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Thread: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

  1. #26

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    posted from a Wuhan citizen by restricted VPN risking his life some say


  2. #27
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Its looking like China is being shut off , Russia is closing its eastern border , BA cancel flights for a month , and others, this will hurt .

    So I guess Coronavirus isn't overhyped , and how bad it is we may never know , are we being fed the real impact details .

    Will a global health emergency announced ??

  3. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    This is spreading I do feel for the elderly and not so strong .

  4. #29

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    I wasn't going to make further comment on this affair but I'm unable to resist. Presently official Chinese state media has attributed a worldwide coronavirus death toll of 906, virtually all of whom within China. To the best of my knowledge 100% of fatalities were of east-Asian origin. It seems 100% is the recovery rate of the very few Caucasians and others who became infected.

    Let's say for argument's sake and in the interests of simplicity that this virus has been doing the rounds for one month (it's longer but still), in the same one month time frame prior to the virus' appearance 600 thousand Chinese citizens died every month, or just over 20 thousand each and every day. Assuming the Chinese are reporting the true numbers then the hysteria is indeed massively overhyped fear-mongering. But if it is and the Chinese know it why have they locked down dozens of their cities and their 400 million residents plus do tremendous harm to their economy and reputation?

    As well as those cities and regions they've quarantined, giant cities such as Shanghai and the capital city Beijing are virtually deserted - without them being ordered to stay indoors - as any number of videos published by Westerners living there easily confirm to be true. Their citizens appear convinced some terrible plague is afoot.

    Other videos have emerged showing what seem like perfectly healthy people being dragged from their homes and off the streets by police and health workers. Speculation is rife that the virus restrictions are being used as cover to arrest and disappear every person the Chinese Communist Party view as a threat. It's also being surmised as an opportunity to cull swathes of its aged population who cost a fortune to maintain via health care and pension payments.

    Could any government be so evil as to release a new type of mild flu to then exaggerate its danger inside its borders while simultaneously downplaying its danger for the rest of the world purely to kill those citizens it doesn't want live any longer?

  5. #30

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I wasn't going to make further comment on this affair but I'm unable to resist. Presently official Chinese state media has attributed a worldwide coronavirus death toll of 906, virtually all of whom within China. To the best of my knowledge 100% of fatalities were of east-Asian origin. It seems 100% is the recovery rate of the very few Caucasians and others who became infected.

    Let's say for argument's sake and in the interests of simplicity that this virus has been doing the rounds for one month (it's longer but still), in the same one month time frame prior to the virus' appearance 600 thousand Chinese citizens died every month, or just over 20 thousand each and every day. Assuming the Chinese are reporting the true numbers then the hysteria is indeed massively overhyped fear-mongering. But if it is and the Chinese know it why have they locked down dozens of their cities and their 400 million residents plus do tremendous harm to their economy and reputation?

    As well as those cities and regions they've quarantined, giant cities such as Shanghai and the capital city Beijing are virtually deserted - without them being ordered to stay indoors - as any number of videos published by Westerners living there easily confirm to be true. Their citizens appear convinced some terrible plague is afoot.

    Other videos have emerged showing what seem like perfectly healthy people being dragged from their homes and off the streets by police and health workers. Speculation is rife that the virus restrictions are being used as cover to arrest and disappear every person the Chinese Communist Party view as a threat. It's also being surmised as an opportunity to cull swathes of its aged population who cost a fortune to maintain via health care and pension payments.

    Could any government be so evil as to release a new type of mild flu to then exaggerate its danger inside its borders while simultaneously downplaying its danger for the rest of the world purely to kill those citizens it doesn't want live any longer?
    Sounds like a load of old tosh to me.

  6. #31

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Sounds like a load of old tosh to me.
    Spoken like the true complient thinker that you are. You'd be no fun at parties

  7. #32

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    I suspect the estimated one million Chinese Muslim Uyghurs who have been forced into re-education camps while the rest of the world turned a blind eye could easily believe the Chinese Communist Party would be capable of mass murder. But for its support the Communist regime next door in North Korea wouldn't survive for long because China supplies them with most of their food, energy and consumables.

    From what I've read the families of those deemed to have died of the virus are denied holding a funeral. Instead the deceased are carted off to the nearest incinerator.

  8. #33

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Sounds like a load of old tosh to me.
    Agree. Just the usual conspiracy rubbish that happens every time something out of the ordinary happens. Usually the same people spreading it too.

  9. #34

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Have you bought face masks yet?


    The UK government has declared coronavirus a "serious and imminent threat" to public health.


    WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said there had been “some concerning instances” of transmission from people who had not been to China.

    “The detection of a small number of cases may indicate more widespread transmission in other countries; in short, we may only be seeing the tip of the iceberg,”

  10. #35

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Shute View Post
    Have you bought face masks yet?


    The UK government has declared coronavirus a "serious and imminent threat" to public health.


    WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said there had been “some concerning instances” of transmission from people who had not been to China.

    “The detection of a small number of cases may indicate more widespread transmission in other countries; in short, we may only be seeing the tip of the iceberg,”
    Face masks won't really help. If you are coughing then it'll stop your germs spreading but far better to wash your hands regularly and try not to touch your face.

  11. #36

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Agree. Just the usual conspiracy rubbish that happens every time something out of the ordinary happens. Usually the same people spreading it too.
    It's true that in excess of 20k Chinese every day and that a minuscule 900+ have officially croaked due to the coronavirus. If you disbelieve then provide a link that says differently. Not to labour the point but as it's you I need to, 600k Chinese dying in a typical month set against 900 over the past month because of a virus is only worthy of an inconsequential footnote to statisticians along with anyone with the brain power and motivation to spend 10 seconds thinking for themselves.

    All who have perished are of an east Asian background. I might be wrong on that count. Again, if you think or believe to the contrary then provide a link to a credible source that states otherwise.

    From what I understand Chinese TV channels, all state run of course, pump out advice around the clock to remain indoors unless it's absolutely necessary to venture outside and only then to do so while wearing a mask, or face arrest for disobeying. Also, vans equipped with a PA system tour the streets repeating the same message. It's easy to realise why paranoia has taken hold.

    During this winter 10k U.S. citizens have so far conked out because of flu. As China has four times their population it's not unreasonable to presume 40k Chinese have gone the same way.

    Wuhan, the epicentre of this virus outbreak (or fabricated hoax), saw large anti-government protests last summer as Hong Kong people were too. That's easy to confirm if you choose to tap a few keys. Now thanks to this virus no-one in Wuhan or Hong Kong dare to speak up.

  12. #37
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Rather than suggest it's a conspiracy as we did with Aids, Ebola, SARS , perhaps it's a case of a virus that once again is taking advantage of a society or country's that have poor public health controls / problems , consumes animals that can carry diseases , water pollution, not enough education on personal hygiene standards .

  13. #38

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

  14. #39

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Rather than suggest it's a conspiracy as we did with Aids, Ebola, SARS , perhaps it's a case of a virus that once again is taking advantage of a society or country's that have poor public health controls / problems , consumes animals that can carry diseases , water pollution, not enough education on personal hygiene standards .
    If you read the posts properly, you'll see that nobody is saying that the coronavirus itself is a conspiracy... They're saying that the Chinese government creating it as a weapon to kill their own citizens is a conspiracy - which is what Organ Morgan is purporting.

  15. #40

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Chinese President Xi, wearing a mask, walked somewhere in Beijing earlier today. He was quoted as saying how grave the situation is.

    Meanwhile in the UK emergency powers have been enacted to forcibly detain those suspected of being infected with the coronavirus.

    Don't cough or sneeze near your mobile phone as GCHQ hackers could be listening in.

  16. #41

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Agree. Just the usual conspiracy rubbish that happens every time something out of the ordinary happens. Usually the same people spreading it too.
    Everything with you is a conspiracy theory, until suddenly it isn't. You have absolutely zero critical thinking capability!

  17. #42

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    I don't think he's nearly as dull as he likes to make out. I do, though, believe he's completely infected with normalcy bias and prefers preposterous bullshit - such as Building 7 collapsing as it did because of some office fires - than applying a modicum of common sense.

  18. #43

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    It's true that in excess of 20k Chinese every day and that a minuscule 900+ have officially croaked due to the coronavirus. If you disbelieve then provide a link that says differently. Not to labour the point but as it's you I need to, 600k Chinese dying in a typical month set against 900 over the past month because of a virus is only worthy of an inconsequential footnote to statisticians along with anyone with the brain power and motivation to spend 10 seconds thinking for themselves.

    All who have perished are of an east Asian background. I might be wrong on that count. Again, if you think or believe to the contrary then provide a link to a credible source that states otherwise.

    From what I understand Chinese TV channels, all state run of course, pump out advice around the clock to remain indoors unless it's absolutely necessary to venture outside and only then to do so while wearing a mask, or face arrest for disobeying. Also, vans equipped with a PA system tour the streets repeating the same message. It's easy to realise why paranoia has taken hold.

    During this winter 10k U.S. citizens have so far conked out because of flu. As China has four times their population it's not unreasonable to presume 40k Chinese have gone the same way.

    Wuhan, the epicentre of this virus outbreak (or fabricated hoax), saw large anti-government protests last summer as Hong Kong people were too. That's easy to confirm if you choose to tap a few keys. Now thanks to this virus no-one in Wuhan or Hong Kong dare to speak up.
    Do you not realise which bit of your post TBG and I think was a load of shit? He helpfully put it in bold, if you need to go back and check again.

  19. #44

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Yes, but did you notice he failed to articulate why he thought it was tosh? That's something you too were unable to do. I note you also failed to to provide any links. Another challenge ducked.

    Today's updated Chinese numbers have been released. Total deaths have topped 1k for the first time and the number of deaths hit a new high with 103 people checking out.

    Boring I know. With the median average Chinese natural death rate of 20k per day then the numbers attributed to a new type of flu should merit one paragraph of space in an obscure Chinese medical journal instead of making worldwide headlines.

    The much bigger story that has the potential to affect all our lives is if supply chains collapse for a prolonged period.

  20. #45

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    The much bigger story that has the potential to affect all our lives is if supply chains collapse for a prolonged period.
    At least an economic crash would get rid of Trump and make a lot of people happy, including the Chinese

  21. #46

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    ... and our bubble blowing banker overlords.

  22. #47

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Yes, but did you notice he failed to articulate why he thought it was tosh? That's something you too were unable to do. I note you also failed to to provide any links. Another challenge ducked.

    Today's updated Chinese numbers have been released. Total deaths have topped 1k for the first time and the number of deaths hit a new high with 103 people checking out.

    Boring I know. With the median average Chinese natural death rate of 20k per day then the numbers attributed to a new type of flu should merit one paragraph of space in an obscure Chinese medical journal instead of making worldwide headlines.

    The much bigger story that has the potential to affect all our lives is if supply chains collapse for a prolonged period.
    Provide links? Ducked challenge? What are you talking about? What do you think I'm talking about? It was in bold!

    I haven't said how many I think have died, I haven't denied that (completely unsurprisingly) all the deaths so far are "East Asian background". I don't know why you were expecting me to argue it or why you're triumphant that I did not.

    So why do I not believe that China released this themselves "purely to kill those citizens it doesn't want live any longer"?

    Firstly, releasing a virus is about the worst way to do it. It's unpredictable, and it cannot be controlled so they can't make sure the right people live and the wrong people die. They certainly wouldn't do it just before Chinese New Year when 100 million+ are travelling around the country. They can't stop it spreading to other countries and damaging their own economy.They can't stop it mutating and becoming even less controllable.

    Secondly, if they were stupid enough to ignore all that and do it anyway, they'd definitely be releasing it in Taiwan or Hong Kong rather than their own backyard.

    Thirdly, you've already said they are forcing people into camps while the world turns a blind eye. If that strategy works, why wouldn't they continue doing it?

    I know you're sensitive about your theories, hence why you post them in the comfortable bubble of the politics forum where there are some like-minded tin foilers. Why not try it on the main board and see if anyone buys it? Be brave.

  23. #48

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Provide links? Ducked challenge? What are you talking about? What do you think I'm talking about? It was in bold!

    I haven't said how many I think have died, I haven't denied that (completely unsurprisingly) all the deaths so far are "East Asian background". I don't know why you were expecting me to argue it or why you're triumphant that I did not.

    So why do I not believe that China released this themselves "purely to kill those citizens it doesn't want live any longer"?

    Firstly, releasing a virus is about the worst way to do it. It's unpredictable, and it cannot be controlled so they can't make sure the right people live and the wrong people die. They certainly wouldn't do it just before Chinese New Year when 100 million+ are travelling around the country. They can't stop it spreading to other countries and damaging their own economy.They can't stop it mutating and becoming even less controllable.

    Secondly, if they were stupid enough to ignore all that and do it anyway, they'd definitely be releasing it in Taiwan or Hong Kong rather than their own backyard.

    Thirdly, you've already said they are forcing people into camps while the world turns a blind eye. If that strategy works, why wouldn't they continue doing it?

    I know you're sensitive about your theories, hence why you post them in the comfortable bubble of the politics forum where there are some like-minded tin foilers. Why not try it on the main board and see if anyone buys it? Be brave.
    Game, Set and Match: Lardy.

  24. #49

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Firstly, releasing a virus is about the worst way to do it. It's unpredictable, and it cannot be controlled so they can't make sure the right people live and the wrong people die. They certainly wouldn't do it just before Chinese New Year when 100 million+ are travelling around the country. They can't stop it spreading to other countries and damaging their own economy.They can't stop it mutating and becoming even less controllable.
    Anybody this dastardly would have already developed an antidote, so you need to focus on the motive and the goals if you want to look at it from a conspiracy angle..

  25. #50

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Provide links? Ducked challenge? What are you talking about? What do you think I'm talking about? It was in bold!

    I haven't said how many I think have died, I haven't denied that (completely unsurprisingly) all the deaths so far are "East Asian background". I don't know why you were expecting me to argue it or why you're triumphant that I did not.

    So why do I not believe that China released this themselves "purely to kill those citizens it doesn't want live any longer"?

    Firstly, releasing a virus is about the worst way to do it. It's unpredictable, and it cannot be controlled so they can't make sure the right people live and the wrong people die. They certainly wouldn't do it just before Chinese New Year when 100 million+ are travelling around the country. They can't stop it spreading to other countries and damaging their own economy.They can't stop it mutating and becoming even less controllable.

    Secondly, if they were stupid enough to ignore all that and do it anyway, they'd definitely be releasing it in Taiwan or Hong Kong rather than their own backyard.

    Thirdly, you've already said they are forcing people into camps while the world turns a blind eye. If that strategy works, why wouldn't they continue doing it?

    I know you're sensitive about your theories, hence why you post them in the comfortable bubble of the politics forum where there are some like-minded tin foilers. Why not try it on the main board and see if anyone buys it? Be brave.
    Great idea says a Chinaman. Let's spread a virus that we can't control but which, we hope, finishes off a section of the ageing population. We can't imagine that it may spread beyond those people or beyond the confines of our own country and it will only bring positive results for our economy and regarding the faith the people have in us. Can't go wrong.

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