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Thread: Coronavirus update - NO MORE RESTRICTIONS

  1. #126

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Just been told we are working from home for the forseable, same for my mate who works as an oil trader and a mate who works for a high end fitness start up. We've had to spend millions on new tech for the WFH phase as we deal in sensitive information.

    Anyone who doesn't think this is serious needs to ask why these companies are willfully costing themselves millions upon millions.

    People talking about the death rate being low don't understand how serious this is and could be. The situation in Italy at the moment is terrible and their health service is on the brink of collapse.

  2. #127

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    It's not about the death ra...oh forget it, it's like teaching algebra to a goldfish
    Even if it was about the death rate we have no where near reached the peak of this. People are going about their every day lives normally at the moment, when this peaks in April or May the number of deaths will too.

  3. #128

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Our society is not really set-up for this type of out-break.

    Me and my partner couldn't work from home, we could not afford to be off work for a month on basic SSP, the business that we work for could not afford to go a couple of months without the income.

    If schools close we would have to send the children who may be carrying the infection to their grand parents who are the most at risk from this outbreak.

    I cant see anything that works on a practical level.

  4. #129

    Re: Coronavirus update

    It isn't about the death rate..... yet, but it could be soon. You see once the beds in ICU fill up and they can't take any more the death rate could hit as high as 18%. Thats the amount of people that would need ventilators and even more serious equipment. This is what happened in Wuhan, China and is currently happening in Northern Italy.

    Think of it like a snowball rolling down a hill. Once it gathers size it will smash its way through the population.

    China was able to throw the weight of a massive nation behind the efforts to treat the sick and cut it off in one region. What does Britain have? One of the lowest amounts of ICU beds per % of the population in Europe. Look at the crappy tents they are erecting in car parks.

  5. #130

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    There's a reason I have not posted much on this subject on here and it's that, unlike quite a few contributors on here it seems, I accept that we're in a very fluid situation with a new virus that everyone, including the experts, are learning about on the hoof so to speak - in such circumstances, I don't feel I can contribute anything that qualifies as worthwhile.
    Actually, although every time I hear the Government going on about washing your hands, I cannot help thinking of early episodes of Dad's Army which included Pathe News type pieces featuring shots of the likes of Corporal Jones and Private Godfrey ready to fight off Hitler's evil hordes with a pitchfork and a broom handle, I think this isn't a party political matter and feel that the Government is on a hiding to nothing with corona virus.
    However, there is someone on the other side of the Atlantic who is out to politicise this for his own ends and it appears he has a few little helpers on here. I don't include you in that, I'm talking about the ones who accuse those who don't share their views of being useful idiots, gullible consumers of the MSM agenda etc. etc. while at the same time faithfully recycling what their favourite alt right site is telling them.
    Fair enough, but to me it seems that whether it's a Govt. official, a 'Health Specialist, a Journalist/reporter, a TV interviewer, a radio presenter - whenever they're discussing or announcing something to do with Coronavirus it's given dramatic treatment as if they really want the situation to be more serious than it is. Some nutter on drugs blows himself up and we have 'COBRA' meetings to urgently discuss the latest [so-called] terrorist threat. Weather temperatures don't 'drop' overnight, they're going to 'plummet'. It's another reason why Blair, Hague, Cameron decided to help bomb 3 nations into anarchy - the thrill of playing soldiers, looking at maps, sounding all grim and serious - they loved it.

    Anyway, they're all prats and I don't pay attention to any of them..

  6. #131

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Ah, yes, we'll be back to Brexit and the 17 million of us who were duped next.

    Probably doesn't apply to you because I think from what you said some time back, you used to work in the Patent office/ONS [???] - forgive me if I'm wrong - but as it stands the FTSE has lost 30% in the last 4 weeks. If people with personal pensions were buying annuities today they could have lost 30% of their pension fund. Why ? because everyone runs around making a huge drama, coming across all serious like they're Churchill in 1940, when the reality is 6 people have died in the UK in the past month - all from other complications.
    You think the stock market moves based on the level of 'drama' in society?

  7. #132

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    You think the stock market moves based on the level of 'drama' in society?

  8. #133

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Leave him alone, he's a very special person

  9. #134

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by qccfc View Post
    Our society is not really set-up for this type of out-break.

    Me and my partner couldn't work from home, we could not afford to be off work for a month on basic SSP, the business that we work for could not afford to go a couple of months without the income.

    If schools close we would have to send the children who may be carrying the infection to their grand parents who are the most at risk from this outbreak.

    I cant see anything that works on a practical level.
    This is exactly what happened in Italy according to my mate who lives there. Send the kids off to the grandparents, the kiss of death.

  10. #135

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Just been told we are working from home for the forseable, same for my mate who works as an oil trader and a mate who works for a high end fitness start up. We've had to spend millions on new tech for the WFH phase as we deal in sensitive information.

    Anyone who doesn't think this is serious needs to ask why these companies are willfully costing themselves millions upon millions.

    People talking about the death rate being low don't understand how serious this is and could be. The situation in Italy at the moment is terrible and their health service is on the brink of collapse.
    It's the new Y2K

  11. #136

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Fair enough, but to me it seems that whether it's a Govt. official, a 'Health Specialist, a Journalist/reporter, a TV interviewer, a radio presenter - whenever they're discussing or announcing something to do with Coronavirus it's given dramatic treatment as if they really want the situation to be more serious than it is. Some nutter on drugs blows himself up and we have 'COBRA' meetings to urgently discuss the latest [so-called] terrorist threat. Weather temperatures don't 'drop' overnight, they're going to 'plummet'. It's another reason why Blair, Hague, Cameron decided to help bomb 3 nations into anarchy - the thrill of playing soldiers, looking at maps, sounding all grim and serious - they loved it.

    Anyway, they're all prats and I don't pay attention to any of them..
    If you haven’t done so, you should check out the link ti the italian doctors twitter account. That is worrying and real.

  12. #137

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Stock markets react strongly to things like confidence, sentiment, expectations, so yes. Huge losses in the markets may seem amusing and trivial to you but they are going to affect may people's lives..

  13. #138

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    It's the new Y2K
    Y2K was only stopped because millions was spent on engineers fixing issues though. It might not have been planes falling out of the sky kind of thing but things could have been proper ****ed. Everyone always acts like Y2K was nothing but it was just a well planned out and well mitigated event.

  14. #139

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Stock markets react strongly to things like confidence, sentiment, expectations, so yes. Huge losses in the markets may seem amusing and trivial to you but they are going to affect may people's lives..

  15. #140

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Divine Wright View Post
    If you haven’t done so, you should check out the link ti the italian doctors twitter account. That is worrying and real.
    Twitter. The name says it all.

  16. #141
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Being cynical (just for a change!!!) as the shut down unfolds, companies on big contracts struggling to deliver on time and facing LD's for being late, (and would have been late irrespective) may just be frantically checking their force majeure paragraph of their contract.

  17. #142

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Twitter. The name says it all.
    As opposed to "Cardiff City Messageboard" where you speak your truth

  18. #143

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Lots of small businesses are going to go under I reckon.

  19. #144

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Lots of small businesses are going to go under I reckon.
    A lot of a big ones too I think. Few airlines might be in trouble. Wouldn't be surprised if norweigen were pushed over the brink.

  20. #145

    Re: Coronavirus update

    So with the new government advice you should stay at home for 7 days if you have a high temperature and/or new cough.
    Hopefully the club will issue a statement to re-enforce the message and tell people not to go on Sunday if it applies to them.

  21. #146

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Italy’s outbreak has had over 2500 new confirmations and 150 deaths in just the last 24hrs. That is very disturbing as it’s not slowing down but accelerating like a rocket.

  22. #147

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Fair enough, but to me it seems that whether it's a Govt. official, a 'Health Specialist, a Journalist/reporter, a TV interviewer, a radio presenter - whenever they're discussing or announcing something to do with Coronavirus it's given dramatic treatment as if they really want the situation to be more serious than it is. Some nutter on drugs blows himself up and we have 'COBRA' meetings to urgently discuss the latest [so-called] terrorist threat. Weather temperatures don't 'drop' overnight, they're going to 'plummet'. It's another reason why Blair, Hague, Cameron decided to help bomb 3 nations into anarchy - the thrill of playing soldiers, looking at maps, sounding all grim and serious - they loved it.

    Anyway, they're all prats and I don't pay attention to any of them..
    I've said in the past, I don't believe a word Boris Johnson says, but he is stating categorically that this cannot be compared with seasonal flu.

  23. #148

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Y2K was only stopped because millions was spent on engineers fixing issues though. It might not have been planes falling out of the sky kind of thing but things could have been proper ****ed. Everyone always acts like Y2K was nothing but it was just a well planned out and well mitigated event.
    I wasn't being serious, old fruit. Hence the coat emoji.

  24. #149

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Stock markets react strongly to things like confidence, sentiment, expectations, so yes. Huge losses in the markets may seem amusing and trivial to you but they are going to affect may people's lives..
    Huge losses in the markets
    The coronavirus may seem amusing and trivial to you but it's going to affect many people's lives.

  25. #150

    Re: Coronavirus update

    As usual, Climate/Holocaust deniers, Brexit enthusiasts, I know better than experts getting their early oar in. If you value your life treat them with a pinch of salt: no one knows how this will pan out. It may not be this one but there will always be the potential for a rogue virus (and other means) to wipe out humankind! Stay alert, stay safe!

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