Quote Originally Posted by uncle bob View Post
I used to work in The old Hippo club behind the bar for a couple of years.
That was the best job I ever had.
I got to meet all the big name DJ's that played at the club.
I was told to help myself to as much drink while working as i liked.
I was in charge of the music in the chillout room which was played on a CD player through loud speakers?
I usually had a bollocking because instead of playing chillout music I would be playing my favourite DJ's cds from down Torquay (The Brainbashers) which were more harder and louder than the main dance rooms music being played in the room next door����
I was more off my nut than the punters I was serving behind that bar.
Microdots were mental. Remember dropping two one night and taking a shower before I had to go to work at the Hippo fully clothed. Then suddenly thinking to myself while washing my hair, What the fooking hell am I doing!
We remember you don’t worry, your the one that used to give change of a twenty when we all gave you a tenner.....