Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
Has Trump been reading this thread? He's just gone and repeated everything that lady & cyril claim are conspiracy theories!

Donald Trump wrote that...in Capitals, on a Sunday. How could I ever have doubted the truth and righteousness of your case after that compelling evidence.

Let's break it down a bit:

FBI Director Christopher Wray just admitted that the FISA Warrants and Survailence (sic) of my campaign were illegal.

Not true. Wray testified before the House Judiciary Committee on 5th Feb. John Ratcliffe, A Republican Congressman and Trump arselick previously nominated by Trump for National Intelligence Director before withdrawing 5 days later as even the Republican Senate thought he was unsuitable, asked the following question:

“The report acknowledges that ... this was illegal surveillance with respect to at least several of these FISA applications, because there was not probable cause or proper predication, correct?”

“Right,” Wray replied.

Wray was confirming that the FISA Court considered the last two FISA warrants issued on Carter Page in April and June 2017 were invalid. Page left the Trump Campaign in September 2016 though the Trump campaign communications director Jason Miller said at the time said the following: "He’s never been a part of our campaign. Period"

The first two warrants that the Court does not dispute were served in October 2016 and January 2017.

So Wray did neither just nor admit illegal surveillance of the Trump Campaign as the warrants considered invalid were served on someone 6 months after the election and long after someone who the Trump Campaign never admitted was part of it apparently left.

Still if you want to believe all the bollocks that flows out of Trump's mouth or twitter without any semblance of a fact check I cant stop you performing your usual MO!