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Thread: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

  1. #251
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Well after all that healthy debate, and to go back to the OP for closure , is it overhyped fear, or potential doom I'd say you can't win as a government your either accused of complacency or hiding as with the floods or over egging the impact.

    If the overhype saves a life or two I suppose it's worth it .

    The one positive, from this we might improve a lot of peoples approach to personal cleanliness around washing ones hands more often.

  2. #252

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Latest worldwide death toll due to the coronavirus is 3,465: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/

    That's very close to the anticipated attendance for Newport County's home fixture tomorrow in what will be a less than half empty Rodney Parade. It's little wonder Elon Musk is sceptical.

  3. #253
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Latest worldwide death toll due to the coronavirus is 3,465: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/

    That's very close to the anticipated attendance for Newport County's home fixture tomorrow in what will be a less than half empty Rodney Parade. It's little wonder Elon Musk is sceptical.
    Incredibly, 1.5 million people die from TB each year.

  4. #254

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Latest worldwide death toll due to the coronavirus is 3,465: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/

    That's very close to the anticipated attendance for Newport County's home fixture tomorrow in what will be a less than half empty Rodney Parade. It's little wonder Elon Musk is sceptical.
    Virus is deffo overhyped. All the ructions taking place in the financial world is being pinned on the coronavirus in spite of the supply chain problems having very little impact thus far. Just today the oil price dropped 9.5%, its largest single day decline for 5 years. The UK FTSE 100 fell 3.5%. It has lost 13% of its value in the past fortnight. Today's FTSE is 6% lower than what it stood at on the final day of 1999. Since this time last week the yield (interest) on the US 10 and 30-year treasury debt has bombed by 30%. The US Dow Jones did finish 1% higher today than what it was a week ago, but it required an emergency 1/2% interest rate cut on Tuesday, the largest for 12 years, to fend off that hitting the deck.

  5. #255

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Incredibly, 1.5 million people die from TB each year.
    A great many more die from hunger every year. If 3.5k died from the coronavirus each and every day from here to eternity it would be an irrelevance, a mere tiny blip in a world population of 7.7 billion people.

  6. #256

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    A great many more die from hunger every year. If 3.5k died from the coronavirus each and every day from here to eternity it would be an irrelevance, a mere tiny blip in a world population of 7.7 billion people.
    As much as I'm not overly concerned by the coronavirus - your logic is ridiculous. If the virus spreads, then it will be a lot more than 3.5k per day, won't it? The first cases are only really just reaching certain countries so we have no idea how things will look like in, say, a month's time.

    I was also having a discussion about this the other day - it's not just the mortality rate that people are concerned about, it's the added pressure on services that a lot of countries would collapse under if a large percentage of the population were too sick to work etc.

    But, like I said, I'm not in panic mode yet. I'll just sit on the fence for now and see what happens.

  7. #257

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    As much as I'm not overly concerned by the coronavirus - your logic is ridiculous. If the virus spreads, then it will be a lot more than 3.5k per day, won't it? The first cases are only really just reaching certain countries so we have no idea how things will look like in, say, a month's time.

    I was also having a discussion about this the other day - it's not just the mortality rate that people are concerned about, it's the added pressure on services that a lot of countries would collapse under if a large percentage of the population were too sick to work etc.

    But, like I said, I'm not in panic mode yet. I'll just sit on the fence for now and see what happens.
    I said this a few times in the thread on the main board. The death rate is not the be all and end all. Even if it kills no one at all, having lots of people sick at the same time (no virus has ever spread so quickly) is like a DDOS attack with the strain it puts on everything.

  8. #258

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Believe it or not - and coincidence or not - a coronavirus outbreak was simulated last year less than six weeks before a coronavirus outbreak occurred. It was envisaged it would start from Brazil's bat population to infect humans and spread as far as China. The bigwigs concluded 65 million people would perish in 18 months. http://www.centerforhealthsecurity.o.../scenario.html

    Unsurprisingly, there's tons of youtube vids to be found which speculate that all what we're witnessing is a planned and manufactured event.

  9. #259

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    By the way, should Blighty descend into chaos, perhaps from the coronavirus and/or economic collapse, then the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 makes for scary reading.

    It's here in full: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2004/36/contents

    To summarise the most egregious aspects: the government, once it enacts emergency powers, can confiscate whatever it desires, including citizens homes (without compensation) and lawfully compel them to relocate to wherever the state deigns. Yes, absolute totalitarianism.

    The Yanks have similar laws on their statute book. Americans have been wise to cling to their guns.

  10. #260

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Believe it or not - and coincidence or not - a coronavirus outbreak was simulated last year less than six weeks before a coronavirus outbreak occurred. It was envisaged it would start from Brazil's bat population to infect humans and spread as far as China. The bigwigs concluded 65 million people would perish in 18 months. http://www.centerforhealthsecurity.o.../scenario.html

    Unsurprisingly, there's tons of youtube vids to be found which speculate that all what we're witnessing is a planned and manufactured event.
    It is unsurprising as there's a large market of the gullible.

    Unsurprisingly it's the same few people who come across these videos and talk about them on here.

  11. #261

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    It is unsurprising as there's a large market of the gullible.
    Spoken without a hint of irony

  12. #262

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Can anybody tell me what 'panic' they are talking about? If they mean that people are buying toilet rolls the
    they do that when the express says it is going to snow. Everything is happening as normal where I live despite there being a diagnosed case in the town and another in the town over.

    My view is pretty simple, preventative measures should be more flexible and allow for the fact that this virus is pretty much risk free for most people but really bad for others.

  13. #263

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Every human emotion/reaction is dumb to Elon.

  14. #264

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    For anybody who wants to delve into the numbers, an American perspective:


  15. #265
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    For anybody who wants to delve into the numbers, an American perspective:

    Interesting read .

    Who to believe Elon or experts ?

  16. #266
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    A great many more die from hunger every year. If 3.5k died from the coronavirus each and every day from here to eternity it would be an irrelevance, a mere tiny blip in a world population of 7.7 billion people.
    The young are also being effected ,wonder who caused the accidents, hope it wasn't the over 70's :

    Nearly 1.25 million people die in*road crashes*each year, on average 3,287 deaths a day. An additional 20-50 million are injured or disabled. More than half of all road traffic deaths occur among young adults ages 15-44.

  17. #267

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Interesting read .

    Who to believe Elon or experts ?
    Well you can probably agree with both.

    Not testing people is definitely dumb though, Trump is going to be looking round for somebody to blame soon enough.

  18. #268

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Small sample, unverified etc but an interesting concept explored that older population crashes and immediately occupy the beds, then once younger people have 'exhausted their physiological resources' they turn up to already overcrowded under resourced hospitals.


  19. #269
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Small sample, unverified etc but an interesting concept explored that older population crashes and immediately occupy the beds, then once younger people have 'exhausted their physiological resources' they turn up to already overcrowded under resourced hospitals.

    If the oldies do crash, I'm guessing a new Brexit referendum will be called for .

  20. #270

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    As much as I'm not overly concerned by the coronavirus - your logic is ridiculous. If the virus spreads, then it will be a lot more than 3.5k per day, won't it? The first cases are only really just reaching certain countries so we have no idea how things will look like in, say, a month's time.

    I was also having a discussion about this the other day - it's not just the mortality rate that people are concerned about, it's the added pressure on services that a lot of countries would collapse under if a large percentage of the population were too sick to work etc.

    But, like I said, I'm not in panic mode yet. I'll just sit on the fence for now and see what happens.
    We have differing perspectives on this. I've paid no thought to succumbing to this virus because I believe it will be the catalyst and not the cause for a global economic collapse. Whether it's by design or organic then I'm now sure that will be the outcome. Let's say there's a 5% chance I'll be infected by the virus. It's a small concern as I'm 100% sure I will be affected by the social mayhem that will result and all my thoughts and preparations have been geared to lessening the gravity of the fallout.

  21. #271
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Just be cautious is my only advise , it's either a virus that is spreading or it's not , it should not be a political issue , I'd hate to see someone fall due to complacency and foolish ideology

  22. #272

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Italy set to quarantine whole of Lombardy due to coronavirus - https://www.theguardian.com/world/20...7/italy-set-to

    That region is the most productive and economically important in all Italy.

  23. #273
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Italy set to quarantine whole of Lombardy due to coronavirus - https://www.theguardian.com/world/20...7/italy-set-to

    That region is the most productive and economically important in all Italy.
    They haven't got much option but its probably too late

  24. #274

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    I'd be interested in the details of it. Say for those who cannot go to work due to government mandated restrictions. Can/will they order private companies to pay them their full rate of pay perhaps with the state reimbursing them the cost? Or the state paying the workers directly some or all their wages? Italy could set the template for all EU states, including the UK. The costs would become staggeringly high should these lock downs proliferate elsewhere.

  25. #275

    Re: Coronavirus: overhyped fear-mongering or potential mega doom?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Just be cautious is my only advise , it's either a virus that is spreading or it's not , it should not be a political issue , I'd hate to see someone fall due to complacency and foolish ideology
    Give it time, you'll be able to find a way to blame Jeremy Corbyn and Labour for it soon.

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