?

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    I think that's a big thing, even 5 years ago veggie options were an after thought most places other than an indian now loads of places have great veggie and vegan options.

    It used to just be a mushroom in a bun or nothing
    cheese pizza ( of the kids menu ) or veggie burger used to be the norm

    funniest one for me, and this was only 3 years ago, went to a fairly nice " gastro pub " , they had a stuffed peppper ( which i hate ) or a mushroom risotto , sounded great, i ordered it, came out with shavings of parmesan cheese on, now this isnt Veggie, so back it goes, its listed as Veggie on the menu, so i somewhat expect it to be veggie, out comes a new plate ( or the same with the cheese removed, i will never know ) the chef comes out and offers his apologies, fair enough, now my food is getting cold ( in hindsight its a good job i will not eat till the chef or server has left the table ) as he explains how some veggies as happy with parmesan cheese, as he is chattin, my wife asks his how the rice is made, oh he says " i always use chicken stock " , i ended up with a starter of garlic bread and that was it

  8. #83

    Re: Why do Vegans.......?

    But again BlueMatt it’s all about the vegan grub “Looking like meat”
    Why would you want a beetroot steak with beet juice or replica blood?
    I can’t knock it cos I haven’t tried it but the fake mock meat I don’t understand?
    You don’t eat meat fine - but why have plant based replica products?
    I know I’m thick but I just can’t get my head around it!!

  9. #84

    Re: Why do Vegans.......?

    Quote Originally Posted by Padraig1968 View Post
    But again BlueMatt it’s all about the vegan grub “Looking like meat”
    Why would you want a beetroot steak with beet juice or replica blood?
    I can’t knock it cos I haven’t tried it but the fake mock meat I don’t understand?
    You don’t eat meat fine - but why have plant based replica products?
    I know I’m thick but I just can’t get my head around it!!
    its just a familiarity, we think of a burger as a round patty shape, a steak is a lump of meat shape, a prawn a prawn etc etc

    The blood thing as i said is a little too far, but i guess as its a meat substitute, its made to look like meat

    i wouldnt care what shape it is, as long as it tastes nice and has some nutritional value

  10. #85

    Re: Why do Vegans.......?

    At last we have an answer from a poster - who is a bona fide Veggie may I add which makes complete sense - FAMILIARITY
    that’s it!!!
    Vegans or Veggies eat plant based food which is purposely made to look like meat products purely based on FAMILIARITY!!

    Thank you BLUEMATT or from now on you’ll always be in my eyes “The Wise Old Man From The Himalayas’’.

    I salute you sir 😃👍

  11. #86

    Re: Why do Vegans.......?

    Quote Originally Posted by Padraig1968 View Post
    But again BlueMatt it’s all about the vegan grub “Looking like meat”
    Why would you want a beetroot steak with beet juice or replica blood?
    I can’t knock it cos I haven’t tried it but the fake mock meat I don’t understand?
    You don’t eat meat fine - but why have plant based replica products?
    I know I’m thick but I just can’t get my head around it!!
    Maybe because some people who are veggie or vegan still like the look, texture and taste of meat but eating it goes against everything that they believe in, nothing wrong with that. People vape to replicate smoking and some people drink non alcoholic drinks that are supposed to taste like alcoholic drinks, it's probably because they enjoyed drinking and smoking at certain times but don't want to put the shit into their body so they replicate the action as closely as possible.

  12. #87

    Re: Why do Vegans.......?

    Quote Originally Posted by Padraig1968 View Post
    I completely agree DivineW with the caged battery hens and pigs
    Considering you probably shop in a supermarket and that 99% of the meat there ( same in Ireland) is conveyer belt stuff, one is then left to make the choice....

    Be true to the sadness you feel for these creatures, show some compassion and mettle, a bit of integrity and reject these products.

    Or just give in to your desires....because you are weak.

    Whether or not you eat a quorn chorizo after that is incidental and arbitrary.

    The pigs wont hold it against you I can assure you.

  13. #88

    Re: Why do Vegans.......?

    Quote Originally Posted by MacAdder View Post
    If god hadn't meant us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them meat-flavoured

    Plagiarism !!! Tut tut !!
    See my offering on Page Two of this thread lol

  14. #89
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Why do Vegans.......?

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    cheese pizza ( of the kids menu ) or veggie burger used to be the norm

    funniest one for me, and this was only 3 years ago, went to a fairly nice " gastro pub " , they had a stuffed peppper ( which i hate ) or a mushroom risotto , sounded great, i ordered it, came out with shavings of parmesan cheese on, now this isnt Veggie, so back it goes, its listed as Veggie on the menu, so i somewhat expect it to be veggie, out comes a new plate ( or the same with the cheese removed, i will never know ) the chef comes out and offers his apologies, fair enough, now my food is getting cold ( in hindsight its a good job i will not eat till the chef or server has left the table ) as he explains how some veggies as happy with parmesan cheese, as he is chattin, my wife asks his how the rice is made, oh he says " i always use chicken stock " , i ended up with a starter of garlic bread and that was it
    May seem a silly question but I genuinely don't know as I am neither. I thought cheese was veggie but not vegan. Lots of so called veggies I know eat cheese, so are they being disingenuous claiming to be vegetarian?

  15. #90

    Re: Why do Vegans.......?

    Cheese is dairy
    Most vegans eat it
    It’s the other mob that only eat nuts and pulses that don’t eat cheese 🧀
    Except the italians- their mozzarella is made from a buffalo
    Fecking confused cos I am? 😂

  16. #91

    Re: Why do Vegans.......?

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    May seem a silly question but I genuinely don't know as I am neither. I thought cheese was veggie but not vegan. Lots of so called veggies I know eat cheese, so are they being disingenuous claiming to be vegetarian?
    There are several different levels from Pescatarian through to full on vegan. Some don’t eat meat but eat other dairy products such as eggs.

  17. #92

    Re: Why do Vegans.......?

    Quote Originally Posted by Padraig1968 View Post
    Cheese is dairy
    Most vegans eat it
    It’s the other mob that only eat nuts and pulses that don’t eat cheese 🧀
    Except the italians- their mozzarella is made from a buffalo
    Fecking confused cos I am? 😂
    Most vegans do not eat dairy at all.

  18. #93

    Re: Why do Vegans.......?

    What about eggs?
    And why do we have Chocolate eggs at Easter?
    The Easter Bunny has never laid an egg in its life 🤔

  19. #94

    Re: Why do Vegans.......?

    Quote Originally Posted by Padraig1968 View Post
    What about eggs?
    And why do we have Chocolate eggs at Easter?
    The Easter Bunny has never laid an egg in its life ��
    Because almost all religions take on myths, traditions and stories from previous belief systems.

  20. #95

    Re: Why do Vegans.......?

    So do vegans eat chocolate eggs?

  21. #96

    Re: Why do Vegans.......?

    Quote Originally Posted by Padraig1968 View Post
    So do vegans eat chocolate eggs?
    You're being silly now. If it contains dairy products ...no.

  22. #97

    Re: Why do Vegans.......?

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    Most vegans do not eat dairy at all.
    Or eggs or honey.
    I've been a veggie half my long life. Never quite stopped milk, although am trying.

  23. #98

    Re: Why do Vegans.......?

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    May seem a silly question but I genuinely don't know as I am neither. I thought cheese was veggie but not vegan. Lots of so called veggies I know eat cheese, so are they being disingenuous claiming to be vegetarian?
    most cheese ( from the UK ) is Veggie, in the EU ( especially in the EU ) and USA, its a lottery

    parmesan isnt though ( gorgonzola isnt either ) they contain calf rennet in the ingredient, they cannot be called parmesan or gorgonzola if they do not contain the calf rennet ( as a side note, if you are veggie and want parmesan cheese, you can by veggie " hard cheese " )

  24. #99

    Re: Why do Vegans.......?

    Quote Originally Posted by Padraig1968 View Post
    At last we have an answer from a poster - who is a bona fide Veggie may I add which makes complete sense - FAMILIARITY
    that’s it!!!
    Vegans or Veggies eat plant based food which is purposely made to look like meat products purely based on FAMILIARITY!!

    Thank you BLUEMATT or from now on you’ll always be in my eyes “The Wise Old Man From The Himalayas’’.

    I salute you sir 😃👍

  25. #100

    Re: Why do Vegans.......?

    Quote Originally Posted by Padraig1968 View Post
    Cheese is dairy
    Most vegans eat it
    It’s the other mob that only eat nuts and pulses that don’t eat cheese 🧀
    Except the italians- their mozzarella is made from a buffalo
    Fecking confused cos I am? 😂
    Most Veggies eat Cheese and dairy

    Vegan = No Dairy ( Milk, Cheese, Eggs ) or anything that comes from a animal

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