Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
Flu/seasonal flu strains is/are viruses, coronaviruses. The World Health Organisation in 2017 estimated that between 290K and 650K people die worldwide each year with strains of Influenza A and B. Some years are worse than others when more virulent strains do the rounds hence the wide disparity. You may have have noted I typed 'with' just then. I did so because in responses to you the other day I repeatedly stated people had died 'with (not of) COVID-19 for the same reason (which evidently you didn't pay attention to).

It matters not whether COVID-19 is defined as a type of flu or not because it is a virus, causes a viral infection and is a contributory factor in killing people.

I have never heard anyone describe flu/seasonal flu being a virus in spite of it/them being viruses. A or the virus sounds much scarier than flu - would you agree?

I don't recall hearing any news relating to a minimum of 290K people croaking with seasonal flu strains in years prior. Do you? This COVID-19 - another coronavirus let's not forget - has attracted wall-to-wall hyped publicity and instigated global lockdowns for months, and yet thus far COVID-19 has contributed to just 219K global deaths.

Perhaps we should rebrand seasonal flu strains to 'viruses' or, better still, 'the virus' so that we can have eternal lockdowns in order to protect lives? What do you say?

It's an inconvenient truth that 290K, 650K, a figure somewhere between those two or many multiples of them is neither here nor there when set against a global population of 7.8 billion. So far 22 thousand Britons have died with Covid-19 out of a 67 million population; another insignificant fraction... an irrelevance - more died (27K) from seasonal flu strains in 2014/2015 without the corporate media, you or anyone else having a hysterical breakdown.

You've been played. So have the great majority. That's because, I'll wager, you and they are telly addicts. I'll also wager you nor they even realise they're addicted. Throw yours in the skip. It'll improve your cognitive capacity immeasurably.

Up to 650 000 people die of respiratory diseases linked to seasonal flu each year - https://www.who.int/news-room/detail...-flu-each-year
I think you've lost all grip on reality. That's assuming you ever had any.

You've never heard anyone describe flu as a virus? Are you serious?

I give up. You truly are a hopeless case.