Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
I understand about healthcare devolution.

I also understand that the UK government has, somewhat unsurprisingly, been central and pivotal to the policies that have been implemented throughout the UK to tackle Covid-19. I understand that the public in Wales and throughout the rest of the UK have been guided as much by the UK government in Westminster as they have by the devolved administrations, regardless of where in the UK they live. It is why a daily UK government briefing hosted by either the UK Prime Minister or another high-ranking UK government cabinet minister has been beamed live into our homes every day since the middle of March. It's why the UK Prime Minister sent every household in the UK a letter and a leaflet outlining the UK Government's pandemic guidance. It's why the UK Prime Minister has made several televised addresses to the whole of the UK during the pandemic and it's why an important news conference involving the UK Prime Minister's controversial top advisor was beamed live into homes throughout the UK.

You don't seem to understand those things at all.
I understand all of the above and not disputing any of it. If Wales government wants to work in tandem with Westminster or any other home country, allow letters, and other communication to take place in a unified approach such co-operation is to be applauded. So UK Gov is very influential but not directly responsible for the health of the people of Wales.