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Thread: Coronavirus update - NO MORE RESTRICTIONS

  1. #2726

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    What ever stupid things the swedes may or may not have done in this pandemic you just have to love their panache.
    This from their pandemic advice: "Sex is no obstacle if you and your partner, or partners, show no symptoms of illness".
    I lost a lot of respect for a friend of mine when she told me on Sunday that her daughter visits her boyfriend for sex. He shares a house with other tenants and she (the daughter) shares a home with her mother (who is the friend I mentioned) and a lodger who is a a key worker as he is employed in the food industry (and where some of his colleagues have already contracted a virus). My friend was a lifelong teacher until she moved into the area of psychology.

  2. #2727
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    This is damning:


    Robert West, a professor of health psychology at University College London’s Institute of Epidemiology and Health, who sits on the advisory group on behavioural science for Sage told the Guardian: “From a public health perspective what we now have to recognise is that central government probably cannot be trusted to provide leadership, and other agencies, including local and regional government, are going to have to work together to make up for this. It will be difficult and maybe things will change but as things stand there is a leadership vacuum in the heart of government.”

    In reference to Cummings’ account of why he drove hundreds of miles to Durham during lockdown, West said: “There are so many holes in his narrative that only the most desperate people who want to believe him could do so. Not least is the idea that someone who is not an idiot would drive for 30 miles (coincidentally to a tourist attraction) with his wife and child in the car to check that he was safe to drive.”


    They are treating the whole health crisis as though it were a political crisis. If it’s a political crisis, what you do is try to manage your reputation. If it’s a health crisis you focus on saving lives, at whatever cost to your political reputation.”

    He said 40 people were involved in Spi-B, the Independent Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviours, which feeds in to Sage, the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies.

    “I know [concern] is widespread among the group but not everybody feels comfortable speaking out and I completely understand that. But there has been considerable and growing unease,” West said. “The worry is that the government has said from the beginning it is following the science, and that was never true.”

  3. #2728

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    So have you as you know f all about me. Born Cardiff, raised on a council estate, made some money playing music in teens. Dad a fitter who had TB for years and we lived on the breadline. Only Christmas present I had one year was from the local Conservative Club. Pulled myself together after an ordinary education and made something of my life.

    My wife's from Ton Pentre, dyed in the wool valley's girl and very proud of her history. I worked for many years as a rep in the Valley's areas, made many friends and have fond memories.

    As for politics, Starmer would get my vote if there was an election tomorrow, but Drakeford wouldn't.

    And I hope you do raise the Rhondda issue at your next Labour meeting because its cost lives
    I wouldn’t worry too much, millions of people who have never voted Tory in their lifetimes voted for them a few months ago such was the fear of what corbyn might do, seats up north that had never been anything but red. That tells you a lot. I believe you are allowed to make money and do well in life, you can even go to ‘fancy‘ butchers then.....

  4. #2729

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Government minister resigns.

  5. #2730

    Re: Coronavirus update

    I see the USA is set to pass the 100,000 deaths mark in the next day or two (currently at 99,900 plus on Worldometer) - although it is just another number in many ways, I bet it is one that their Government was praying would not be reached.

  6. #2731

    Re: Coronavirus update

    I have been plugging in the numbers from Worldometers and DHSC into Excel and made these graphs



    The weekly averages seem to be decreasing and we are at a similar level as late March in deaths and in between March and April with cases. Bank holiday may have reduced the accuracy of the stats but nonetheless it looks like the situation is improving

  7. #2732
    Join Date
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    The latest 3 week lock-down expired on the 25 May, Yesterday.
    On every third Tuesday Mr Drakeford has been on Television and renewed the lock-down for a further 3 weeks.
    He didn't renew it today and neither did the health minister.
    Does this mean all the lock-down in Wales is now finished?

  8. #2733
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    The latest 3 week lock-down expired on the 25 May, Yesterday.
    On every third Tuesday Mr Drakeford has been on Television and renewed the lock-down for a further 3 weeks.
    How come he did it last on Friday May 8th?

  9. #2734
    Join Date
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCC3PO View Post
    How come he did it last on Friday May 8th?
    You tell me. I didn't here him say that he only that they were looking at changing some things in 3 weeks time.

  10. #2735
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    You tell me. I didn't here him say that he only that they were looking at changing some things in 3 weeks time.
    You said that he makes his announcements every third Tuesday. But, he doesn't. His last lockdown announcement was on May 8th which was a Friday.

    Here's a link for you to read and, very likely, misinterpret.


  11. #2736
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    He made changes to the lockdown rules on that day because that is the day after they have to be reviewed by law, as the law was passed on a Thursday. But the 3 week lockdown was begun on the Tuesday before the law was passed and is renewed on the Tuesday 3 weeks hence. Which is today!!

    I'm sure you'll scour to find something wrong but you should realise by now I don't really care. you're obsessed.

  12. #2737

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    He made changes to the lockdown rules on that day because that is the day after they have to be reviewed by law, as the law was passed on a Thursday. But the 3 week lockdown was begun on the Tuesday before the law was passed and is renewed on the Tuesday 3 weeks hence. Which is today!!

    I'm sure you'll scour to find something wrong but you should realise by now I don't really care. you're obsessed.
    How can you be so stupid with one head?

  13. #2738
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    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    He made changes to the lockdown rules on that day because that is the day after they have to be reviewed by law, as the law was passed on a Thursday. But the 3 week lockdown was begun on the Tuesday before the law was passed and is renewed on the Tuesday 3 weeks hence. Which is today!!

    I'm sure you'll scour to find something wrong but you should realise by now I don't really care. you're obsessed.
    So you didn't read the link (I asked, obsessively sticking to the point you erroneously made, but now have your knickers in a twist about me pursuing).

    Date of Article Friday May 8th (18 days ago) (3 weeks would be 21 days, i.e. May 29th)

    People will be able to exercise outside more than once a day in Wales and some garden centres set to reopen, First Minister Mark Drakeford has said.

    Announcing only "modest" changes to the coronavirus lockdown, Mr Drakeford warned it was "too soon" to go further.

    The rest of the stay-at-home restrictions will be extended for another three weeks until 28 May.

  14. #2739

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Death rates from countries using comparable data. UK hardest hit. It's tragic.


  15. #2740
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Antibody samples have suggested that 7% of people in England have previously been infected with the virus according to the ONS. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-52837593

    Similarly, antibody tests found 7% of people Massachusetts also tested positive for antibodies.


  16. #2741

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Baloo View Post
    Death rates from countries using comparable data. UK hardest hit. It's tragic.

    And sadly a reflection on the rather casual way our governments (UK and Wales) have handled this, seemingly always playing catch-up. The public have generally done all that has been asked of them in terms of hand washing, social distancing, stay at home etc.

    Our leaders early on let sporting events continue..international rugby, Cheltenham festival. Then a declaration that the NHS was ready for anything, but it wasn’t. Lack of PPE, CCU beds, equipment, tracking and tracing, ignoring care homes. These are the things that mean the difference between life and death.

    In Greece, a country that has been through an austerity episode that we can only imagine, they nailed it hard and fast, following the success of countries like South Korea.

    1,000 deaths would have been too many, but 37, 000 is sickening and our leaders seem to indicate that we’ve done well

  17. #2742

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Tragically 90% of the deaths in Sweden are the over 70's
    I still think they got it wrong and threw the aged under the bus to save the economy.

  18. #2743

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    And sadly a reflection on the rather casual way our governments (UK and Wales) have handled this, seemingly always playing catch-up. The public have generally done all that has been asked of them in terms of hand washing, social distancing, stay at home etc.

    Our leaders early on let sporting events continue..international rugby, Cheltenham festival. Then a declaration that the NHS was ready for anything, but it wasn’t. Lack of PPE, CCU beds, equipment, tracking and tracing, ignoring care homes. These are the things that mean the difference between life and death.

    In Greece, a country that has been through an austerity episode that we can only imagine, they nailed it hard and fast, following the success of countries like South Korea.

    1,000 deaths would have been too many, but 37, 000 is sickening and our leaders seem to indicate that we’ve done well
    Agree with everything you’ve said there but would suggest dropping the description of “casual” for negligent and politically motivated.

  19. #2744

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    And sadly a reflection on the rather casual way our governments (UK and Wales) have handled this, seemingly always playing catch-up. The public have generally done all that has been asked of them in terms of hand washing, social distancing, stay at home etc.

    Our leaders early on let sporting events continue..international rugby, Cheltenham festival. Then a declaration that the NHS was ready for anything, but it wasn’t. Lack of PPE, CCU beds, equipment, tracking and tracing, ignoring care homes. These are the things that mean the difference between life and death.

    In Greece, a country that has been through an austerity episode that we can only imagine, they nailed it hard and fast, following the success of countries like South Korea.

    1,000 deaths would have been too many, but 37, 000 is sickening and our leaders seem to indicate that we’ve done well
    Negligent rather than casual. Can only blame the UK govt for the late lockdown.

    They did say 20,000 deaths would be good, but no one has mentioned that for a while.

  20. #2745

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
    And sadly a reflection on the rather casual way our governments (UK and Wales) have handled this, seemingly always playing catch-up. The public have generally done all that has been asked of them in terms of hand washing, social distancing, stay at home etc.

    Our leaders early on let sporting events continue..international rugby, Cheltenham festival. Then a declaration that the NHS was ready for anything, but it wasn’t. Lack of PPE, CCU beds, equipment, tracking and tracing, ignoring care homes. These are the things that mean the difference between life and death.

    In Greece, a country that has been through an austerity episode that we can only imagine, they nailed it hard and fast, following the success of countries like South Korea.

    1,000 deaths would have been too many, but 37, 000 is sickening and our leaders seem to indicate that we’ve done well
    Agree that we should have learned from countries that handled this better, and as I've posted elsewhere I think there was a degree of cultural arrogance that pervaded the thinking of those making the decisions in this that contributed to that.

    I also think that 37000 is a very conservative estimate, most sources are talking about a number in excess of 60k in terms of excess deaths.

  21. #2746

  22. #2747

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    More about politics and self preservation than helping the country, everyone should be disgusted at them.

  23. #2748

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Has this appeared anywhere else? Surely it's not true?

  24. #2749

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Has this appeared anywhere else? Surely it's not true?
    Not sure where he's got that from. The Private Eye article is saying that the £35m 'all in, all together' advertising campaign that the government ran was meant to be helping all the newspaper industry but the money ended up going to the fat cats rather than independent publishers. You can read in between the lines of that, of course, but it's quite a leap to say the government were sponsoring favourable editorials.

  25. #2750

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Loramski View Post
    Not sure where he's got that from. The Private Eye article is saying that the £35m 'all in, all together' advertising campaign that the government ran was meant to be helping all the newspaper industry but the money ended up going to the fat cats rather than independent publishers. You can read in between the lines of that, of course, but it's quite a leap to say the government were sponsoring favourable editorials.
    Remember when they spent £200k on this campaign?

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