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Thread: Justice for George Floyd petition

  1. #326

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    its difficult for some others to understand due to their narrow one eye view of life
    How are they different then? Don't wait for daddy to give you the answers (pssst... a quick hint... He doesn't have them either judging by your quote of his post).

  2. #327
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    How are they different then? Don't wait for daddy to give you the answers (pssst... a quick hint... He doesn't have them either judging by your quote of his post).

    The tactics used by American police are common throughout the world , are they not the same tactics were used by French police against the yellow jacketse most weekend for a year however the lack of fury was less as it was with Hong Kong . I hope TDS is not creeping in

  3. #328
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    And Trampie09 I’d guess
    Were trying to save the world and proved balance so taking opposite shifts help . I think there's always an element of herding on this board

    Anyway looters are looters not moral architects of peace .

  4. #329
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Former Obama administration national security adviser*Susan Rice*bizarrely suggested in a televised interview Sunday*that the Russians could be behind the violent nationwide demonstrations following the in-custody death of George Floyd, although she offered no evidence for the incendiary claim.

    Rice's made the claim after top Democrats*insisted*for years that the White House had conspired with Russia, although Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence to support any conspiracy with Russia by any U.S. actor to influence the 2016 election. Her remarks also came amid efforts by Democrats to pin the blame on outside white supremacist agitators, even though data suggests the vast majority of arrested protesters in recent days are local.

    "To designate Antifa a terrorist organization, fine, but let's also focus on the right-wing terrorist organizations," Rice told CNN's Wolf Blitzer, referring to President Trump's decision earlier in the day to*brand the left-wing militant group*as a terrorist organization. "The white supremacists that he's called, in the past, very fine people."

    Rice's claim that Trump praised white supremacists has been*debunked. Like Rice, Trump specifically made a distinction between peaceful political protesters*and white supremacists, whom Trump said he condemned "totally." ("Very fine people" were protesting the censorship and removal of a Civil War statue, Trump said.)

    Rice continued: "We have peaceful protesters focused on the very real pain and disparities that we're all wrestling with that have to be addressed, and then we have extremists who've come to try to hijack those protests and turn them into something very different. And they're probably also, I would bet based on my experience, I'm not reading the intelligence these days, but based on my experience this is right out of the Russian playbook as well."

  5. #330

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    The tactics used by American police are common throughout the world , are they not the same tactics were used by French police against the yellow jacketse most weekend for a year however the lack of fury was less as it was with Hong Kong . I hope TDS is not creeping in
    How are they different?

  6. #331

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    None of which should mean he shouldn’t be on TV?? Jamie Carragher spat at a kid. He was on the show.

    Evra was the victim in the Suarez incident and clearly doesn’t stand for any nonsense.

    You are Wales Bales and I claim my £5
    He was accused of leading a mutiny butt.

    He was deemed to be the victim in the Suarez case by the English, but I remember the things he apparently said about Senegalese people in justifying playing for France over them, i would not be so sure Evra was the victim, what he apparently said to Kuyt was bad, what he said to Suarez was disgusting , what he apparently said about why the ref booked him was terrible, he is a beaut that bloke and I would not be so sure he is the 'victim' in the Suarez case.
    I have Evra marked down as a very very dangerous guy, best not to get involved with him in any way.

  7. #332

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    He was accused of leading a mutiny butt.

    He was deemed to be the victim in the Suarez case by the English, but I remember the things he apparently said about Senegalese people in justifying playing for France over them, i would not be so sure Evra was the victim, what he apparently said to Kuyt was bad, what he said to Suarez was disgusting , what he apparently said about why the ref booked him was terrible, he is a beaut that bloke and I would not be so sure he is the 'victim' in the Suarez case.
    I have Evra marked down as a very very dangerous guy, best not to get involved with him in any way.
    Jesus Christ... I've got Liverpool-supporting friends and family who have defended Suarez less than you just have.

  8. #333

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    I've avoided this thread because I find the whole subject depressing, but Chris Sutton, of all people, just said something on 5 Live which set me thinking and made me realise my attitude was selfish and wrong. Sutton talked of how difficult it was to talk about what is happening in America to his eight year old daughter because she had no understanding of the concept of people hating others because of the colour of their skin.

    Perhaps I'm naive, but I've always believed that no one comes into this world as a ready made racist. Racists are made for all sorts of reasons, for example, spending their formative years with adult racists, indoctrination, be it voluntary or forced, or even as a counter reaction to what they regard as racist behaviour themselves -somewhere along the line, the idealism of youth gives way to cynicism and hatred.

    What happened to George Floyd is just wrong, completely and utterly wrong, and I trust and hope that anyone in this thread who is critical of some of the things that have arisen from his death accept that. This single fact should be the beginning and end of any discussion about the consequences arising from what happened to him - an eight year old can see that, but some humans three, four, five, six etc times older than that have such trouble understanding that it seems and, even amongst those that do, there is still a desire to try and move the argument on to something else which only adds to the problem.

    This should be something which unites all humans apart from a tiny sick and criminal minority - the fact that it doesn't only emphasises the size of the mess this world is in even without the virus.

  9. #334

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    The tactics used by American police are common throughout the world , are they not the same tactics were used by French police against the yellow jacketse most weekend for a year however the lack of fury was less as it was with Hong Kong . I hope TDS is not creeping in
    So three different expressions of public anger. In each instance I understand from what you say the police tactics and response is the common. In two of those cases you sided with the protesters and in this instance you have come down against the protesters but they couldn't be more different apparently. Who said satire is dead!

  10. #335

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    Jesus Christ... I've got Liverpool-supporting friends and family who have defended Suarez less than you just have.
    I'm sorry you have family and friends that support an English team, is it some form of Stockholm syndrome with them ?

  11. #336

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    So three different expressions of public anger. In each instance I understand from what you say the police tactics and response is the common. In two of those cases you sided with the protesters and in this instance you have come down against the protesters but they couldn't be more different apparently. Who said satire is dead!

  12. #337

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    I'm sorry you have family and friends that support that an English team, is it some form of Stockholm syndrome with them ?
    They've never been to Sweden as far as I'm aware.

  13. #338

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    George Floyd died of asphyxia, private autopsy finds
    George Floyd, the African-American man whose death has sparked civil unrest in the US, died from asphyxia (lack of oxygen), a private autopsy has found.

    He died due to compression on his neck and back by Minneapolis police officers, medical examiners hired by his family said.

    The findings differ from an official preliminary autopsy carried out by the county medical examiner.

    That autopsy did not find evidence of "traumatic asphyxia or strangulation".

    "The cause of death in my opinion is asphyxia, due to compression to the neck - which can interfere with oxygen going to the brain - and compression to the back, which interferes with breathing," said Michael Baden, a former New York City medical examiner who was hired by Mr Floyd's family.

  14. #339

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Wow must have had the work experience boy doing the first one. Mad how all the conspiracy theorists jumped on that being true rather than question it with their free thinking 🤔

    Don’t believe everything you read sheeple unless it backs up white supremacy and a **** president you want to rim.

    Quick some disingenuous racist embed a YouTube video for no one to watch.

  15. #340

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    He was accused of leading a mutiny butt.

    He was deemed to be the victim in the Suarez case by the English, but I remember the things he apparently said about Senegalese people in justifying playing for France over them, i would not be so sure Evra was the victim, what he apparently said to Kuyt was bad, what he said to Suarez was disgusting , what he apparently said about why the ref booked him was terrible, he is a beaut that bloke and I would not be so sure he is the 'victim' in the Suarez case.
    I have Evra marked down as a very very dangerous guy, best not to get involved with him in any way.
    You remember things he apparently said?!?!?

    How the **** does that work? He either said them or he didn’t.

    I’ve just read a little of the guys background and I have nothing but admiration for the guy. It’s not difficult to see why he lashes out at racism and what he perceives as injustice. The authorities and racists and I include you in the latter clearly don’t like black people behaving like he does. He should know his place.

  16. #341

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    JTTF federal agents take down another Antifa communist agitator and he will be singing like a bird this evening..

  17. #342
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    He was accused of leading a mutiny butt.

    He was deemed to be the victim in the Suarez case by the English, but I remember the things he apparently said about Senegalese people in justifying playing for France over them, i would not be so sure Evra was the victim, what he apparently said to Kuyt was bad, what he said to Suarez was disgusting , what he apparently said about why the ref booked him was terrible, he is a beaut that bloke and I would not be so sure he is the 'victim' in the Suarez case.
    I have Evra marked down as a very very dangerous guy, best not to get involved with him in any way.
    Why don't you just tell us what he said. You seem to know or you wouldn't know how bad they were? I'd be interested to know.

  18. #343

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Wow must have had the work experience boy doing the first one. Mad how all the conspiracy theorists jumped on that being true rather than question it with their free thinking ��

    Don’t believe everything you read sheeple unless it backs up white supremacy and a **** president you want to rim.

    Quick some disingenuous racist embed a YouTube video for no one to watch.
    I could go with asphyxia as COD given the suspicious circumstances that looked like it may have been premeditated. The Minneapolis Attorney General will be personally handling the prosecution, so I am sure he won't be allowing any cover-ups to take place given his strong Democratic Party credentials.

  19. #344

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    So three different expressions of public anger. In each instance I understand from what you say the police tactics and response is the common. In two of those cases you sided with the protesters and in this instance you have come down against the protesters but they couldn't be more different apparently. Who said satire is dead!

  20. #345

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    You remember things he apparently said?!?!?

    How the **** does that work? He either said them or he didn’t.

    I’ve just read a little of the guys background and I have nothing but admiration for the guy. It’s not difficult to see why he lashes out at racism and what he perceives as injustice. The authorities and racists and I include you in the latter clearly don’t like black people behaving like he does. He should know his place.
    What Evra has said in the past is well documented.

    As regards me i think all peoples are equal.

  21. #346

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Why don't you just tell us what he said. You seem to know or you wouldn't know how bad they were? I'd be interested to know.
    "Your sisters pussy" in Spanish from the so called victim to the South American.

  22. #347
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Floyd's brother rebukes people 'messing up my community'

    Terrence Floyd, the brother of George Floyd, the Minneapolis black man who died after a police officer knelt on his neck, rebukes protest troublemakers for "messing up my community".

    1h ago

    At last voice of reason , but man after such a personal tragedy

  23. #348

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    "Your sisters pussy" in Spanish from the so called victim to the South American.
    Was it a special breed or a felis silvestris catus?

  24. #349

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Wow, a 7pm curfew with the military on the streets in Washington DC, and elsewhere.

  25. #350

    Re: Justice for George Floyd petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Wow, a 7pm curfew with the military on the streets in Washington DC, and elsewhere.
    Putin will be pleased.

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