Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
I meant mortality rates - my error. If you find one expert you can find another with a different view. The Govt. opted for Ferguson. That's why we have 1000's of empty beds in specially built facilities lying almost empty. Also practically every other type of operation has been cancelled - even critical heart and cancer ones. Specialist wards are almost empty with spare staff. Experts said ventilators were crucial, two weeks ago there was a mad panic. Now it seems they're actually responsible for more deaths.

I know sod all about any of this except I don't swallow every bit of c**p I'm told. Probably an age thing. People of my generation are much more sceptical than the internet -savvy folk of today..
There's more to being skeptical than just being anti-Government or anti-"expert".

The need for extra hospital beds was based on a model that has revised the peak downwards at relevant stages. For example, the readiness of the UK population to adhere to social distancing. The original models factored in that only around 50% of the population would follow the social distancing guidelines. The fact is, that a significant number of people are adhering to the guidelines (more than 50%), which has had a positive impact on the infection rate.

If the models proved correct, and we were out of beds, I'm wondering if that would also be the fault of Professor Ferguson (and his team)?