Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
I was a recreational drug user and all drugs paid for by myself.

Didn’t beg or steal to pay for junk.

Didn’t hide behind a plethora of blame everyonelse excuses for my recreational drug use, alcohol abuse or gambling addictions. Still held down a job and by the skin of my teeth a family but then I take ownership for my problems. Self inflicted. Own them, park them, move onward, can’t keep dwelling on the past you’ll never move forward. My own theory. A better theory than anything I received from the MIND counsellor but that’s another story.

I don’t need apologists like you telling me “it’s not your fault, it’s an illness, were you abused as a child?” No I wasn’t, I enjoyed them and I was selfish.

Anyway, stop doing a Dembe with me and keep it all in one thread you absolute danger.
So recreational drug use is ok but those people who have an addictive personality and go on to develop a habit or those who were abused as kids and take drugs to escape the horror of what they went through are just useless junkies ?

That's clearly your view , as expressed on here and as you say you are clearly a selfish , hedonistic individual whose drug use has cost the NHS money in treating you . Unless your struggles were not that big and if you treated anxiety and depression through self help , they clearly were not . You dont get better from disabling and in your case , drug induced anxiety and depression from a few visits to MIND , a salad a day and some yoga . And stiff upper lip .