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Thread: Self defence and general exercise

  1. #1

    Self defence and general exercise

    Sludge's post earlier made me think about mental health and how exercise can be important to, and a regular form of exercise can help.

    Anyway, after this week is done (got a bit on) I'm going to start small with runs and slowly build up to a comfortable distance I can do a few times a week (I've read daily can sometimes have a negative impact)

    As I'm mid 30s and a generally well liked bloke in my local area I'm not too worried about self defence for defence reasons, but I think a regular class of some sort would also help with routine. Anyone have any suggestions? I can't be arsed with a boxing gym as it'll be full of try hards and wannabes and I'm not looking for sparring with a few young lads who would knock me around the ring as I breathe out my arse.. any suggestions please?

  2. #2

    Re: Self defence and general exercise

    it's the best form of relaxing jogging or running and good for mental health

    i go running 3 times a week in fact just been around the local park . A few tuck jumps . press ups etc to build up for fitness but wouldn't recommend that first time out . I would advise long walks to start with and build up to slow jogging

    you will feel much better for it

  3. #3

    Re: Self defence and general exercise

    Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post
    Sludge's post earlier made me think about mental health and how exercise can be important to, and a regular form of exercise can help.

    Anyway, after this week is done (got a bit on) I'm going to start small with runs and slowly build up to a comfortable distance I can do a few times a week (I've read daily can sometimes have a negative impact)

    As I'm mid 30s and a generally well liked bloke in my local area I'm not too worried about self defence for defence reasons, but I think a regular class of some sort would also help with routine. Anyone have any suggestions? I can't be arsed with a boxing gym as it'll be full of try hards and wannabes and I'm not looking for sparring with a few young lads who would knock me around the ring as I breathe out my arse.. any suggestions please?
    Do it! I'm off for a run now. I've struggled with this lockdown, but after i've been running the world is all good again, The endorphins released make me feel great. Get home, shower and a cuppa and settle down with some reading etc. It's the best medication i can get. As for Self defence classes, they're great as well, judo looks a lot of fun and you get to meet people as well. I used to go to a boxing gym just for the work out and i loved the discipline and banter. All types of lads and lasses from all kinds of backgrounds and abilities. The social side of exercise is priceless.

  4. #4

    Re: Self defence and general exercise

    I've always done lots of sport and cardio but mainly football and gym classes etc.

    I always thought i hated running but I started when lockdown started and I can't get enough of it, makes you feel so much better mentally too. Especially when the weather's nice and the women are out in the park doing yoga.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Self defence and general exercise

    Boxing , swimming is my bag.

  6. #6

    Re: Self defence and general exercise

    It's been one of very few bright spots of the lockdown. I may only be doing 5k, but you can guarantee I start with a stress headache from work, but by the time I finish mentally I feel a thousand times better.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Self defence and general exercise

    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Shot Hamish. View Post
    It's been one of very few bright spots of the lockdown. I may only be doing 5k, but you can guarantee I start with a stress headache from work, but by the time I finish mentally I feel a thousand times better.
    👍👍👍 keep fit , keep healthy should be the next new call after stay indoors /alert

  8. #8

    Re: Self defence and general exercise

    Important to do exercise for your physical health too. Been running for two months now. I run for 30 minutes every other day. Doing between 3 and 3.2 miles which at my age is not too bad.

  9. #9

    Re: Self defence and general exercise

    Normally play football 3 times a week. If i miss one ill go for a run outside or treadmill.

    With lockdown ive been trying to go runnning twice a week mixed in with weights. Ive also in the last 3 weeks started skipping rope for cardio.

    Im on day 7 now of possibly 14 isolating so no walks or running and I feel lethargic.

    The best part of a run is you just feel so much better after. The issue you may have is you may not enjoy it or really dislike it. I dont enjoy running. The routes I use are quite hilly and are hard runs. I somehow stick with it if I cant play football. One of the keys to exercise is finding something you enjoy. Far easier to do something you enjoy.

    If I can come out of isolation tomorrow ill be running i probably won't enjoy it but ill feel better physically and mentally.

  10. #10

    Re: Self defence and general exercise

    I agree with that

    Find something you enjoy

    I hate running , always have , cycling , ditto

    I enjoy walking nowadays , good for the mind

    Got some light dumbells recently , but that's it , always hated the gym , a lot of big powerful guys in there that have clearly been lifting a long time and fair play to them but it's not my thing

    I read an article in mens health a few years back that said all you need is a set of dumbells and either walking or running and a healthy diet

    Which is great as I am not into squash , I can swim but I am a long way from a pool , fitness classes are mostly high impact and my ankle is shot to bits

    I am looking at getting into yoga and pilates when this lockdown is over

    As for martial arts I did judo till I was 18 , not very good for self defence , better off with boxing or karate etc

    Local club round here is very good , loads of kids , men and women up to pensioners but I cant do any of the high impact stuff they do. One of the members is a 6th dan black belt , you never know who you are messing with , he and anyone else trained in the martial arts could kill you with one strike

    But hes a decent bloke , he said to me a few years back never underestimate anyone and the best form of attack is to walk away and get a taxi or bus home

    And not to drink in pubs where heavy drinkers hang out

  11. #11
    First Team
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    Jan 2007
    Llantwit Major

    Re: Self defence and general exercise

    I started in a basic yoga class prior to this virus lockdown.
    Completed the 6 first weeks and it made a big difference to my posture , flexibility and sorted out some niggling back pains as well.
    Really recommend it and prior to going I was quite dismissive of the whole idea but Mrs Major was quite insistent.

  12. #12

    Re: Self defence and general exercise

    Appreciate the replies, agree with a few.
    The self defense class was more for having a regular class, meeting people and having a bit of exercise, the walk away approach has always been my Moto.
    Long walks are good, I do this and struggle with an incline (never used to before lockdown and heavy eating) and I'd start with short runs, I have a lane close by with steps as well so the thinking was short sprints with the few steps to add a bit.

    3 miles in 30 mins is decent isn't it? I read the average on a mile was 10 mins so that's not too shabby pearcey.

    I've thought about a skipping rope as well, and also talked to people who say that adding weight to their gym session doesn't really do much, I know someone in unbelievable shape who is capable of lifting a decent amount who has settled at a comfortable weigh that suits his routine and doesn't add weight just because he can, what he lifts still gives him results. Most of it must be purely vanity.

    Plenty of people round here who are unassumingly hard ***** and don't show it, never judge anyone. My one mate is 11st soaking wet and bangs like a heavyweight, looks like he re organises books at the local library.

    I've a mental block on yoga, my lovely mother tried to get me to do it and gave me books etc, and as a bit of a local character I've never been able to have that tarnish my rep..

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