Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
But lots of other people were saying "fcuk it" anyway. The Scottish health minister, 2 senior members of Manchester council, the top architect of the covid defence, and MP visiting her married lover and many others probably.
Now it occurs to me that it is not only people in public office doing this, it is also lots of ordinary people, it is just that the media look for them.
Even the guy who reported Cummins broke the rules himself.
Lots of people were doing it and are doing it, with or without any influence by these people. The average person doesn't need any excuse to do what suits him or her.
How many of those you mentioned resigned, stepped down or were sacked ?

Cummings is still in position, if people in power, that have influence and make the rules then disregard those rules then the public are more likely to disregard the rules themselves, that is why it should be a resigning matter/ sack job for high flyers but not for Cummings so it seems.