a) The Gilet Jaune protests were very well covered, please see this link as a breakdown of just some of the times they were featured in reports, with links to clips
b) As you've said, the Black Lives Matter protests have been going on for 5 days, if you think they'll still be getting the same amount of coverage as they are now if they're still going on in a month then you've got a very poor understanding of how news cycles work, especially when it comes to things that happen outside of this country. Add to that they're mostly happening in the country we're culturally closest to and it doesn't really take anyone who's not a complete idiot to understand why it's leading the news at the moment.
c) I'll tell you what is strange "innit", you've literally made something up - "virtually no TV coverage" - just so you can be negative about the BLM protests. But rather than saying that you don't like seeing those black people protest because you know that's not really a good look for you, you've tried to be clever and gone "yeah but what about this, isn't that interesting, I wonder why that is hmmm ehhhh?."
d) Don't ever try to be clever again, it's gone awfully for you.