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Thread: Boris Johnson

  1. #26
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Johnson is not so bad when he's following his script - although shambolic compared to Ursula von der Leyen, the EU Commission President who was speaking earlier in the day and was very impressive.

    Where Johnson becomes embarrassing is when he starts to waffle in response to press questions and does his Trump impression - lots of words and no meaning.

    The experts who flank him and give the real report and answers to questions may be right or may be wrong in their judgement, but at least they are qualified grown ups and are both articulate and credible.
    Never listened to Ursula von der Leyen, but listening to the Whitehouse live now, Trump has just given himself a performance of 10 on a scale of 10

  2. #27

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    There's as much space as you need below to list your qualifications and expertise in these matters, and then give us your detailed explanation why you disagree with the most qualified people in this Country.

    Then again you could just f*ck off and let the grown ups get on with it..
    No need whatsoever for this outburst.

  3. #28

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    There's as much space as you need below to list your qualifications and expertise in these matters, and then give us your detailed explanation why you disagree with the most qualified people in this Country.

    Then again you could just f*ck off and let the grown ups get on with it..
    Awwwww, have you had a hard day????

    Wifey not rubbed your belly recently?

  4. #29

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
    Yes that is a good thing but it is for the Government to then make tough decisions. If I was an independent pub owner I would be very unhappy that Johnson is telling people to avoid the pub but not actually closing them down. So pubs will lose trade and won’t be able to claim off their business interruption insurance for loss of profits. If they were closed down by the Government they could claim for their loss of profits under their insurance policy.

  5. #30

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    There's as much space as you need below to list your qualifications and expertise in these matters, and then give us your detailed explanation why you disagree with the most qualified people in this Country.

    Then again you could just f*ck off and let the grown ups get on with it..
    There's probably not enough space below to list how many more qualified people in the world disagree with the most qualified people in this country though

  6. #31

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    Never listened to Ursula von der Leyen, but listening to the Whitehouse live now, Trump has just given himself a performance of 10 on a scale of 10
    Out of the EU, UK, America, China & Japan, Ursula's lot are in the worst position, and actually he gave his medical taskforce 10/10 for rebuilding the response system, as the previous one was not fit for purpose

  7. #32
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Out of the EU, UK, America, China & Japan, Ursula's lot are in the worst position, and actually he gave his medical taskforce 10/10 for rebuilding the response system, as the previous one was not fit for purpose
    By 'the previous one' are you on about the Pandemic Response Team that Trump disbanded because it had been created by Obama? He is totally shameless, as are you when you indulge in your now standard Trump sycophancy! And why the at the end of every inane comment? Was there supposed to be some humour lurking there?

  8. #33

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    And why the at the end of every inane comment? Was there supposed to be some humour lurking there?
    Yes, Nelson injected some humour which I was responding to! Anyway, about the EU, they are not in a good position at present.

  9. #34
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Yes, Nelson injected some humour which I was responding to! Anyway, about the EU, they are not in a good position at present.
    That at least I agree with!

  10. #35
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    Re: Boris Johnson

    What about taken ones own responsibility and stop blaming a PM who can only be lead by the experts, any one of could apply a behaviour like socially distancing ones self you don't need him to tell you,don't go to the pub .

    If he said " everyone stays indoors do really think they all would, and how bad would that be policed .

    He tried to advise stop panic buying,, are they ?

    He advises wash your hands , are the all ??

    He states socially distance yourself , are the pubs empty ,nope ?

    Let's hope this is not becoming politicised , if this MP wasn't in charge who do you think is best suited and skilled and importantly why pick that person, does he have pandemic skills sets?

    As I see it he has handed all the issues guidance to these experts and he simply delivers there best guess of a solution ,we are advised its cross party consensus driven by these experts .

    Don't forget we are in the great unknown, and ets be honest not one of us have the solution or are happy about this awful moment in time .

    Thanks China.

  11. #36

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    What about taken ones own responsibility and stop blaming a PM who can only be lead by the experts, any one of could apply a behaviour like socially distancing ones self you don't need him to tell you,don't go to the pub .

    If he said " everyone stays indoors do really think they all would, and how bad would that be policed .

    He tried to advise stop panic buying,, are they ?

    He advises wash your hands , are the all ??

    He states socially distance yourself , are the pubs empty ,nope ?

    Let's hope this is not becoming politicised , if this MP wasn't in charge who do you think is best suited and skilled and importantly why pick that person, does he have pandemic skills sets?

    As I see it he has handed all the issues guidance to these experts and he simply delivers there best guess of a solution ,we are advised its cross party consensus driven by these experts .

    Don't forget we are in the great unknown, and ets be honest not one of us have the solution or are happy about this awful moment in time .

    Thanks China.
    Agree he has an unenviable task though I think the government could be doing more for businesses and employees and easing their concerns.

    I read somewhere that money had been made available by the French government where an employer fills out an online form which I would imagine includes the employees details contract terms salary etc.. and the government pay the employer direct.

    Many businesses require cash flow, case in point a coffee shop, if people aren't spending then the business fails and employees on zero hour contracts out of work and unable to put food on the table for their kids.
    The system having to deal with peoples' mental health..... the aftermath of this whole sorry saga doesn't even bear thinking about.
    It all seems very 'reactive'.

    Preventative measures over corrective Shirley.

  12. #37
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    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
    It’s been shambolic. It’s been obvious that enclosed places like pubs, cinemas, restaurants etc should have been the first to close. Yet even now it’s not Government policy to close them down which puts all of the onus on the pub owners etc.

    In the meantime our schools are still open. Madness.
    And you of course are an expert in the control of pandemics and the science of "flattening the peak" of contagion. Like all the others out there.

  13. #38
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    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by ToTaL ITK View Post
    but don't you think there will a new virus every...what 2..3..5 years that will have the same effect because of the changes in the environment, we shall see
    that comment is another example of scaremongering.

  14. #39
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    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
    No need whatsoever for this outburst.
    There is every need. It is all these people who vocally proclaim they know better, with no qualification to prove itand no reasoned step by step alternative, who cause panic and mistrust amongst ordinary people

  15. #40

    Re: Boris Johnson

    he asks folks to shut up business not imposes asks... and asks public to stay away... no one can claim insurance or unemployment this way

    supposed to be our leader... hes leading us off a cliff

    a media reporter asks if this can be imposed... he answers yes of course he has the poiwer to impliment this... so we could get prosecuted if we dont do as he ASKS... so put the rule in place like other countries have... some countries have frozen rent/mortage/bills... we sing happy birthday while washig our hands

    american are queing round the block for guns and ammo... not just bog roll... will be riots and looting in a month or 2

  16. #41

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    And you of course are an expert in the control of pandemics and the science of "flattening the peak" of contagion. Like all the others out there.
    Imagine being this up the governments arse

    They've handled it slowly and badly, and are still handling it badly. No one is saying it's easy but their job is to handle difficult situations well.

    They didn't need to be experts they had countless other countries that had already gone through it to use as case studies.

  17. #42

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    And you of course are an expert in the control of pandemics and the science of "flattening the peak" of contagion. Like all the others out there.
    You realise that other countries are doing what Pearcey has suggested, and they have experts too

  18. #43

  19. #44

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Imagine being this up the governments arse

    They've handled it slowly and badly, and are still handling it badly. No one is saying it's easy but their job is to handle difficult situations well.

    They didn't need to be experts they had countless other countries that had already gone through it to use as case studies.
    a different viewpoint is that we're better isolating those at risk, and the rest of us, those strong enough to withstand the virus, go about our business as normal and build up the herd immunity we are told is necessary. If everyone isolates, then society isn't going to build up the immunity it needs, and we are just delaying the problem.

  20. #45
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    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Imagine being this up the governments arse

    They've handled it slowly and badly, and are still handling it badly. No one is saying it's easy but their job is to handle difficult situations well.

    They didn't need to be experts they had countless other countries that had already gone through it to use as case studies.
    Other countries out there may have taken different routes/steps but no one will know which is right or wrong for some considerable time so they cannot be used as "Case studies"
    It seems to be a British trait that we always assume that our people have got it wrong, but there is no right or wrong until its sorted. What is exaserbating the argument is people trying to politicuse it just because of who the PM is. But who ever was PM the advice being received would be the same.

  21. #46
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    Re: Boris Johnson

    Ah yes, buzzfeed, the world's most reliable dependable and non-political reporting agency ever encountered. Waste of time trying to have a reasoned argument with that.

  22. #47

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by TISS View Post
    a different viewpoint is that we're better isolating those at risk, and the rest of us, those strong enough to withstand the virus, go about our business as normal and build up the herd immunity we are told is necessary. If everyone isolates, then society isn't going to build up the immunity it needs, and we are just delaying the problem.
    Herd immunity doesn't really work that way. That's why we are all supposed to be isolating now. If we went with that plan the hospitals would be over capacity within 2 weeks.

    That's exactly what happened in Italy. I'd say we've set ourselves back months because we didn't act quicker.

    Why we looked at China, Iran, Italy and Spain and though "Na it won't happen like that here" is beyond me.

  23. #48

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Ah yes, buzzfeed, the world's most reliable dependable and non-political reporting agency ever encountered. Waste of time trying to have a reasoned argument with that.
    What do you think isn't accurate in that article? It's just summarising this if you want to read the whole thing - https://www.imperial.ac.uk/media/imp...16-03-2020.pdf

    People need to stop looking at this from a partisan perspective, any government that handle it this way deserves criticism.

    The way they're still handling it, especially with not closing the schools and only "advising" business to close so there's no insurance/help is ridiculous.

    Riots and a recssion before the end of the year.

  24. #49

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Other countries out there may have taken different routes/steps but no one will know which is right or wrong for some considerable time so they cannot be used as "Case studies"
    It seems to be a British trait that we always assume that our people have got it wrong, but there is no right or wrong until its sorted. What is exaserbating the argument is people trying to politicuse it just because of who the PM is. But who ever was PM the advice being received would be the same.
    Wait... you think that a different government would have the same cabinet and chief advisers?

  25. #50

    Re: Boris Johnson

    Mad to me that someone can be so biased towards a certain party that they will defend how this has been handled.

    Hope you Tory ***** are getting paid well enough for all this arse licking. Servile gimps.

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