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Thread: Coronavirus update - NO MORE RESTRICTIONS

  1. #1

    Coronavirus update - NO MORE RESTRICTIONS


    How long before this kind of nonsense makes its way into this board.

  2. #2

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post


    How long before this kind of nonsense makes its way into this board.
    Gullible cretins around social media will share bollocks like this, unfortunately.

  3. #3

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post


    How long before this kind of nonsense makes its way into this board.
    It just has

  4. #4

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post


    How long before this kind of nonsense makes its way into this board.
    I recently heard someone say that 50% of the population have been brainwashed by the media. I am sure some of the other 50% will be along soon to support some of this, particularly as a couple have been quoting No 4 on that list on the Politics Board.

  5. #5

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post


    How long before this kind of nonsense makes its way into this board.
    From a quick look, Organ Morgan has already claimed number 4 (and I think a variant on 10). To be fair to him though, he's also churned out some which haven't even made this list. He's that good.

  6. #6

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    I recently heard someone say that 50% of the population have been brainwashed by the media. I am sure some of the other 50% will be along soon to support some of this, particularly as a couple have been quoting No 4 on that list on the Politics Board.
    As somebody who fell for the Russia collusion hoax you are certainly in that 50%, and probably somewhere near the top just behind lardy

  7. #7

    Re: Coronavirus update

  8. #8

    Re: Coronavirus update

    What we have seen is a lot of older people require hospital treatment for this, and some will die.
    When the hospital capacity is overwhelmed in an area the death rate grows sharply (and there is also probably a knock on effect on unrelated illness not being able to access healthcare). Therefore by taking action to slow the spread of the disease you can save many lives. Even if the same number of people get it in the end, if you slow the spread so hospitals aren't overrun there are much better outcomes

  9. #9

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    What we have seen is a lot of older people require hospital treatment for this, and some will die.
    When the hospital capacity is overwhelmed in an area the death rate grows sharply (and there is also probably a knock on effect on unrelated illness not being able to access healthcare). Therefore by taking action to slow the spread of the disease you can save many lives. Even if the same number of people get it in the end, if you slow the spread so hospitals aren't overrun there are much better outcomes
    A good summary, so why are the media and a few individuals on the internet going feckin' bananas?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Coronavirus update

    It started when dirty feckers ate ans slaughtered wild animals and ate contaminated dirty shit food , and went unwashed, selfish fecks

  11. #11

    Re: Coronavirus update

    I've seen this Covid-19 likened to Spanish Flu for its deadliness. Depending on the source, it killed between 50-100 million worldwide in 1918. In Britain it killed circa 250,000 and infected a quarter of the total population (11 million back then). The first wave didn't do much damage, the final one from September to December certainly did. That one was especially fond of killing those aged 25-45. This one likes bumping off those 70+, which will delight governments who will save on pension payments and those hoping to bag an early inheritance windfall. But anyway, as implied, should this be similar to Spanish Flu then this year's end is when there'll be panic in Chinese streets and elsewhere.

  12. #12

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I've seen this Covid-19 likened to Spanish Flu for its deadliness. Depending on the source, it killed between 50-100 million worldwide in 1918. In Britain it killed circa 250,000 and infected a quarter of the total population (11 million back then). The first wave didn't do much damage, the final one from September to December certainly did. That one was especially fond of killing those aged 25-45. This one likes bumping off those 70+, which will delight governments who will save on pension payments and those hoping to bag an early inheritance windfall. But anyway, as implied, should this be similar to Spanish Flu then this year's end is when there'll be panic in Chinese streets and elsewhere.
    There is some evidence that Spanish flu was just regular seasonal flu, and it was only the fact that so many people were malnourished and living in very poor conditions as a result of the great war that made it so deadly

  13. #13

    Re: Coronavirus update

    well my lad has been un well for the last 5 days with flu like symptons with temperatures up to 39 degrees etc so thought we would get him checked out today

    Following advice to ring 111 and went through various questions . in a nutshell the 2 main things they ask if you've been abroad to an infected area like china in the last 2 weeks and do you know if you've been in contact with anyone who has the virus

    We answered NO to both questions so they said to ring your local GP so we ring the GP and they referred us back to ring 111 as they don't want potential virus carriers in surgeries which is what I would expect

    basically if you've been abroad to an infected and got the symptons you will get tested .If you don't fall into that bracket tough luck

    Could be hundreds if not thousands walking around with the virus without even knowing see the daily mail picking up on this today


  14. #14

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    What we have seen is a lot of older people require hospital treatment for this, and some will die.
    When the hospital capacity is overwhelmed in an area the death rate grows sharply (and there is also probably a knock on effect on unrelated illness not being able to access healthcare). Therefore by taking action to slow the spread of the disease you can save many lives. Even if the same number of people get it in the end, if you slow the spread so hospitals aren't overrun there are much better outcomes
    Have we taken any actions to slow it? I haven't noticed any. People are asked to stay at home once they have it, what else?

    Italy have 831 in critical care, we have (at any given time) around 800 ICU beds vacant.

  15. #15

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    well my lad has been un well for the last 5 days with flu like symptons with temperatures up to 39 degrees etc so thought we would get him checked out today

    Following advice to ring 111 and went through various questions . in a nutshell the 2 main things they ask if you've been abroad to an infected area like china in the last 2 weeks and do you know if you've been in contact with anyone who has the virus

    We answered NO to both questions so they said to ring your local GP so we ring the GP and they referred us back to ring 111 as they don't want potential virus carriers in surgeries which is what I would expect

    basically if you've been abroad to an infected and got the symptons you will get tested .If you don't fall into that bracket tough luck

    Could be hundreds if not thousands walking around with the virus without even knowing see the daily mail picking up on this today

    This about sums up the government's approach to the virus, thanks for sharing and I hope your lad recovers asap.

  16. #16

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Should we be worried. We bloody should be. https://twitter.com/jasonvanschoor/s...077697538?s=21

  17. #17

    Re: Coronavirus update

    I hate to say it but this also looks like a case of GPs not wanting to pick up the tab for care on their watch. Internal market in the NHS. When my dad transferred from hospital to care home here in the Midlands, his GP in Cardiff had to pay for the ambulance transfer 10 minutes up the road, causing a 5 hour delay whilst the responsibility for the bill was sorted out. Just on the news, Wolverhampton is having a drive through CV testing station coming on stream tomorrow. You can only go if you pass the 111 test. Just to throw into the mix, the hospital where dad has been, and by a strange coincidence my daughter, has had a CV case. Upper Ninian for me on Sunday! Meanwhile, I hope anyone feeling unwell makes a speedy recovery. From recent experience, the NHS is already stuffed and wont cope with an epidemic.

  18. #18

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by ninian opinian View Post
    Should we be worried. We bloody should be. https://twitter.com/jasonvanschoor/s...077697538?s=21
    On the news just now, if you in Italy and are over 65 in the worst affected areas, no chance of life-saving care eg heart attack, stroke. Complete lack of IC beds and staff under severe strain.Their health care system can't cope. Boris "wash your hands" Johnson will sort it out, don't worry.

  19. #19

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by ninian opinian View Post
    Should we be worried. We bloody should be. https://twitter.com/jasonvanschoor/s...077697538?s=21
    Have an italian work mate she says the situation there is much worse than what we are being told.

  20. #20

    Re: Coronavirus update

    An interesting take on how America are (not) going to cope

  21. #21

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Nice graphs. Have you got one which shows how many European countries were completely quarantined during Ebola etc? Or is that a lie and all is fine in Italy?

  22. #22

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Covid-19 - worldwide deaths, 4,267. Covid-19 mentions in the media, 1.1 billion.

    Or 1 Covid-19 death = 257,000 mentions in the media.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    There is some evidence that Spanish flu was just regular seasonal flu, and it was only the fact that so many people were malnourished and living in very poor conditions as a result of the great war that made it so deadly
    That would make sense , as good nourishment provides the necessary benefits to ones immune system , along with poor sanitation it would kill anyone.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    well my lad has been un well for the last 5 days with flu like symptons with temperatures up to 39 degrees etc so thought we would get him checked out today

    Following advice to ring 111 and went through various questions . in a nutshell the 2 main things they ask if you've been abroad to an infected area like china in the last 2 weeks and do you know if you've been in contact with anyone who has the virus

    We answered NO to both questions so they said to ring your local GP so we ring the GP and they referred us back to ring 111 as they don't want potential virus carriers in surgeries which is what I would expect

    basically if you've been abroad to an infected and got the symptons you will get tested .If you don't fall into that bracket tough luck

    Could be hundreds if not thousands walking around with the virus without even knowing see the daily mail picking up on this today


    That's just it. Some of those who have tested positive for it liken it to a mild cold. I have mild cold like symptoms, maybe I have it. If I do, then I am about to make a full recovery but I won't be in the stats. Nor will your lad. People are reading far too much into the stats.

    All I have been doing is using tissues and washing my hands if I sneeze or cough. I've also slept in a separate bed to my boyfriend. It's all about not spreading illness and I am not behaving any differently to any other time I have a cold. And, if I do get Coronavirus, I'll do it all again.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    Nice graphs. Have you got one which shows how many European countries were completely quarantined during Ebola etc? Or is that a lie and all is fine in Italy?
    What is the point you are trying to make?

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