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Thread: Lives vs. livelihoods & a gutted UK economy

  1. #76

    Re: Lives vs. livelihoods & a gutted UK economy

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    360 new hospital deaths in the UK, another successive daily low for the month of April but Johnson says Blighty's at the point of maximum risk - who's he trying to kid?

    The playbook seems to entail scaring as many people as possible to continue hiding behind the settee until October time by talking up the spectre of a terrifying second wave.

    That script will become worn out within a fortnight.
    You sneer about people "hiding behind the settees", but you were doing the same thing a few weeks back weren't you, are you now following the example of those across the Atlantic who are openly defying social distancing and isolation rules?

  2. #77

    Re: Lives vs. livelihoods & a gutted UK economy

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    You sneer about people "hiding behind the settees", but you were doing the same thing a few weeks back weren't you, are you now following the example of those across the Atlantic who are openly defying social distancing and isolation rules?
    He has ventured to Cardiff on the bus during 'lockdown', Bob. Absolute maverick is this one.

  3. #78

    Re: Lives vs. livelihoods & a gutted UK economy

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Deleted by youtube after reaching 5 million views. They also boot any video linking 5g to COVID-19.

    “The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” Malcolm X.

  4. #79

    Re: Lives vs. livelihoods & a gutted UK economy

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    You sneer about people "hiding behind the settees", but you were doing the same thing a few weeks back weren't you, are you now following the example of those across the Atlantic who are openly defying social distancing and isolation rules?
    586 new hospital deaths in the UK since yesterday, Bobsy, an increase on both the previous two days. You and I can go back to worrying about the invisible enemy.

    Of course I'll continue to abide by government edicts. The settees remark concerned those who never leave their homes.

  5. #80

    Re: Lives vs. livelihoods & a gutted UK economy

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    Correct me if I’m wrong, but during the worst flu pandemic the world has ever encountered, wasn’t it the 20 to 40 year olds who were in the most vulnerable age group?
    Yes. This is a different virus to that one though. COVID-19 is deadlier to a different age group. Thought you may have known that as COVID-19 related news has been on the telly quite a bit of late.

  6. #81

    Re: Lives vs. livelihoods & a gutted UK economy

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    "Bill's fanboy" and "juvenile"

    Still upset, I see

    I'm not upset (with you or anyone). What I would love to learn, as I mentioned recently, is how I managed collect you as a detractor.

  7. #82
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Lives vs. livelihoods & a gutted UK economy

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Deleted by youtube after reaching 5 million views. They also boot any video linking 5g to COVID-19.

    “The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” Malcolm X.
    I've not looked for it, but a channel i was watching a little earlier did say that it has been restored. It's a very informative video.

  8. #83

    Re: Lives vs. livelihoods & a gutted UK economy

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Yes. This is a different virus to that one though. COVID-19 is deadlier to a different age group. Thought you may have known that as COVID-19 related news has been on the telly quite a bit of late.
    I am aware that Covid-19 is not the flu. I've been fully aware of that all along and given your previous remarks on the subject it's more than a little ironic that it's you now attempting to highlight that to me.

    Regardless, I was reacting to your post in which you said, and I quote: "When I was circa 18-20 I had seasonal flu for the only time. I'd never felt so ill; didn't have the strength to get out of bed for at least a week. I wouldn't fancy contracting similar nearly 40 years on. It's no surprise to me that 90% of UK dead are 60+ and that the mortality rate for those younger is minuscule because it has always been the way as anyone who has been able to filter out the hysteria is able to determine."

    I was pointing out that, contrary to your claim, it has certainly not always been the way that the flu is most deadly in people 60+. Obviously. And, of course, we have no idea how 'it has always been' with Covid-19 as it's a newly-discovered virus about which much is still unknown.

    I'm finding it increasingly difficult to work out whether you're simply trying and failing to cover for the glaring errors you keep making on this subject or if you're genuinely losing your mind. A lot of your responses during the last couple of weeks have been more in keeping with this board's least intelligent contributors than with your own past efforts. I don't know what's happening to you, but it's quite alarming.

  9. #84
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    Re: Lives vs. livelihoods & a gutted UK economy

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Yes. This is a different virus to that one though. COVID-19 is deadlier to a different age group. Thought you may have known that as COVID-19 related news has been on the telly quite a bit of late.
    If we didn't give/offer the over 65's the Flu jab what would be the effect be on the over 60 death statistics?

  10. #85

    Re: Lives vs. livelihoods & a gutted UK economy

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    I am aware that Covid-19 is not the flu. I've been fully aware of that all along and given your previous remarks on the subject it's more than a little ironic that it's you now attempting to highlight that to me.

    Regardless, I was reacting to your post in which you said, and I quote: "When I was circa 18-20 I had seasonal flu for the only time. I'd never felt so ill; didn't have the strength to get out of bed for at least a week. I wouldn't fancy contracting similar nearly 40 years on. It's no surprise to me that 90% of UK dead are 60+ and that the mortality rate for those younger is minuscule because it has always been the way as anyone who has been able to filter out the hysteria is able to determine."

    I was pointing out that, contrary to your claim, it has certainly not always been the way that the flu is most deadly in people 60+. Obviously. And, of course, we have no idea how 'it has always been' with Covid-19 as it's a newly-discovered virus about which much is still unknown.

    I'm finding it increasingly difficult to work out whether you're simply trying and failing to cover for the glaring errors you keep making on this subject or if you're genuinely losing your mind. A lot of your responses during the last couple of weeks have been more in keeping with this board's least intelligent contributors than with your own past efforts. I don't know what's happening to you, but it's quite alarming.
    Flu/seasonal flu strains is/are viruses, coronaviruses. The World Health Organisation in 2017 estimated that between 290K and 650K people die worldwide each year with strains of Influenza A and B. Some years are worse than others when more virulent strains do the rounds hence the wide disparity. You may have have noted I typed 'with' just then. I did so because in responses to you the other day I repeatedly stated people had died 'with (not of) COVID-19 for the same reason (which evidently you didn't pay attention to).

    It matters not whether COVID-19 is defined as a type of flu or not because it is a virus, causes a viral infection and is a contributory factor in killing people.

    I have never heard anyone describe flu/seasonal flu being a virus in spite of it/them being viruses. A or the virus sounds much scarier than flu - would you agree?

    I don't recall hearing any news relating to a minimum of 290K people croaking with seasonal flu strains in years prior. Do you? This COVID-19 - another coronavirus let's not forget - has attracted wall-to-wall hyped publicity and instigated global lockdowns for months, and yet thus far COVID-19 has contributed to just 219K global deaths.

    Perhaps we should rebrand seasonal flu strains to 'viruses' or, better still, 'the virus' so that we can have eternal lockdowns in order to protect lives? What do you say?

    It's an inconvenient truth that 290K, 650K, a figure somewhere between those two or many multiples of them is neither here nor there when set against a global population of 7.8 billion. So far 22 thousand Britons have died with Covid-19 out of a 67 million population; another insignificant fraction... an irrelevance - more died (27K) from seasonal flu strains in 2014/2015 without the corporate media, you or anyone else having a hysterical breakdown.

    You've been played. So have the great majority. That's because, I'll wager, you and they are telly addicts. I'll also wager you nor they even realise they're addicted. Throw yours in the skip. It'll improve your cognitive capacity immeasurably.

    Up to 650 000 people die of respiratory diseases linked to seasonal flu each year - https://www.who.int/news-room/detail...-flu-each-year

  11. #86

    Re: Lives vs. livelihoods & a gutted UK economy

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Flu/seasonal flu strains is/are viruses, coronaviruses. The World Health Organisation in 2017 estimated that between 290K and 650K people die worldwide each year with strains of Influenza A and B. Some years are worse than others when more virulent strains do the rounds hence the wide disparity. You may have have noted I typed 'with' just then. I did so because in responses to you the other day I repeatedly stated people had died 'with (not of) COVID-19 for the same reason (which evidently you didn't pay attention to).

    It matters not whether COVID-19 is defined as a type of flu or not because it is a virus, causes a viral infection and is a contributory factor in killing people.

    I have never heard anyone describe flu/seasonal flu being a virus in spite of it/them being viruses. A or the virus sounds much scarier than flu - would you agree?

    I don't recall hearing any news relating to a minimum of 290K people croaking with seasonal flu strains in years prior. Do you? This COVID-19 - another coronavirus let's not forget - has attracted wall-to-wall hyped publicity and instigated global lockdowns for months, and yet thus far COVID-19 has contributed to just 219K global deaths.

    Perhaps we should rebrand seasonal flu strains to 'viruses' or, better still, 'the virus' so that we can have eternal lockdowns in order to protect lives? What do you say?

    It's an inconvenient truth that 290K, 650K, a figure somewhere between those two or many multiples of them is neither here nor there when set against a global population of 7.8 billion. So far 22 thousand Britons have died with Covid-19 out of a 67 million population; another insignificant fraction... an irrelevance - more died (27K) from seasonal flu strains in 2014/2015 without the corporate media, you or anyone else having a hysterical breakdown.

    You've been played. So have the great majority. That's because, I'll wager, you and they are telly addicts. I'll also wager you nor they even realise they're addicted. Throw yours in the skip. It'll improve your cognitive capacity immeasurably.

    Up to 650 000 people die of respiratory diseases linked to seasonal flu each year - https://www.who.int/news-room/detail...-flu-each-year
    I think you've lost all grip on reality. That's assuming you ever had any.

    You've never heard anyone describe flu as a virus? Are you serious?

    I give up. You truly are a hopeless case.

  12. #87

    Re: Lives vs. livelihoods & a gutted UK economy

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I have never heard anyone describe flu/seasonal flu being a virus in spite of it/them being viruses.
    This is genuinely one of the most amazing things I've ever seen posted on this message board. It's beyond belief in every sense.

  13. #88

    Re: Lives vs. livelihoods & a gutted UK economy

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    This is genuinely one of the most amazing things I've ever seen posted on this message board. It's beyond belief in every sense.
    It is? Rebut it then. Let's have you.

  14. #89

    Re: Lives vs. livelihoods & a gutted UK economy

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    It is? Rebut it then. Let's have you.
    How can I rebut that nonsense? How would such a thing be possible? How on earth could I demonstrate that you have indeed heard people refer to the flu as a virus, as I have on countless occasions? For all I know you haven't talked to another human being in thirty years, let alone talked to anyone about flu viruses.

  15. #90

    Re: Lives vs. livelihoods & a gutted UK economy

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Flu/seasonal flu strains is/are viruses, coronaviruses.
    This is also bollocks, by the way. Influenza is not a coronavirus.


  16. #91

    Re: Lives vs. livelihoods & a gutted UK economy

    I'll concede seasonal flu strains are not coronaviruses. Everything else I submitted stands.

    These COVID-19 lockdowns have opened the door for more of the same. All will be required would be to foment enough fear.

  17. #92

    Re: Lives vs. livelihoods & a gutted UK economy

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I'll concede seasonal flu strains are not coronaviruses. Everything else I submitted stands.
    You wagered earlier that I'm a TV addict. That's another bet you would have lost. However, I did watch a SKY documentary today on the effect of the coronavirus in the USA and in particular in New York. It was very good. What has been happening in NYC in recent weeks put me in mind of the scenes in the PBS documentary I watched last week regarding the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918. Apparently, they are currently burying an average of almost five times more bodies per week in the city's unmarked grave site on Hart Island than they usually do. Grim stuff, but I guess the poor bastards who are digging those graves are just being played.


  18. #93
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    Re: Lives vs. livelihoods & a gutted UK economy

    Thankfully the Spoons will open by June and the economy .saved

  19. #94

    Re: Lives vs. livelihoods & a gutted UK economy

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post

    You've been played. So have the great majority. That's because, I'll wager, you and they are telly addicts. I'll also wager you nor they even realise they're addicted. Throw yours in the skip. It'll improve your cognitive capacity immeasurably.
    I see Organ is looking down his nose at everyone else, again. But wait a minute...what's this in the opening post of his Coronavirus fear/mega-doom thread?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I watched the BBC's 1pm news today and yesterday. Both led with the Coronavirus story.

  20. #95

    Re: Lives vs. livelihoods & a gutted UK economy

    I never turn on the TV news as a rule but I'd been reading endless scare stories related to coronavirus for a week prior to when I watched the BBC 1pm news on two successive days in late January. The first time it led with 18 deaths worldwide due to a new virus then the next day it again led with the same story but the new total was at 26. The logical part of my noggin asked how on earth can 8 new deaths out of a global population of approaching 8 billion be the most important news anywhere on the planet?

    I had followed the saga at another forum - godlikeproductions - which I've visited most days for donkey's years. It's a self-styled conspiracy/nutters/crazies board which is excellent for breaking news stories and is always very busy. I knew from the outset it was the opposite of what it portrayed itself as. It's real purpose is to spread fear and fake propaganda at every turn. It's also a honeytrap which is why I have never created an account there to post a message.

    The coronavirus thread there which caught my attention is still active and stretches to almost 9,000 pages, believe it or not, and there's been, at a guess, 10,000 other threads on the same subject. It went all in on coronavirus hysteria before corporate media did later.

  21. #96

    Re: Lives vs. livelihoods & a gutted UK economy

    I'm thoroughly enjoying the lockdown measures more and more with each passing week. The much quieter, gentler pace of life is simply marvellous. I see what I interpret as increasing dejection/exasperation on so many faces as an indicator that others have a different perspective, but that's their concern and not mine.

    I note the worse months in the UK for seasonal flu deaths are December through March. Whether COVID-19 hangs around or not I'd like to see these lockdown rules imposed for those four months every year.

  22. #97
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    Re: Lives vs. livelihoods & a gutted UK economy

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I'm thoroughly enjoying the lockdown measures more and more with each passing week. The much quieter, gentler pace of life is simply marvellous. I see what I interpret as increasing dejection/exasperation on so many faces as an indicator that others have a different perspective, but that's their concern and not mine.

    I note the worse months in the UK for seasonal flu deaths are December through March. Whether COVID-19 hangs around or not I'd like to see these lockdown rules imposed for those four months every year.
    Great observation, the quietness and gentle pace has been a major positive, I know much has been spoken about mental anguish , I do wonder though if some have benefitted from the removal of the horrible hustle, bustle and anguish , normal life brings ?

  23. #98

    Re: Lives vs. livelihoods & a gutted UK economy

    I haven't checked how many workers have been furloughed but I know it's a great many. I suppose for some 20% less pay while putting their feet up at home is a welcome break while others are suffering as they need more than 80% to meet all their expenses. The good news is the government, should it choose to, could carry on paying them up to £2,600 per month indefinitely.

  24. #99
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    Re: Lives vs. livelihoods & a gutted UK economy

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I haven't checked how many workers have been furloughed but I know it's a great many. I suppose for some 20% less pay while putting their feet up at home is a welcome break while others are suffering as they need more than 80% to meet all their expenses. The good news is the government, should it choose to, could carry on paying them up to £2,600 per month indefinitely.
    I think that's one of biggest social benefits ever seen , its incredible it came from the Tories and even matched with other social minded countries its pretty impressive.

  25. #100

    Re: Lives vs. livelihoods & a gutted UK economy

    I get the sense that when Morg looks in his fishing net in the morning he might be a little disappointed with the catch!

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