Bolsonaro pushing it now in Brazil. He's been quite fortunate really, his health minister resigned recently stating he felt under pressure to push new guidelines, the new guy seems much more amenable. Trump, Johnson, Putin, Kim Jong un, Bolsanoro, what a fantastic world we live in.

Brazil's Bolsonaro pushes chloroquine use
Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro will finally have his way – helped by his new interim health minister, an army general, happy to take orders from his boss.

Speaking live on Facebook, Bolsonaro said that Eduardo Pazuello would sign the new protocol which widens the use of the anti-malarial drug chloroquine beyond just critical patients – this, despite there being no evidence that it helps treat or prevent Covid-19.

He announced the decision on the same day that Brazil saw a record number of deaths and new cases.

Bolsonaro also mentioned that he kept a small box of chloroquine in case his 93-year-old mother needed it.

It was only a few days ago that Brazil’s previous health minister resigned, reportedly because he felt under pressure to sign the new guidelines.