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Thread: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

  1. #101

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    He's a QE expert as well. His insights about, well, everything is essential viewing.

    Meanwhile, under the hood, as it's said, the gathering gloom of declining global trade is spreading faster than Kung Flu. Fortunately Lardy will be able to quantify the economic and financial ramifications for us in real time. How blessed we are.

  2. #102

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    '... perhaps you'd be kind enough to inform me who exactly is/are the creditor/s?'

    25 hours later I'm still waiting patiently for a response. Hurry up. Chop chop.
    A new rule for the Politics Forum that a question gets a straight answer? That's going to f*ck some people for sure!

  3. #103

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    On the subject of economic collapse (mass lay offs, daily power cuts, bank runs, rioting, infrastructure falling apart, food shortages, the breakdown of law and order, roving gangs of thugs invading properties...) I've been a prepper for years for such an eventuality, but only recently discovered the existence of powdered beer and other alcohol. I haven't tried it as I have more than enough of the real stuff tucked away. Other provisions include mountains of grub and what must be amongst the largest private stock of tinfoil in Blighty.

    Powdered eggs is my fave 'survival' grub. Simple to make and very nice too. I get it from https://internationalegg.co.uk/produ...gg-for-baking/ where it's deffo cheaper than anywhere else.

  4. #104

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    China, world's number one steel producer... and number one in manufacturing. The Communist Party had better get the workers to their factories sharpish.

  5. #105

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    China, world's number one steel producer... and number one in manufacturing. The Communist Party had better get the workers to their factories sharpish.

    Interesting chart Organ, which shows what I said. The Chinese economy is clearly suffering so it doesn't make sense that they inflicted this virus deliberately on themselves.

  6. #106

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    '... perhaps you'd be kind enough to inform me who exactly is/are the creditor/s?'

    25 hours later I'm still waiting patiently for a response. Hurry up. Chop chop.
    What relevance has it got? I can see you're desperate for a little victory against me, anything at all will do, but I can't see how you're going to get it with this question. I'll give you a couple of answers and you can pick your favourite and go with it.

    "Creditors? Why it's the Chinese treasury of course"

    "Creditors? Why it's the Chinese tax payers of course."

  7. #107

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    A new rule for the Politics Forum that a question gets a straight answer? That's going to f*ck some people for sure!
    Another new rule is to change the goalposts of the debate by such a margin that you're playing a different sport on a different continent.

    Oh no, that's not a new one. That's been the way since the start.

  8. #108

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Interesting chart Organ, which shows what I said. The Chinese economy is clearly suffering so it doesn't make sense that they inflicted this virus deliberately on themselves.
    Wales-Bales, my fellow illuminist, and I identified earlier in this thread the economic dangers of Kung Flu to the UK far outweigh that of having sniffles because should China cease exporting their wares for another month or two then all First World economies will also begin to go tits up.

    Below is a video of life in the capital city Beijing (with a 20 million population) which isn't under quarantine restrictions but where few emerge from their homes. The narrator mentions having his body temperature taken. It's no wonder people don't want to risk failing that test or be seen/heard coughing or sneezing in public what with the penalty being a one-way trip on a bus that has Incinerator on its destination board.

  9. #109

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Wales-Bales, my fellow illuminist, and I identified earlier in this thread the economic dangers of Kung Flu to the UK far outweigh that of having sniffles because should China cease exporting their wares for another month or two then all First World economies will also begin to go tits up.

    Below is a video of life in the capital city Beijing (with a 20 million population) which isn't under quarantine restrictions but where few emerge from their homes. The narrator mentions having his body temperature taken. It's no wonder people don't want to risk failing that test or be seen/heard coughing or sneezing in public what with the penalty being a one-way trip on a bus that has Incinerator on its destination board.

    If that was China's end, you know they could just stop selling their wares to the first world. Or they could make them more expensive.

    Although I do heartily approve of you taking WB down with you on this one.

    By the way, I know that Singapore also checks people's body temperature was they enter many public buildings. Just giving you that one so you can try to weave it in to the fantasy.

  10. #110

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Once again, Mao bumped off 60 million of his countrymen 70 years ago. The CCP rules through terror. It's a snitcher's paradise, much like East Germany was when under the fist of the Soviet Commies, where people will denounce others for Social Credit points or because of petty disputes. Self-preservation is the name of the game there where the great majority will only whisper criticism of their leaders to their most trusted confidantes.

  11. #111

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Once again, Mao bumped off 60 million of his countrymen 70 years ago. The CCP rules through terror. It's a snitcher's paradise, much like East Germany was when under the fist of the Soviet Commies, where people will denounce others for Social Credit points or because of petty disputes. Self-preservation is the name of the game there where the great majority will only whisper criticism of their leaders to their most trusted confidantes.
    Now this is conclusive proof that they released the virus on themselves. This is awful! You should go international with this scoop!

  12. #112

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Never said my theorising is conclusive proof. What I do know is that the official story is so bizarre it cannot be true. Over 500 million Chinese citizens - which is more than the populations of the United States and Russia combined and/or the combined populations of all EU states - are confined to their homes except for one person per residence being able to leave their household once every two days to collect shopping or whatever else, and those restrictions are in place because less than 1,500 people have died?

    This saga is newsworthy not because of a virus that is so mild that it hardly kills anyone, or that it's extremely choosy about who it does kill (100% east Asians), and is everything to do with those draconian restrictions the CCP introduced, the negative impact on their economy and the effects on the global economy should they persist for a while longer.

    It's reported Europe saw its first corona virus death today... a Chinese tourist!

  13. #113

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    139 new deaths today. https://twitter.com/BNODesk/status/1228808084912529408

    Wow, that could ensure China places another 100 million of its citizens on lockdown.

    The slack-jawed hereabouts would still believe it would make perfect sense to.

  14. #114

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    The New York Times has calculated at least 760 million Chinese citizens are living under various forms of restrictions.

    - Residential lockdowns of varying strictness — from checkpoints at building entrances to hard limits on going outdoors — now cover at least 760 million people in China, or more than half the country’s population, according to a New York Times analysis of government announcements in provinces and major cities. Many of these people live far from the city of Wuhan, where the virus was first reported and which the government sealed off last month. -

    More: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/15/b...gtype=Homepage

  15. #115

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    The New York Times has calculated at least 760 million Chinese citizens are living under various forms of restrictions.

    - Residential lockdowns of varying strictness — from checkpoints at building entrances to hard limits on going outdoors — now cover at least 760 million people in China, or more than half the country’s population, according to a New York Times analysis of government announcements in provinces and major cities. Many of these people live far from the city of Wuhan, where the virus was first reported and which the government sealed off last month. -

    More: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/15/b...gtype=Homepage
    Presumably the millions on lockdown are the ones the Communist Party wants to look after and have the antidote whilst the ones they want to bump off are aimlessly wandering the streets and being encouraged to mingle with each other?

  16. #116

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Presumably the millions on lockdown are the ones the Communist Party wants to look after and have the antidote whilst the ones they want to bump off are aimlessly wandering the streets and being encouraged to mingle with each other?

  17. #117

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Presumably the millions on lockdown are the ones the Communist Party wants to look after and have the antidote whilst the ones they want to bump off are aimlessly wandering the streets and being encouraged to mingle with each other?
    There are one or two holes in the theory that he's still ironing out.

  18. #118

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    There are one or two holes in the theory that he's still ironing out.
    Ironing out holes? That's an interesting concept.

  19. #119

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Ironing out holes? That's an interesting concept.
    Mixed metaphors but I think the meaning should be clear.

  20. #120

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    It's difficult for us to realise how interdependent the world has become. China and its cheap labour has been the engine for global growth for many years. The U.S. spent decades shifting its manufacturing base to there. If China's economy falls then so will all others. That 15 quid toaster in Argos would double in price, ditto for anything else made here or in other Western countries and price inflation would rocket. Walmart in the U.S. is like Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury's rolled into one over here. 90% of what they fill their stores with says Made in China.

  21. #121

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    It's difficult for us to realise how interdependent the world has become. China and its cheap labour has been the engine for global growth for many years. The U.S. spent decades shifting its manufacturing base to there. If China's economy falls then so will all others. That 15 quid toaster in Argos would double in price, ditto for anything else made here or in other Western countries and price inflation would rocket. Walmart in the U.S. is like Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury's rolled into one over here. 90% of what they fill their stores with says Made in China.
    A bit like colonialisation was in some respects.

  22. #122

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Presumably the millions on lockdown are the ones the Communist Party wants to look after and have the antidote whilst the ones they want to bump off are aimlessly wandering the streets and being encouraged to mingle with each other?
    I've spent pages advancing a theory that the virus scare is a charade. Those who continue to push a worldwide pandemic line and the virus is so dangerous can't explain its tiny spread in numbers terms, the minuscule total number of deaths and how only those with certain genetics have died. "It'll mutate," they shrieked and the virus has an unusually long incubation period. Initially they said it was 9-14 days, then up to 24 days, now it's up to 40 days. The virus has been active since at least the middle of December so the longest incubation period also falls flat.

    The globalists took a wrecking ball to Western manufacturing in order to build China into what it is. Did they do so purely to make the world so reliant on its output that its sudden demise would plunge the world into a depression and the resulting social chaos would provide them with the ideal cover to introduce their nefarious plans? We know what they want: more control, and the key to everything they desire is to abolish physical cash. Even in today's idiocracy of constant idle entertainment and celebrity idolatry (see the Caroline Flack thread on the main board for the latest example of that), most innately know the elimination of cash will spell their financial slavery. For those to meekly accept that transition then they'd need to be softened up by suffering unimagined privation.

    Cyril, the black swan approaches. You need to prepare for it.

  23. #123
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Interesting chart Organ, which shows what I said. The Chinese economy is clearly suffering so it doesn't make sense that they inflicted this virus deliberately on themselves.
    Maybe it's a Marxist plot , you know how they hate success .

    Where's our Marxists Milne and McDonald ,they are very quite .

  24. #124
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I've spent pages advancing a theory that the virus scare is a charade. Those who continue to push a worldwide pandemic line and the virus is so dangerous can't explain its tiny spread in numbers terms, the minuscule total number of deaths and how only those with certain genetics have died. "It'll mutate," they shrieked and the virus has an unusually long incubation period. Initially they said it was 9-14 days, then up to 24 days, now it's up to 40 days. The virus has been active since at least the middle of December so the longest incubation period also falls flat.

    The globalists took a wrecking ball to Western manufacturing in order to build China into what it is. Did they do so purely to make the world so reliant on its output that its sudden demise would plunge the world into a depression and the resulting social chaos would provide them with the ideal cover to introduce their nefarious plans? We know what they want: more control, and the key to everything they desire is to abolish physical cash. Even in today's idiocracy of constant idle entertainment and celebrity idolatry (see the Caroline Flack thread on the main board for the latest example of that), most innately know the elimination of cash will spell their financial slavery. For those to meekly accept that transition then they'd need to be softened up by suffering unimagined privation.

    Cyril, the black swan approaches. You need to prepare for it.
    Without being rude who are the ( they ) you refer too, if its the globallists surely its not Trump or Boris as I'm told by the experts ( who by the way are much brighter than me ) that those two blondes are as thick as a plank of wood , and are only interested in the ladies , so that leaves Murky Merkel and Purified Putin , oh and that netyythingy fella in Israel?

  25. #125

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    'They' are those a tier or two above (s)elected politicians like Trump and the rest of them. 'They' control credit and the money supply through their network of central and commercial banks.

    'They' have, as stated prior, ensured the world's 200+ countries are all saddled with national debts that cannot be repaid and never will because 'they' collect on the interest to purchase anything and anyone they wish to.

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