Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
I can only think of three other people still kicking who can match his impeccable globalist credentials: George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Henry Kissinger.

If you wish to carry on underplaying who Gates is and who he knocks about with and the significance of what he states publicly then that's your prerogative. But assuming you're not pulling my leg then I must say you're taking normalcy bias to an absurd level.

I'm not positive but believe he gave the interview embedded in the video below within the past week. In it he repeats that he thinks a COVID-19 (AKA Pandemic 1 in his and your world) vaccine is a year or two away. I'm positive that what he says at 2:28 will be spun by you as an innocent error rather than as a Freudian slip.

That's a lot of words to say you don't really know why you're concerned about Gates calling it Pandemic 1, but you're going to say that you're concerned (without giving a reason) just in case it somehow becomes a bigger deal in the future (spoiler alert: it won't).

Lardy is right, you're definitely echoing Gluey now by saying things like "AKA Pandemic 1 in his and your world" - why do you feel the need to lie about what I've said about it, only Gates has used that term and I have already said that I couldn't give a shit what he calls it.

All you had to say was the word 'Globalist' in your original response to get to the real nitty gritty of why you want this 'Pandemic 1' nonsense to be 'something'. Give it a rest, mate. It's not healthy to want something to be real when it's patently not. Genuinely, how much time, effort, and your mental health goes in to trying to uncover something that doesn't exist - just for the possibility (no matter how slim) that you can go "ha! I told you that conspiracies are real and globalists are real" etc etc etc.

Instead of answering the question for a third time you've now gone full tinfoil too. The "final solution" quote you've pointed to... That's incredibly dangerous and distasteful of you to imply something related to the Holocaust (which you have said didn't really happen) is equated to Gates funding a vaccine.

You're wrong about me saying that it was an error or Freudian slip by him. I think he's talking literally about a way to conquer the virus, as I'm not the type of person to perpetuate conspiracies and be wrong about them... Which you are, literally all of the time when you talk about this type of nonsense.

Don't think there's anything more to say, to be honest. Even when you're proven to be wrong you can't admit it and you come back with another conspiracy more incredible than the last.