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Thread: Teachers and social distancing

  1. #1

    Teachers and social distancing

    A friend of mine works in whitchurch , it's open for the children of nhs staff, police officers , social services etc

    So hows social distancing going to work there then ?

  2. #2

    Re: Teachers and social distancing

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    A friend of mine works in whitchurch , it's open for the children of nhs staff, police officers , social services etc

    So hows social distancing going to work there then ?
    My wife is a teacher and has said the same thing. Happy to be there to allow key workers kids be in but there's been zero guidance around playgrounds; classrooms; what to do with kids etc.

    No chance of PPE.

  3. #3

    Re: Teachers and social distancing

    Cathays high will be the main school for all of north cardiff

    They are putting teachers in the front line so the NHS can cope but what happens if one of these kids passes the virus onto the teaching staff ?

    This is like something out of a horror film

  4. #4

    Re: Teachers and social distancing

     8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAKwAiwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAEAAgMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAABQYDBAcBAgj/xABBEAABAwIEBAMECAMFCQAAAAABAAIDBBEFEiExBhNBUWFxgQ cUIjIVQpGhscHR8CPh8RZSYrLSCBckMzRygpLC/8QAFwEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECA//EACARAQEAAgMBAAIDAAAAAAAAAAABAhEDEjEhQXEEImH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AO4oiICIiAiIgIiIPiWVkLM8jgBtqqTxZx5Bgz+VBF71L/cEuQDzNitP2x4jUUNHhLaeRzBJO8kjuG2H+YrnMNJXVMhkkpp3 uOpuw3st4zHW6ze3kdA4Y9pTMTrHQ1NFLSvGpHNEjLX72BH2Lo 9PNHUQtliddjhoVwTBm+6V8jnx8t9stnCx7rrXAtS+pw+pLg7I yfK2/wD2tv6K5Sa3Ext3qrKiIubYiIgIiICLUr8RpqBmaofY2vYdloN 4ipXatjkI7gj9Vm54z2tTDK+RNIo+DGaKYkNeQ4dHDVeuxmgZM IZKgMkLsga9pGtrjW1uh1Wp98Zvz1vovhssbrZXtN+xX3cICLH JNHHbM4a+q067Em01PPOcojhYXuLuwF0Fa9p9G2ejwepeGlkGJ RiTMNC14cy3/s5i1X0dFDUProogKiRlnOa0m41tspPA8a/tAKimnilaHMzME0Ysdd2kCzrabX2Wq3hvEQ2RlW2nqGg/wpIn5XW7EEC1vArlzY26078OUnquYnhmF0tPPWTueHPjLnue82 YQCb2voVfOCcOfhnDdHDK5zpXt5ry7e7tbegsPRQ2G4Bz42nFK ZrA2S4gLw4AA6ZiNCSbHrsPFTVPxJTuyioo6ynB0z5BKztvGXW 262WuLHKY/WObKXL4nEXgIIuCCvVtzEREBERB8vjY+2djXWNxcXse6xVFHTV P/AD4WPO1yNftWdE0bVbE+E5ZamGow2v5HLkDnQyxh7C3qARYg+J upGSilbHnkbzZGC463629f59AFMIn40f6hW2s57/hOUaH6o1/n96pPFPE9bw9j8ELMNkmgqGsfI9h0aM5uO5IHTx8105zGvFntD h4ha82H0U5aZ6WGQtBAzMBsD/RWXSVFwSNuD9TVwHdx1t567db+C9qZ2wtgjeRmnmDA0H5ibkge FtT4A9VLRUlPEwMjhY1o2AGywYnC0xRytYzPE8OaSNRcEG3jYk KXz41Nb+qHiuPYLgmMPGMYrPPiDw4ZoWuApmEXDGht8txlJOpO m9wFmxDGMTpJm/R2KvqqV9MyeNzhE7mZzZttLkG2w1+IaqvYlw67HeI6+fCMRw+p a+ZpqGueWvgcPhcHANOYXbpqNdNQF0OiwKnosGgw8EzGKFjOfK NXuZs5x89VrLHHCTXq3K53dYpzKYpaOXEC2eRmQhjgx7MwsHC2 uhv9xVS4f4Zijr2zGarpKvDq1gmiDgYZm3BDmg6hrh0zaajXRc 6rcK4nZxM4xUtY6vfITzOU8R5i3Vxdv1tm697LseOVNRDSRzQv 5rqciSeIbyxWIe0eOpI8WgJyzpq43a8f95cbP01cex4U2IQxU+ LGh5Q50jIoxK+Rt7fE3o07C9idMuqm8J4tZVyRQVdDPDM8PL3R/wASOLKW6OcNnHNtY6tdrolRh8VZDFKaYTsFnxktvruHA7je/f8AOo8ZUFXh/D/0XgUclHE85PhDjlYLaAnYbD7fM5ktyW5YTj1r66XDXUk1hDVQv JGYBsgJsvg4ph4ldEa6l5jXZXM5zbh3a199QqJ7PKCTDuGozVy B9VUPMjy3q0OIFvC2vmSt5+H1ktQXYdQgsDBdz3AB3lfzTO9fG MJ29XcEEAg3BXqqVBU1+HTspyG5ZHlrWSXte9tD0/BWmCUywskLHMLhctcNR4LOOXZrLDqyIiLTAiIgIiIC08UeY6a4 vcuAFluLQxV9mtaLXHxAHqVKOQcC8JY/hnHNTiFSyWKhY+R75XFh94Dg4DLrpu0m3bXay6s2cG4jfLcdLE j06fvzXJOEOJsdquM3UdQZZYqiZ+aJ783IAzXPYWsAbW1FlfOL eIP7O4X75LEOYTliY9/zGxO4FhoNtdbBW8vedq7Zfx7jnMJ92oc/E+O1XEUPIkmhg5rWinBsD4EDS3nrpbQ7dOwyiinrZHBrSC0cx3 1i0E5R5b/eqNwTxJS8RYjWPqMOpIsQawudNDCGOe3QauNzck9+my6bgNO6G ga6R2Z8nxOPTbp4fqnbtqxjPjy4srjl6kUREYYzBCbXiYbbXaN Fk2REHw+KOQgyMa4tNxmF7L7REBERAREQEREBVH3yaA4xiNc8t kc5zaensM0cbNAR3ubuv/it0VkxKbk0x1sXGwUFLVGwbURCRrtHsMZ8L+e/9FYKdw7xJSVNJDW4lj1NQVlbK6MZII2zPIdb43ZfIdttdVGcYc U4RNTNpq3FabGqN0hDhC4R1UJsRmG4IsTcEDdSOJ8GUfv8uIYP 7vRTGzjGIgGX8OrNddiNyLXUYfZ0yqrKqrrq/wD4icEySuYZCST4kADQ+J7911puZarR4c4x4X4fc6gwrDMU51Q/45JTE8vI2uQRYeAAXeIm5ImN7NAXFsJ9lkLcTZW/TLpbO+FraYC9/wDyK7Ylk/DG7fRERQEREBERAREQEREBERBH4qA4RtLyzfUb36adVCVUTmgl gBsMwaTdze9tdO97kHopjEz/ABQRbRtiTs39/kPWNe4lwyk3J+sNXeJ7H8r9rNCNe4OyhvQ6AfV+z+XqgZHI4N+ Iutu5uYa+W3n+aknRRNYYjEx7x8TLjQeH4hYoo2gWjgb4gtsXd x4XGve9/I1Clafe4BvaRouQNfiFz1PT8tLWVqUBh7Y/fIMgbrq1zRbS378/QKfUUREQEREBERAREQEREBEXxNI2KJ8jjYNBJQR9SWnmOc27c2 wPzO6fh6ei0GRnNmcM19Abb+n4fz1wGoqMkEJlh5gPx3dYPbqB kGbQ7d/yWaCgqpatpkmDYxIHNY0k/CBbKT16nT7LKiTmjaylYCDc2t3B73UXKCJXxktab6A62PzfKNx qT6KSxl80bYOTGxzMx5mY7Nsdh1N7fj0UayqjqIoqiJrmMcLtz NI2dsL7Xud+47oN7CYiZnSOaRpcA6kE7jz/AFUsozCpM9ROGkFjQA0jr3P5eik1AREQEREBERAREQEREBRuPS vZQZYiQ+R7WAjca7qSUBxHIHTwMJs2Mh7j2Fxf7gftQY6eh0Lm SZM5udXfF4mxH7+wSOERlnNvs11gtMVrIo8rWF0o0ay4F+3l6+ eymKSPlU8bS7M62rrWuVaNbFJeW1lmguJNr208VX63lSSNfLTg ujcJMzRlcwj61rnW19SB59FYcRytlpi4fM8sB7GxP/ytSsAyAuGx0PUd/uSDJgLGsgeGFzmBxylxuTckn7/06KVUXw821E54IIfISLKUUBERAREQEREBERAREQFXsRDZ6yRjn i9y0A+IP+kfap2omjpqeWed7Y4omF73uNg1oFySqZguOUmNRmS jraOouG5jTPu5p+a5H4gi41QTWFU0IlHLJcPmDS4ua0HUFupDe ynVo4XE5rHPkLrlxte21/DxW8gjsZi5kAI+dpu0W3Kg5J5Z2GIsmAIIzPZbTXYguve39dFY MRdkyOsNQQXkfINNf3+qixDzHta0ObnI0zEb7etgPtV2JbC4+V QQttbS9vPVba8aMrQ0dBZeqAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiIOIe3fj3KJO E8KkuXAGvmaduoiH3F3oO65z7NuDajjLHhStcYqSACSpm/utvoB/iPT1PRRmLUdbPjFU6rLPepah5lY+QNeJC43Bafivc9vK6/RHsX4Vl4a4Xe+thMVbXy86QPble1gFmNI3HU2OozagG4QXigo4 MPoYKKlZkggjbHG3s0CwWwiIIzFXETR5MrtPiYfrC+mvTVYKCF rqthvZwN3tvs6xvfxvb7lAcacc4Fw9jDcOxSpkp5jTtlzCFzw5 pJFgW7H4Te/h6Y/Z1xPg/EeKYj9EiU8iJhLnwtY0Zi64b1Pyjf0VF9REUBERAREQEREBERA REQYHUdK6pFS6mhM42lMYzD13WdEQF45wa0ucQGgXJPRerDWU7 KuknppS4RzRujcWmxsRY2Qfkf2iY+3iji+vxWEu92kcGQBx1Eb QANOl7Xt4rrH+zdQmPDsZrnhzTNJFG0EEXa0ON/HVx+xZP91uGHERS/TePcsG3/Vsv/kXSOFeGcO4WoH0eGc9wkk5kss8pe+R1gLk+QG1ggmkREBERARE QEREH//Z


  5. #5

    Re: Teachers and social distancing

    Quote Originally Posted by BLUETIT View Post
     8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAKwAiwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAEAAgMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAABQYDBAcBAgj/xABBEAABAwIEBAMECAMFCQAAAAABAAIDBBEFEiExBhNBUWFxgQ cUIjIVQpGhscHR8CPh8RZSYrLSCBckMzRygpLC/8QAFwEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECA//EACARAQEAAgMBAAIDAAAAAAAAAAABAhEDEjEhQXEEImH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AO4oiICIiAiIgIiIPiWVkLM8jgBtqqTxZx5Bgz+VBF71L/cEuQDzNitP2x4jUUNHhLaeRzBJO8kjuG2H+YrnMNJXVMhkkpp3 uOpuw3st4zHW6ze3kdA4Y9pTMTrHQ1NFLSvGpHNEjLX72BH2Lo 9PNHUQtliddjhoVwTBm+6V8jnx8t9stnCx7rrXAtS+pw+pLg7I yfK2/wD2tv6K5Sa3Ext3qrKiIubYiIgIiICLUr8RpqBmaofY2vYdloN 4ipXatjkI7gj9Vm54z2tTDK+RNIo+DGaKYkNeQ4dHDVeuxmgZM IZKgMkLsga9pGtrjW1uh1Wp98Zvz1vovhssbrZXtN+xX3cICLH JNHHbM4a+q067Em01PPOcojhYXuLuwF0Fa9p9G2ejwepeGlkGJ RiTMNC14cy3/s5i1X0dFDUProogKiRlnOa0m41tspPA8a/tAKimnilaHMzME0Ysdd2kCzrabX2Wq3hvEQ2RlW2nqGg/wpIn5XW7EEC1vArlzY26078OUnquYnhmF0tPPWTueHPjLnue82 YQCb2voVfOCcOfhnDdHDK5zpXt5ry7e7tbegsPRQ2G4Bz42nFK ZrA2S4gLw4AA6ZiNCSbHrsPFTVPxJTuyioo6ynB0z5BKztvGXW 262WuLHKY/WObKXL4nEXgIIuCCvVtzEREBERB8vjY+2djXWNxcXse6xVFHTV P/AD4WPO1yNftWdE0bVbE+E5ZamGow2v5HLkDnQyxh7C3qARYg+J upGSilbHnkbzZGC463629f59AFMIn40f6hW2s57/hOUaH6o1/n96pPFPE9bw9j8ELMNkmgqGsfI9h0aM5uO5IHTx8105zGvFntD h4ha82H0U5aZ6WGQtBAzMBsD/RWXSVFwSNuD9TVwHdx1t567db+C9qZ2wtgjeRmnmDA0H5ibkge FtT4A9VLRUlPEwMjhY1o2AGywYnC0xRytYzPE8OaSNRcEG3jYk KXz41Nb+qHiuPYLgmMPGMYrPPiDw4ZoWuApmEXDGht8txlJOpO m9wFmxDGMTpJm/R2KvqqV9MyeNzhE7mZzZttLkG2w1+IaqvYlw67HeI6+fCMRw+p a+ZpqGueWvgcPhcHANOYXbpqNdNQF0OiwKnosGgw8EzGKFjOfK NXuZs5x89VrLHHCTXq3K53dYpzKYpaOXEC2eRmQhjgx7MwsHC2 uhv9xVS4f4Zijr2zGarpKvDq1gmiDgYZm3BDmg6hrh0zaajXRc 6rcK4nZxM4xUtY6vfITzOU8R5i3Vxdv1tm697LseOVNRDSRzQv 5rqciSeIbyxWIe0eOpI8WgJyzpq43a8f95cbP01cex4U2IQxU+ LGh5Q50jIoxK+Rt7fE3o07C9idMuqm8J4tZVyRQVdDPDM8PL3R/wASOLKW6OcNnHNtY6tdrolRh8VZDFKaYTsFnxktvruHA7je/f8AOo8ZUFXh/D/0XgUclHE85PhDjlYLaAnYbD7fM5ktyW5YTj1r66XDXUk1hDVQv JGYBsgJsvg4ph4ldEa6l5jXZXM5zbh3a199QqJ7PKCTDuGozVy B9VUPMjy3q0OIFvC2vmSt5+H1ktQXYdQgsDBdz3AB3lfzTO9fG MJ29XcEEAg3BXqqVBU1+HTspyG5ZHlrWSXte9tD0/BWmCUywskLHMLhctcNR4LOOXZrLDqyIiLTAiIgIiIC08UeY6a4 vcuAFluLQxV9mtaLXHxAHqVKOQcC8JY/hnHNTiFSyWKhY+R75XFh94Dg4DLrpu0m3bXay6s2cG4jfLcdLE j06fvzXJOEOJsdquM3UdQZZYqiZ+aJ783IAzXPYWsAbW1FlfOL eIP7O4X75LEOYTliY9/zGxO4FhoNtdbBW8vedq7Zfx7jnMJ92oc/E+O1XEUPIkmhg5rWinBsD4EDS3nrpbQ7dOwyiinrZHBrSC0cx3 1i0E5R5b/eqNwTxJS8RYjWPqMOpIsQawudNDCGOe3QauNzck9+my6bgNO6G ga6R2Z8nxOPTbp4fqnbtqxjPjy4srjl6kUREYYzBCbXiYbbXaN Fk2REHw+KOQgyMa4tNxmF7L7REBERAREQEREBVH3yaA4xiNc8t kc5zaensM0cbNAR3ubuv/it0VkxKbk0x1sXGwUFLVGwbURCRrtHsMZ8L+e/9FYKdw7xJSVNJDW4lj1NQVlbK6MZII2zPIdb43ZfIdttdVGcYc U4RNTNpq3FabGqN0hDhC4R1UJsRmG4IsTcEDdSOJ8GUfv8uIYP 7vRTGzjGIgGX8OrNddiNyLXUYfZ0yqrKqrrq/wD4icEySuYZCST4kADQ+J7911puZarR4c4x4X4fc6gwrDMU51Q/45JTE8vI2uQRYeAAXeIm5ImN7NAXFsJ9lkLcTZW/TLpbO+FraYC9/wDyK7Ylk/DG7fRERQEREBERAREQEREBERBH4qA4RtLyzfUb36adVCVUTmgl gBsMwaTdze9tdO97kHopjEz/ABQRbRtiTs39/kPWNe4lwyk3J+sNXeJ7H8r9rNCNe4OyhvQ6AfV+z+XqgZHI4N+ Iutu5uYa+W3n+aknRRNYYjEx7x8TLjQeH4hYoo2gWjgb4gtsXd x4XGve9/I1Clafe4BvaRouQNfiFz1PT8tLWVqUBh7Y/fIMgbrq1zRbS378/QKfUUREQEREBERAREQEREBEXxNI2KJ8jjYNBJQR9SWnmOc27c2 wPzO6fh6ei0GRnNmcM19Abb+n4fz1wGoqMkEJlh5gPx3dYPbqB kGbQ7d/yWaCgqpatpkmDYxIHNY0k/CBbKT16nT7LKiTmjaylYCDc2t3B73UXKCJXxktab6A62PzfKNx qT6KSxl80bYOTGxzMx5mY7Nsdh1N7fj0UayqjqIoqiJrmMcLtz NI2dsL7Xud+47oN7CYiZnSOaRpcA6kE7jz/AFUsozCpM9ROGkFjQA0jr3P5eik1AREQEREBERAREQEREBRuPS vZQZYiQ+R7WAjca7qSUBxHIHTwMJs2Mh7j2Fxf7gftQY6eh0Lm SZM5udXfF4mxH7+wSOERlnNvs11gtMVrIo8rWF0o0ay4F+3l6+ eymKSPlU8bS7M62rrWuVaNbFJeW1lmguJNr208VX63lSSNfLTg ujcJMzRlcwj61rnW19SB59FYcRytlpi4fM8sB7GxP/ytSsAyAuGx0PUd/uSDJgLGsgeGFzmBxylxuTckn7/06KVUXw821E54IIfISLKUUBERAREQEREBERAREQFXsRDZ6yRjn i9y0A+IP+kfap2omjpqeWed7Y4omF73uNg1oFySqZguOUmNRmS jraOouG5jTPu5p+a5H4gi41QTWFU0IlHLJcPmDS4ua0HUFupDe ynVo4XE5rHPkLrlxte21/DxW8gjsZi5kAI+dpu0W3Kg5J5Z2GIsmAIIzPZbTXYguve39dFY MRdkyOsNQQXkfINNf3+qixDzHta0ObnI0zEb7etgPtV2JbC4+V QQttbS9vPVba8aMrQ0dBZeqAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiIOIe3fj3KJO E8KkuXAGvmaduoiH3F3oO65z7NuDajjLHhStcYqSACSpm/utvoB/iPT1PRRmLUdbPjFU6rLPepah5lY+QNeJC43Bafivc9vK6/RHsX4Vl4a4Xe+thMVbXy86QPble1gFmNI3HU2OozagG4QXigo4 MPoYKKlZkggjbHG3s0CwWwiIIzFXETR5MrtPiYfrC+mvTVYKCF rqthvZwN3tvs6xvfxvb7lAcacc4Fw9jDcOxSpkp5jTtlzCFzw5 pJFgW7H4Te/h6Y/Z1xPg/EeKYj9EiU8iJhLnwtY0Zi64b1Pyjf0VF9REUBERAREQEREBERA REQYHUdK6pFS6mhM42lMYzD13WdEQF45wa0ucQGgXJPRerDWU7 KuknppS4RzRujcWmxsRY2Qfkf2iY+3iji+vxWEu92kcGQBx1Eb QANOl7Xt4rrH+zdQmPDsZrnhzTNJFG0EEXa0ON/HVx+xZP91uGHERS/TePcsG3/Vsv/kXSOFeGcO4WoH0eGc9wkk5kss8pe+R1gLk+QG1ggmkREBERARE QEREH//Z

    One of your better posts.

  6. #6

    Re: Teachers and social distancing

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    One of your better posts.

  7. #7

    Re: Teachers and social distancing

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Cathays high will be the main school for all of north cardiff

    They are putting teachers in the front line so the NHS can cope but what happens if one of these kids passes the virus onto the teaching staff ?

    This is like something out of a horror film
    Or one of the teachers passes the virus onto the kids and it spreads through the classroom ?


  8. #8

    Re: Teachers and social distancing

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Or one of the teachers passes the virus onto the kids and it spreads through the classroom ?

    In my kids school (where my wife teaches) of the 8 teachers in the primary school 4 are currently off after exhibiting symptoms or pregnant so not allowed in. One of the teachers off is a confirmed case and went off ill a week last Friday.

    How long before there's not enough teachers to to look after the essential workers kids? Who goes in there then?

  9. #9

    Re: Teachers and social distancing

    I believe the idea of social distancing is to try and reduce the spread at a much slower rate, I do not believe anyone is suggesting that the whole population has to strictly self isolate at the exact same time.

    first of all, nothing will get done and the country will grind to a halt.
    2nd we still need it to spread a bit, for the herd immunity concept to kick in, in the long run, so teachers who are high risk to catch it, and the kids whose parents are likely to have it anyway, seems an acceptable minority to leave out of the calculations ( as they are likely to catch it anyway without socializing)

    and this is a relatively healthy demographic to catch it, while helping us to slowly build up to our 70% required for herd immunity.

  10. #10
    First Team
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Phoenix, AZ

    Re: Teachers and social distancing

    Quote Originally Posted by chris lee View Post
    I believe the idea of social distancing is to try and reduce the spread at a much slower rate, I do not believe anyone is suggesting that the whole population has to strictly self isolate at the exact same time.

    first of all, nothing will get done and the country will grind to a halt.
    2nd we still need it to spread a bit, for the herd immunity concept to kick in, in the long run, so teachers who are high risk to catch it, and the kids whose parents are likely to have it anyway, seems an acceptable minority to leave out of the calculations ( as they are likely to catch it anyway without socializing)

    and this is a relatively healthy demographic to catch it, while helping us to slowly build up to our 70% required for herd immunity.
    Too garbled to understand - what are you trying to say?

  11. #11

    Re: Teachers and social distancing

    Quote Originally Posted by chris lee View Post
    I believe the idea of social distancing is to try and reduce the spread at a much slower rate, I do not believe anyone is suggesting that the whole population has to strictly self isolate at the exact same time.

    first of all, nothing will get done and the country will grind to a halt.
    2nd we still need it to spread a bit, for the herd immunity concept to kick in, in the long run, so teachers who are high risk to catch it, and the kids whose parents are likely to have it anyway, seems an acceptable minority to leave out of the calculations ( as they are likely to catch it anyway without socializing)

    and this is a relatively healthy demographic to catch it, while helping us to slowly build up to our 70% required for herd immunity.
    I’m not sure herd immunity will really work in this case until there is a vaccine.

  12. #12

    Re: Teachers and social distancing

    Another teacher I know now has a class of 100 kids of emergency workers parents , how does she socially distance herself from them

  13. #13

    Re: Teachers and social distancing

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Another teacher I know now has a class of 100 kids of emergency workers parents , how does she socially distance herself from them
    Option 1: emergency workers stay home with the kids
    Option 2: kids stay with grandparents who are more vulnerable or at home alone
    Option 3: kids stay in school with a select few teachers

    Are there any other options?

  14. #14

    Re: Teachers and social distancing

    Quote Originally Posted by BLUETIT View Post
     8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAKwAiwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAEAAgMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAABQYDBAcBAgj/xABBEAABAwIEBAMECAMFCQAAAAABAAIDBBEFEiExBhNBUWFxgQ cUIjIVQpGhscHR8CPh8RZSYrLSCBckMzRygpLC/8QAFwEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECA//EACARAQEAAgMBAAIDAAAAAAAAAAABAhEDEjEhQXEEImH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AO4oiICIiAiIgIiIPiWVkLM8jgBtqqTxZx5Bgz+VBF71L/cEuQDzNitP2x4jUUNHhLaeRzBJO8kjuG2H+YrnMNJXVMhkkpp3 uOpuw3st4zHW6ze3kdA4Y9pTMTrHQ1NFLSvGpHNEjLX72BH2Lo 9PNHUQtliddjhoVwTBm+6V8jnx8t9stnCx7rrXAtS+pw+pLg7I yfK2/wD2tv6K5Sa3Ext3qrKiIubYiIgIiICLUr8RpqBmaofY2vYdloN 4ipXatjkI7gj9Vm54z2tTDK+RNIo+DGaKYkNeQ4dHDVeuxmgZM IZKgMkLsga9pGtrjW1uh1Wp98Zvz1vovhssbrZXtN+xX3cICLH JNHHbM4a+q067Em01PPOcojhYXuLuwF0Fa9p9G2ejwepeGlkGJ RiTMNC14cy3/s5i1X0dFDUProogKiRlnOa0m41tspPA8a/tAKimnilaHMzME0Ysdd2kCzrabX2Wq3hvEQ2RlW2nqGg/wpIn5XW7EEC1vArlzY26078OUnquYnhmF0tPPWTueHPjLnue82 YQCb2voVfOCcOfhnDdHDK5zpXt5ry7e7tbegsPRQ2G4Bz42nFK ZrA2S4gLw4AA6ZiNCSbHrsPFTVPxJTuyioo6ynB0z5BKztvGXW 262WuLHKY/WObKXL4nEXgIIuCCvVtzEREBERB8vjY+2djXWNxcXse6xVFHTV P/AD4WPO1yNftWdE0bVbE+E5ZamGow2v5HLkDnQyxh7C3qARYg+J upGSilbHnkbzZGC463629f59AFMIn40f6hW2s57/hOUaH6o1/n96pPFPE9bw9j8ELMNkmgqGsfI9h0aM5uO5IHTx8105zGvFntD h4ha82H0U5aZ6WGQtBAzMBsD/RWXSVFwSNuD9TVwHdx1t567db+C9qZ2wtgjeRmnmDA0H5ibkge FtT4A9VLRUlPEwMjhY1o2AGywYnC0xRytYzPE8OaSNRcEG3jYk KXz41Nb+qHiuPYLgmMPGMYrPPiDw4ZoWuApmEXDGht8txlJOpO m9wFmxDGMTpJm/R2KvqqV9MyeNzhE7mZzZttLkG2w1+IaqvYlw67HeI6+fCMRw+p a+ZpqGueWvgcPhcHANOYXbpqNdNQF0OiwKnosGgw8EzGKFjOfK NXuZs5x89VrLHHCTXq3K53dYpzKYpaOXEC2eRmQhjgx7MwsHC2 uhv9xVS4f4Zijr2zGarpKvDq1gmiDgYZm3BDmg6hrh0zaajXRc 6rcK4nZxM4xUtY6vfITzOU8R5i3Vxdv1tm697LseOVNRDSRzQv 5rqciSeIbyxWIe0eOpI8WgJyzpq43a8f95cbP01cex4U2IQxU+ LGh5Q50jIoxK+Rt7fE3o07C9idMuqm8J4tZVyRQVdDPDM8PL3R/wASOLKW6OcNnHNtY6tdrolRh8VZDFKaYTsFnxktvruHA7je/f8AOo8ZUFXh/D/0XgUclHE85PhDjlYLaAnYbD7fM5ktyW5YTj1r66XDXUk1hDVQv JGYBsgJsvg4ph4ldEa6l5jXZXM5zbh3a199QqJ7PKCTDuGozVy B9VUPMjy3q0OIFvC2vmSt5+H1ktQXYdQgsDBdz3AB3lfzTO9fG MJ29XcEEAg3BXqqVBU1+HTspyG5ZHlrWSXte9tD0/BWmCUywskLHMLhctcNR4LOOXZrLDqyIiLTAiIgIiIC08UeY6a4 vcuAFluLQxV9mtaLXHxAHqVKOQcC8JY/hnHNTiFSyWKhY+R75XFh94Dg4DLrpu0m3bXay6s2cG4jfLcdLE j06fvzXJOEOJsdquM3UdQZZYqiZ+aJ783IAzXPYWsAbW1FlfOL eIP7O4X75LEOYTliY9/zGxO4FhoNtdbBW8vedq7Zfx7jnMJ92oc/E+O1XEUPIkmhg5rWinBsD4EDS3nrpbQ7dOwyiinrZHBrSC0cx3 1i0E5R5b/eqNwTxJS8RYjWPqMOpIsQawudNDCGOe3QauNzck9+my6bgNO6G ga6R2Z8nxOPTbp4fqnbtqxjPjy4srjl6kUREYYzBCbXiYbbXaN Fk2REHw+KOQgyMa4tNxmF7L7REBERAREQEREBVH3yaA4xiNc8t kc5zaensM0cbNAR3ubuv/it0VkxKbk0x1sXGwUFLVGwbURCRrtHsMZ8L+e/9FYKdw7xJSVNJDW4lj1NQVlbK6MZII2zPIdb43ZfIdttdVGcYc U4RNTNpq3FabGqN0hDhC4R1UJsRmG4IsTcEDdSOJ8GUfv8uIYP 7vRTGzjGIgGX8OrNddiNyLXUYfZ0yqrKqrrq/wD4icEySuYZCST4kADQ+J7911puZarR4c4x4X4fc6gwrDMU51Q/45JTE8vI2uQRYeAAXeIm5ImN7NAXFsJ9lkLcTZW/TLpbO+FraYC9/wDyK7Ylk/DG7fRERQEREBERAREQEREBERBH4qA4RtLyzfUb36adVCVUTmgl gBsMwaTdze9tdO97kHopjEz/ABQRbRtiTs39/kPWNe4lwyk3J+sNXeJ7H8r9rNCNe4OyhvQ6AfV+z+XqgZHI4N+ Iutu5uYa+W3n+aknRRNYYjEx7x8TLjQeH4hYoo2gWjgb4gtsXd x4XGve9/I1Clafe4BvaRouQNfiFz1PT8tLWVqUBh7Y/fIMgbrq1zRbS378/QKfUUREQEREBERAREQEREBEXxNI2KJ8jjYNBJQR9SWnmOc27c2 wPzO6fh6ei0GRnNmcM19Abb+n4fz1wGoqMkEJlh5gPx3dYPbqB kGbQ7d/yWaCgqpatpkmDYxIHNY0k/CBbKT16nT7LKiTmjaylYCDc2t3B73UXKCJXxktab6A62PzfKNx qT6KSxl80bYOTGxzMx5mY7Nsdh1N7fj0UayqjqIoqiJrmMcLtz NI2dsL7Xud+47oN7CYiZnSOaRpcA6kE7jz/AFUsozCpM9ROGkFjQA0jr3P5eik1AREQEREBERAREQEREBRuPS vZQZYiQ+R7WAjca7qSUBxHIHTwMJs2Mh7j2Fxf7gftQY6eh0Lm SZM5udXfF4mxH7+wSOERlnNvs11gtMVrIo8rWF0o0ay4F+3l6+ eymKSPlU8bS7M62rrWuVaNbFJeW1lmguJNr208VX63lSSNfLTg ujcJMzRlcwj61rnW19SB59FYcRytlpi4fM8sB7GxP/ytSsAyAuGx0PUd/uSDJgLGsgeGFzmBxylxuTckn7/06KVUXw821E54IIfISLKUUBERAREQEREBERAREQFXsRDZ6yRjn i9y0A+IP+kfap2omjpqeWed7Y4omF73uNg1oFySqZguOUmNRmS jraOouG5jTPu5p+a5H4gi41QTWFU0IlHLJcPmDS4ua0HUFupDe ynVo4XE5rHPkLrlxte21/DxW8gjsZi5kAI+dpu0W3Kg5J5Z2GIsmAIIzPZbTXYguve39dFY MRdkyOsNQQXkfINNf3+qixDzHta0ObnI0zEb7etgPtV2JbC4+V QQttbS9vPVba8aMrQ0dBZeqAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiIOIe3fj3KJO E8KkuXAGvmaduoiH3F3oO65z7NuDajjLHhStcYqSACSpm/utvoB/iPT1PRRmLUdbPjFU6rLPepah5lY+QNeJC43Bafivc9vK6/RHsX4Vl4a4Xe+thMVbXy86QPble1gFmNI3HU2OozagG4QXigo4 MPoYKKlZkggjbHG3s0CwWwiIIzFXETR5MrtPiYfrC+mvTVYKCF rqthvZwN3tvs6xvfxvb7lAcacc4Fw9jDcOxSpkp5jTtlzCFzw5 pJFgW7H4Te/h6Y/Z1xPg/EeKYj9EiU8iJhLnwtY0Zi64b1Pyjf0VF9REUBERAREQEREBERA REQYHUdK6pFS6mhM42lMYzD13WdEQF45wa0ucQGgXJPRerDWU7 KuknppS4RzRujcWmxsRY2Qfkf2iY+3iji+vxWEu92kcGQBx1Eb QANOl7Xt4rrH+zdQmPDsZrnhzTNJFG0EEXa0ON/HVx+xZP91uGHERS/TePcsG3/Vsv/kXSOFeGcO4WoH0eGc9wkk5kss8pe+R1gLk+QG1ggmkREBERARE QEREH//Z

    Must be a virus.

  15. #15

    Re: Teachers and social distancing

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Or one of the teachers passes the virus onto the kids and it spreads through the classroom ?

    Teachers going in to schools/children of key workers being taught = quickest way to spread the virus to key workers. Schools will have to shut. NHS cant cope already. I can see a big demand for mobile refrigerated units and crematoria working 24/7.
    Meanwhile, my dad has been taken by ambulance to hospital (non CV). No visitors allowed at the hospital and no chance of getting through on a phone line which either cuts out straight away or, at best, is engaged. And the worst is yet to come. Stay safe folks.

  16. #16

    Re: Teachers and social distancing

    Quote Originally Posted by IanD View Post
    Teachers going in to schools/children of key workers being taught = quickest way to spread the virus to key workers. Schools will have to shut. NHS cant cope already. I can see a big demand for mobile refrigerated units and crematoria working 24/7.
    Meanwhile, my dad has been taken by ambulance to hospital (non CV). No visitors allowed at the hospital and no chance of getting through on a phone line which either cuts out straight away or, at best, is engaged. And the worst is yet to come. Stay safe folks.
    Surely the quickest way to get key workers the virus is for them to be treating people with the virus. Which is unavoidable if you work in the NHS.

    The fact is that approximately 46% of the NHS workers have school aged children. If the NHS is struggling to cope now it will be struggling to cope if 46% of its staff are at home looking after their children.

    At the moment we all need to support the NHS, be that be in the form staying indoors or providing a service that takes pressure of the staff of the NHS. Teachers at the moment are providing a valuable service.

  17. #17

    Re: Teachers and social distancing

    Quote Originally Posted by qccfc View Post
    Surely the quickest way to get key workers the virus is for them to be treating people with the virus. Which is unavoidable if you work in the NHS.

    The fact is that approximately 46% of the NHS workers have school aged children. If the NHS is struggling to cope now it will be struggling to cope if 46% of its staff are at home looking after their children.

    At the moment we all need to support the NHS, be that be in the form staying indoors or providing a service that takes pressure of the staff of the NHS. Teachers at the moment are providing a valuable service.
    ...but unsustainable unfortunately.

  18. #18

    Re: Teachers and social distancing

    Quote Originally Posted by IanD View Post
    ...but unsustainable unfortunately.
    What is sustainable, Nurses not going to work in a pandemic because they have no childcare = more deaths.

  19. #19

    Re: Teachers and social distancing

    Quote Originally Posted by qccfc View Post
    What is sustainable, Nurses not going to work in a pandemic because they have no childcare = more deaths.
    And once that tipping point is reached the number of direct and indirect deaths due to CV will increase dramatically. Keeping schools open for vulnerable students and those of key workers will defer the inevitable (as per the government plan) but put teachers in the firing line for contagion along with their students who may pick it up from their NHS working parents. So, therefore you are correct.

  20. #20

    Re: Teachers and social distancing

    Quote Originally Posted by IanD View Post
    And once that tipping point is reached the number of direct and indirect deaths due to CV will increase dramatically. Keeping schools open for vulnerable students and those of key workers will defer the inevitable (as per the government plan) but put teachers in the firing line for contagion along with their students who may pick it up from their NHS working parents. So, therefore you are correct.
    Its not just teachers that are being asked to work through this, there are many industries that are being asked to keep going even n the event of a lock down.

    There are many uncomfortable conversations being had in many households down the land, where individuals are being asked to put themselves in harms way to either able medical professionals to attend work, or to stop patients with other aliments ending up in a+e.

    My assessment of it after a weekends thoughts is, if you have no underlying medical conditions, and the work assists the front line NHS staff who are bearing the brunt of it, then it needs to be done.

  21. #21

    Re: Teachers and social distancing

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Another teacher I know now has a class of 100 kids of emergency workers parents , how does she socially distance herself from them
    It’s impossible. Kids at home are now told to stay on their own and not play with friends or kids next door etc....yet the ones going to school now are just all herded together in a non educational baby sitting scenario.......might aswell have just left kids in their classes as was ffs.....

  22. #22

    Re: Teachers and social distancing

    My wifes school had 30 kids and 6 teachers in today. Too many staff for kids.

    Another member of staff has been told they must come in tomorrow even though the only person able to look after her pre school age child is her husband. Today he was told there are going to be redundancies at his employer so naturally he wants to go in to hopefully keep his job.

    The planning around it is shite.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Teachers and social distancing

    Quote Originally Posted by IanD View Post
    And once that tipping point is reached the number of direct and indirect deaths due to CV will increase dramatically. Keeping schools open for vulnerable students and those of key workers will defer the inevitable (as per the government plan) but put teachers in the firing line for contagion along with their students who may pick it up from their NHS working parents. So, therefore you are correct.
    You are correct it will put teachers in the firing line to catch the virus but let's remember catching it and dying from it are 2 different things. You speak as if every teacher who contracts it will die but we know that this isn't so.
    The percentages of people with the virus dying and the age and health status of those dying all tell us that some but by no means all teachers may contract this fatally, but lets keep a sense of proportion and not panic. Most people will get this and recover without ever realising they had it
    Of course 1 death is too many but they are inevitable whatever is done, we can only try to keep them to a minimum.

  24. #24

    Re: Teachers and social distancing

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    You are correct it will put teachers in the firing line to catch the virus but let's remember catching it and dying from it are 2 different things. You speak as if every teacher who contracts it will die but we know that this isn't so.
    The percentages of people with the virus dying and the age and health status of those dying all tell us that some but by no means all teachers may contract this fatally, but lets keep a sense of proportion and not panic. Most people will get this and recover without ever realising they had it
    Of course 1 death is too many but they are inevitable whatever is done, we can only try to keep them to a minimum.
    Most people will get this, but unfortunately at about the same time.

  25. #25

    Re: Teachers and social distancing

    [QUOTE=xsnaggle;5058671] Most people will get this and recover without ever realising they had it

    I'm not sure about that, the problem is that quite a lot of people who get it (even if they aren't old) get pneumonia like symptoms and need a respirator.

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