Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
Ah, yes, we'll be back to Brexit and the 17 million of us who were duped next.

Probably doesn't apply to you because I think from what you said some time back, you used to work in the Patent office/ONS [???] - forgive me if I'm wrong - but as it stands the FTSE has lost 30% in the last 4 weeks. If people with personal pensions were buying annuities today they could have lost 30% of their pension fund. Why ? because everyone runs around making a huge drama, coming across all serious like they're Churchill in 1940, when the reality is 6 people have died in the UK in the past month - all from other complications.
There's a reason I have not posted much on this subject on here and it's that, unlike quite a few contributors on here it seems, I accept that we're in a very fluid situation with a new virus that everyone, including the experts, are learning about on the hoof so to speak - in such circumstances, I don't feel I can contribute anything that qualifies as worthwhile.
Actually, although every time I hear the Government going on about washing your hands, I cannot help thinking of early episodes of Dad's Army which included Pathe News type pieces featuring shots of the likes of Corporal Jones and Private Godfrey ready to fight off Hitler's evil hordes with a pitchfork and a broom handle, I think this isn't a party political matter and feel that the Government is on a hiding to nothing with corona virus.
However, there is someone on the other side of the Atlantic who is out to politicise this for his own ends and it appears he has a few little helpers on here. I don't include you in that, I'm talking about the ones who accuse those who don't share their views of being useful idiots, gullible consumers of the MSM agenda etc. etc. while at the same time faithfully recycling what their favourite alt right site is telling them.