Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
Wales-Bales, my fellow illuminist, and I identified earlier in this thread the economic dangers of Kung Flu to the UK far outweigh that of having sniffles because should China cease exporting their wares for another month or two then all First World economies will also begin to go tits up.

Below is a video of life in the capital city Beijing (with a 20 million population) which isn't under quarantine restrictions but where few emerge from their homes. The narrator mentions having his body temperature taken. It's no wonder people don't want to risk failing that test or be seen/heard coughing or sneezing in public what with the penalty being a one-way trip on a bus that has Incinerator on its destination board.

If that was China's end, you know they could just stop selling their wares to the first world. Or they could make them more expensive.

Although I do heartily approve of you taking WB down with you on this one.

By the way, I know that Singapore also checks people's body temperature was they enter many public buildings. Just giving you that one so you can try to weave it in to the fantasy.