Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
So it's Organ & Trump Vs the CCMB baying mob & the world's liberal media.

This should be an interesting contest, because the current US investigation into the WHO is already examining the possibility that the virus was leaked from the Wuhan biolab, and that it may have been present in Wuhan earlier than thought.

It should also be noted that the CCMB baying mob and the world's liberal media don't have a very good track record when it comes to all things Trump.

This thread was about none of that though. This, hyped by Org on the mainboard, was the massive take down of how novel the virus was and is.

Put simply he reasoned it shouldn't be called Covid-19 because it was mentioned in a Public Health England document in 2015 and posted on a Government website in that year as proof. But the only real mention of 2015 was in the file name. So total baloney.

No mention of Trump, WHO investigations, Wuhan, biolabs or liberal media. That's all extraneous stuff you just brought to the show. You should turn the dial down you are trying too hard!