Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
I bet you have been trying to word your post as best as you can,lol, if you don't know categorically that it's race related it's probably best you do not suggest it is.
But trampie, he (and, you know, quite a lot of others going by the reaction all around the US and the world) are basing their suggestions that it's race related on the consistent ill treatment and murder of black people by the police over decades. There's a very clear pattern which people are finally waking up to, to the extent that lawmakers in Minneapolis where it happened have actually voted to disband the police.

There's stats upon stats, cases upon cases to back it up, whereas what you've got is an incident in Ireland that Karen from Dublin and John from Wexford have shouted WHITE LIVES MATTER at on Twitter, and you've tried to shoehorn that into a debate on the Black Lives Matter movement and you've made yourself look a bit silly.