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Thread: Police State....

  1. #76
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Police State....

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Soul '68 View Post
    Orwell was nearly killed by the communists when fighting in the Spanish Civil War. The leftist political party with whose militia he served (the POUM, the Workers' Party of Marxist Unification, an anti-Stalinist communist party) was declared an illegal organisation by the communists, and Orwell was consequently forced to flee Spain. Orwell did not know that two months before he arrived in Spain, the [Soviet law enforcement agency] NKVD's resident in Spain, Aleksandr Orlov, had assured NKVD Headquarters, 'the Trotskyist organisation POUM can easily be liquidated'—by those Communists, whom Orwell took to be allies in the fight against Franco.

    Thus he became aware of how powerful and vile the Russian Communists were, and had an intense dislike for them for them the rest of his life. I don't blame him at all for dobbing in misguided fools who thought communism was the way forward. Remember that Stalin killed far more of his own people than Hitler ever did in the WW II
    Yes Stalin was a piece of works .

    Always find it weird why folk are attracted that theory of socialism and the extreme societies it creates . I know Western culture has it's good and bad , but generally it sustains greater freedoms and aspiration with it's free markets .

    And our country is leader as such a wonderful, caring, tolerant , democrat society .

  2. #77

    Re: Police State....

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    For your information, I haven't visited any doctor, psychiatric or otherwise, for around 22 years. I'd say that was down to judgement more than luck as I'm likely choosier than most about what I consume. That 22-year stretch would be closer to 30 years but for my own stupidity after busting a leg when rat-arsed. But I learnt from that experience by not getting close to paralytic since.

    On a personal level, having checked my PMs here, you once sought the advice of yours truly on 27-11-2018. I advised the purchase of a specific asset class to help protect your wealth (in an environment of a collapsing economic and financial system, as we are now experiencing). Whether you chose to invest or not I have no idea. But I can inform you that that advice was more than sound as it stands 37% higher today than then and is the number one performer over the past 18 months.

    Perhaps this crank is a little more clued-up than you are? Whether that's the case or not, should you seek any further advice concerning absolutely anything the response will be along the lines of: Foxtrot Oscar, you ungrateful ****.
    Organ is on the rampage....

  3. #78

    Re: Police State....

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Organ is on the rampage....
    Is that a brand of sherry?

  4. #79

    Re: Police State....

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    For your information, I haven't visited any doctor, psychiatric or otherwise, for around 22 years. I'd say that was down to judgement more than luck as I'm likely choosier than most about what I consume. That 22-year stretch would be closer to 30 years but for my own stupidity after busting a leg when rat-arsed. But I learnt from that experience by not getting close to paralytic since.

    On a personal level, having checked my PMs here, you once sought the advice of yours truly on 27-11-2018. I advised the purchase of a specific asset class to help protect your wealth (in an environment of a collapsing economic and financial system, as we are now experiencing). Whether you chose to invest or not I have no idea. But I can inform you that that advice was more than sound as it stands 37% higher today than then and is the number one performer over the past 18 months.

    Perhaps this crank is a little more clued-up than you are? Whether that's the case or not, should you seek any further advice concerning absolutely anything the response will be along the lines of: Foxtrot Oscar, you ungrateful ****.
    Well done mate you gave someone advice 2 years ago!

  5. #80

    Re: Police State....

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    For your information, I haven't visited any doctor, psychiatric or otherwise, for around 22 years. I'd say that was down to judgement more than luck as I'm likely choosier than most about what I consume. That 22-year stretch would be closer to 30 years but for my own stupidity after busting a leg when rat-arsed. But I learnt from that experience by not getting close to paralytic since.

    On a personal level, having checked my PMs here, you once sought the advice of yours truly on 27-11-2018. I advised the purchase of a specific asset class to help protect your wealth (in an environment of a collapsing economic and financial system, as we are now experiencing). Whether you chose to invest or not I have no idea. But I can inform you that that advice was more than sound as it stands 37% higher today than then and is the number one performer over the past 18 months.

    Perhaps this crank is a little more clued-up than you are? Whether that's the case or not, should you seek any further advice concerning absolutely anything the response will be along the lines of: Foxtrot Oscar, you ungrateful ****.
    You do come over as obsessed with things apocalyptic but if it makes you happy good luck to you

  6. #81

    Re: Police State....

    Quote Originally Posted by tell it like it is View Post
    Is that a brand of sherry?
    Derby message board I think.

  7. #82

    Re: Police State....

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    You do come over as obsessed with things apocalyptic but if it makes you happy good luck to you
    Why would he recommend something for the future when he believes there's a major conspiracy to kill us all? Makes no sense.

  8. #83

    Re: Police State....

    Quote Originally Posted by tell it like it is View Post
    Is that a brand of sherry?
    White Cider, Actually, it would be quite an accurate Title for some of the filth that can be purchased in a 3litre plastic bottle.

  9. #84

    Re: Police State....

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Well done mate you gave someone advice 2 years ago!
    You're welcome to seek my advice too. I know you will value it.

  10. #85

    Re: Police State....

    Thanks to mozzer2 for linking the David Icke vid below in another thread. In it early on he says the same as he's said for decades: a hidden elite control all major governments. Those remarks alone would likely see most viewers reach for the off button. He goes on to maintain that this virus is grossly exaggerated as a pretext to wreck the global economy in order to introduce a new financial system to emerge from the smoking ruins built around electronic money only. He makes a valid point about the hysteria by pointing out at the 16.30 mark that in the 2017-2018 US winter 45 million Americans had seasonal flu strains (which are coronaviruses, just as the common cold is another) and 61,000 of them died, minus lockdowns, etc, as a response.

    In the last 5 minutes, beginning at 40.50, he asks (and answers) why aren't all resources being thrown at those most at risk rather than what's occurring presently.

  11. #86

    Re: Police State....

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Thanks to mozzer2 for linking the David Icke vid below in another thread. In it early on he says the same as he's said for decades: a hidden elite control all major governments. Those remarks alone would likely see most viewers reach for the off button. He goes on to maintain that this virus is grossly exaggerated as a pretext to wreck the global economy in order to introduce a new financial system to emerge from the smoking ruins built around electronic money only. He makes a valid point about the hysteria by pointing out at the 16.30 mark that in the 2017-2018 US winter 45 million Americans had seasonal flu strains (which are coronaviruses, just as the common cold is another) and 61,000 of them died, minus lockdowns, etc, as a response.

    In the last 5 minutes, beginning at 40.50, he asks (and answers) why aren't all resources being thrown at those most at risk rather than what's occurring presently.

    Jeez. If only the world would listen to you and David Icke instead of those pesky scientists eh? What do you and David suggest we should do tomorrow regarding how we engage with the rest of the human race?

  12. #87
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Police State....

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Thanks to mozzer2 for linking the David Icke vid below in another thread. In it early on he says the same as he's said for decades: a hidden elite control all major governments. Those remarks alone would likely see most viewers reach for the off button. He goes on to maintain that this virus is grossly exaggerated as a pretext to wreck the global economy in order to introduce a new financial system to emerge from the smoking ruins built around electronic money only. He makes a valid point about the hysteria by pointing out at the 16.30 mark that in the 2017-2018 US winter 45 million Americans had seasonal flu strains (which are coronaviruses, just as the common cold is another) and 61,000 of them died, minus lockdowns, etc, as a response.

    In the last 5 minutes, beginning at 40.50, he asks (and answers) why aren't all resources being thrown at those most at risk rather than what's occurring presently.

    This video is 11 days old. Which is actually good.

    4:09 Reviewer says "My sources tell me the military will be on the streets of London inside a couple of days". Did that happen?

    Icke starts with the "For 30 years I have been warning that the world is run by a cult. A cult with no borders". He claims that the cult is at the core of the system in China and the US.

    * This doesn't explain why the US and China have completely different economic and political models. It doesn't explain those countries posturing in the Philippine Sea and the Pacific.

    He claims that the cult wants to create a global state in which a tiny group of people dictate to everyone else. He talks about a pyramid where there are "people connected to the cult". He calls them the 1%. However, this is no different to how things have worked for the last 2000 years. Is it?

    He then goes on about technocracy - that is the world being run by "experts, scientists, engineers" and "Technocrats". But, surely we prefer this than in the old days where leaders were chosen on a principle of nothing other than being the first born son? What is wrong with major decisions being taken after consultation with people who know the subject?

    He then makes some crazy claim about AI - how people's perceptions will be controlled at a central point. I watched with baited breath expecting him to explain how it works. He tried, and he used a lot of ambiguous terms like "smart grids" and he also confused what the "Internet of Things" actually is. However, it's unlikely that you bothered to research any deeper into either of those things, and just took Icke's view as being correct. I wonder if you still subscribe to his talk of lizard people?

    He then talks about a "cashless" society as if that is something new. We have already established, through your subscription to a supermarket's delivery service, that you don't practice what you preach on this. The question I have is "what would be the major disadvantage of a cashless society"? I suspect your answer will be along the lines of "Government surveillance" and you may be surprised to find that I agree with you, to an extent, on this.

    He then goes on to talk about artificial problems created by Government and relayed by the Mainstream Media. He's been banging this drum for 30 years but, as far as I am aware, he hasn't actually been able to produce a single piece of evidence on even one single artificial problem in all those 30 years. The only thing he came up with were the "Weapons of Mass destruction" which, whilst being a good example of misinformation being used to further political aims, is not exactly an example of how society has been forced to change.

    He then says, and this is absolutely brilliant, that change is brought about by either an unsuspecting public being outraged OR by apathy. He makes it sound like this is Government driven but, in essence, he has just described how Governments have operated since the dawn of time. Whether that is through the Roman Empire, or local tribal leaders - what is different in the last 30 years compared to the preceding 30 years, 300 years or 3000 years?

    That took me to 9:30 on the video.

    I'm happy to go through the rest but I know that the way these things are "debated" by the Icke Cult is that for every reasoned counter-argument, another theory is produced forcing the counter-arguer (in this case me) to run around in circles trying to pin the Icke Cultist (i.e. you) on to one specific subject.

    So - let's see your response to the above. When we've thrashed out the 9:30 so far, we'll then look at the subsequent 10 minutes.

  13. #88

    Re: Police State....

    Mad that it’s gone from a virus that only affects Asian lungs by a way to move us to a cashless society in under a week

  14. #89

    Re: Police State....

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    For your information, I haven't visited any doctor, psychiatric or otherwise, for around 22 years.
    Maybe now is the time to consider making an appointment. I've been using this message board for nigh on twenty years. During that time I've never seen a fall from grace quite as spectacular as yours in recent weeks. It's been sad to watch and more than a little embarrassing.

    "David Icke makes a valid point...."

    Holy shit.

  15. #90
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Police State....

    Quote Originally Posted by rudy gestede View Post
    Mad that it’s gone from a virus that only affects Asian lungs by a way to move us to a cashless society in under a week

  16. #91

    Re: Police State....

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Thanks to mozzer2 for linking the David Icke vid below in another thread. In it early on he says the same as he's said for decades: a hidden elite control all major governments. Those remarks alone would likely see most viewers reach for the off button. He goes on to maintain that this virus is grossly exaggerated as a pretext to wreck the global economy in order to introduce a new financial system to emerge from the smoking ruins built around electronic money only. He makes a valid point about the hysteria by pointing out at the 16.30 mark that in the 2017-2018 US winter 45 million Americans had seasonal flu strains (which are coronaviruses, just as the common cold is another) and 61,000 of them died, minus lockdowns, etc, as a response.

    In the last 5 minutes, beginning at 40.50, he asks (and answers) why aren't all resources being thrown at those most at risk rather than what's occurring presently.

    Given your track record at predicting the death of cash, you'll be right one day. Not yet, but one day. You might even see it happen.

  17. #92

    Re: Police State....

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    Maybe now is the time to consider making an appointment. I've been using this message board for nigh on twenty years. During that time I've never seen a fall from grace quite as spectacular as yours in recent weeks. It's been sad to watch and more than a little embarrassing.

    "David Icke makes a valid point...."

    Holy shit.

    Sad? It's been quite funny tbh.

  18. #93

    Re: Police State....

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    This video is 11 days old. Which is actually good.

    4:09 Reviewer says "My sources tell me the military will be on the streets of London inside a couple of days". Did that happen?

    Icke starts with the "For 30 years I have been warning that the world is run by a cult. A cult with no borders". He claims that the cult is at the core of the system in China and the US.

    * This doesn't explain why the US and China have completely different economic and political models. It doesn't explain those countries posturing in the Philippine Sea and the Pacific.

    He claims that the cult wants to create a global state in which a tiny group of people dictate to everyone else. He talks about a pyramid where there are "people connected to the cult". He calls them the 1%. However, this is no different to how things have worked for the last 2000 years. Is it?

    He then goes on about technocracy - that is the world being run by "experts, scientists, engineers" and "Technocrats". But, surely we prefer this than in the old days where leaders were chosen on a principle of nothing other than being the first born son? What is wrong with major decisions being taken after consultation with people who know the subject?

    He then makes some crazy claim about AI - how people's perceptions will be controlled at a central point. I watched with baited breath expecting him to explain how it works. He tried, and he used a lot of ambiguous terms like "smart grids" and he also confused what the "Internet of Things" actually is. However, it's unlikely that you bothered to research any deeper into either of those things, and just took Icke's view as being correct. I wonder if you still subscribe to his talk of lizard people?

    He then talks about a "cashless" society as if that is something new. We have already established, through your subscription to a supermarket's delivery service, that you don't practice what you preach on this. The question I have is "what would be the major disadvantage of a cashless society"? I suspect your answer will be along the lines of "Government surveillance" and you may be surprised to find that I agree with you, to an extent, on this.

    He then goes on to talk about artificial problems created by Government and relayed by the Mainstream Media. He's been banging this drum for 30 years but, as far as I am aware, he hasn't actually been able to produce a single piece of evidence on even one single artificial problem in all those 30 years. The only thing he came up with were the "Weapons of Mass destruction" which, whilst being a good example of misinformation being used to further political aims, is not exactly an example of how society has been forced to change.

    He then says, and this is absolutely brilliant, that change is brought about by either an unsuspecting public being outraged OR by apathy. He makes it sound like this is Government driven but, in essence, he has just described how Governments have operated since the dawn of time. Whether that is through the Roman Empire, or local tribal leaders - what is different in the last 30 years compared to the preceding 30 years, 300 years or 3000 years?

    That took me to 9:30 on the video.

    I'm happy to go through the rest but I know that the way these things are "debated" by the Icke Cult is that for every reasoned counter-argument, another theory is produced forcing the counter-arguer (in this case me) to run around in circles trying to pin the Icke Cultist (i.e. you) on to one specific subject.

    So - let's see your response to the above. When we've thrashed out the 9:30 so far, we'll then look at the subsequent 10 minutes.
    I'm no Icke cultist. Today is the first time I've watched any of his videos.

    I do agree with his main point that the primary aim of what's unfolding is to elbow notes and coins as that paradigm shift is the key to a dystopian future. I'm hoping that can be done at a G20 meeting or at another forum instead of anything approaching a Mad Max world.

  19. #94
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Police State....

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I'm no Icke cultist. Today is the first time I've watched any of his videos.

    I do agree with his main point that the primary aim of what's unfolding is to elbow notes and coins as that paradigm shift is the key to a dystopian future. I'm hoping that can be done at a G20 meeting or at another forum instead of anything approaching a Mad Max world.
    I'll wait to see what your view is tomorrow.

  20. #95

    Re: Police State....

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    Maybe now is the time to consider making an appointment. I've been using this message board for nigh on twenty years. During that time I've never seen a fall from grace quite as spectacular as yours in recent weeks. It's been sad to watch and more than a little embarrassing.

    "David Icke makes a valid point...."

    Holy shit.
    The numbers he quoted came from Yank government bean counters - (CDC) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

  21. #96

    Re: Police State....

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    The numbers he quoted came from Yank government bean counters - (CDC) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
    How do you decide which government figures to accept and which to discard?

  22. #97

    Re: Police State....

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    The numbers he quoted came from Yank government bean counters - (CDC) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
    How exactly is the Center for Disease Control "bean counters".

  23. #98

    Re: Police State....

    So desperate to not be wrong you’ve used trump and david Icke as a expert witness just give up there’s nothing wrong with not being right all the time.

  24. #99

    Re: Police State....

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    I'll wait to see what your view is tomorrow.
    So, what's your best guess for the near future - a return to relative normality in pretty short order, say 3-6 months, or a continuing, perhaps catastrophic, economic and social decline?

  25. #100

    Re: Police State....

    Quote Originally Posted by rudy gestede View Post
    So desperate to not be wrong you’ve used trump and david Icke as a expert witness just give up there’s nothing wrong with not being right all the time.
    Icke provides an alternative viewpoint. It's heartening to note it's had 4m views on youtube.

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