Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
All I asked was why those found at sea are not returned to the place the embarked from. I'm not advocating sending the back to Syria or Somalia or anywhere, just back to France. They are being sent back to France it says so in the article, but should france then send them back to Italy? If we don't have to deal with them why should france

You admitted in this thread that we should not allow anyone to come who wants but you didn't answer when I asked you how we should decide who comes. I understand it is a difficult problem but until the law changes it is the law. The numbers we do or do not admit is not part of this argument. The law seems appropriate for me, what do you disagree with in it?

People on here are getting at me and protesting but no one can give a reasonable solution. Maybe it's just me but I don't understand what your issue is, so I can't give a solution

When we talk about lifting lockdown everyone agrees we should stick with what the welsh government says because it is the law.
Are we saying we can pick and choose which laws we obey and which we ignore? That is what the French do in the EU. It is part of the problem. I don't think it is the law
Answered, maybe you can try answering us with what you exact problem is