Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
So... You want teachers in the schools to start cleaning? The other things you've said doesn't require them to be there.

You've mentioned "Denmark" and how Wales would never look to do anything like they have done. Did you notice that the framework said " In addition, we are considering international evidence around learning and child health and well-being. We are drawing on a range of international examples of response to disruptions to learning. For example, we are considering practice in Denmark around the use of other buildings to increase capacity; regular handwashing and cleaning; staggering arrivals and departures; and use of floor markings. "

I'm sure you'll now congratulate them on this way of thinking.

Goats, I just don't understand what your point is. It sounds like you just think something/anything should be happening to get the kids back in school asap. It is happening, you just can't see it with your own eyes which seems to be annoying you for some reason.

Do you want your child going back even if it's unsafe, just because you think teachers have been "doing nowt"? You said that you didn't ask the teacher in question if she has had to do any work from home. I know secondary school teachers are busy (the ones I know are as busy as ever at the moment) and my friends with kids of primary school age are having work set for them at the moment too... So I assume the teachers are setting it and not Denmark.

What is it that you want to happen? You just sound pissed off that the teacher you spoke to isn't moonlighting as a cleaner in your child's school.
Spoiling for one as ever....
Yes ironic they are looking at Denmark, more just like gazing at them in ore that they can actually do something.
I don’t think it’s unsafe either, I’m not even sure kids can carry the virus let alone get it. As for the work given, I’d imagine I could put that together in a day, we get through their weeks work in about two days so we also use the many other online activities which are better than the schools to be honest.
I think they they need to go in a few times at least before they have another 6 weeks off, else come September they will have been out of the loop for almost 6 months so telling them what to do will be even more difficult. Trial run is def needed. You say it’s happening and I can’t see it, what am I missing then?