Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
I've been persuaded that protecting and prolonging the lives of those most susceptible to COVID-19 and other coronaviruses is more important than returning to how we used to live and for the great majority of us we must reluctantly accept that we will have to adapt to a much lower standard of living going forward until effective vaccines are developed to combat the threat of any coronavirus killing Britons prematurely.

Continuing with the necessary restrictions the government introduced during March is essential to save British lives. Social distancing is the most critical feature used to limit the spread of this COVID-19 outbreak. It has to be retained as a permanent feature in the months and years ahead but must be hugely enlarged and rigidly enforced.

Millions of citizens will become permanently unemployed because a greatly damaged economy will be unable to generate enough employment opportunities to satisfy demand. That and a decline in the disposable income of the great majority of the rest of the population will almost certainly result in social tensions leading to a burgeoning crime rate borne of desperate people resorting to street muggings, home burglaries, looting commercial premises along with participating in large scale public disorder and rioting.

A national mandatory photo ID scheme is desperately required to help meet the challenges of locking down millions of people to a higher degree than what we witness today. By this Christmas, perhaps, all citizens aged 10 and above will have to carry a photo ID card in a public place and produce it at the request of a lawful authority. A suitably punitive fine to ensure most adults and their aged 10-18 children, for which their parent/s or legal guardian would be liable to pay, would ensure a high compliancy rate.

The state should embark on an immediate police recruitment drive to bolster numbers to meet and contain the very real threat of this country descending into chaos. Militarise that force by issuing every officer with a handgun. The number of their auxiliary colleagues (PCSOs) must also be doubled or tripled as a matter of urgency. Supply them with tasers and the authority to use them. In addition, recruit many thousands of social distance monitors whose task it will be to identify and fine those who commit flagrant breaches of life saving rules. Current penalties are a joke; increase the fine to £1,000 that would be reduced to £500 if paid in full within 7 days. For those who don't then apply an attachment order to their income, whether it be wages or benefits, in order that they are forced to pay at source at a set amount per week. For those who it might be trickier to collect from - some self-employed, for example - then seize their identifiable assets to match the sum outstanding, else imprison them as a last resort.

An acceptance that pubs, clubs, restaurants and cafes may never reopen and that attending any occasion where large groups of people were allowed to gather, such as sporting and musical events, are worth sacrificing to help protect the health of fellow Britons then the easier it will be to adjust to a future and enduring new normal.
As satire goes, your last effort was much better.